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WTF are guys thinking?


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OK girls, here is a question for you.

Is an unknown guy grabbing your ass ever a good thing?

Or guys, has grabbing someone’s ass ever worked as a hook up for you?

I mean really. I have had two horrible situations started by some asshole grabbing the ass of one of the girls I have been with. Both times the whole night was ruined (along with my new shirt one of the times)

I guess I’m at a total loss to even understand why the fuck someone would do such a thing. It’s not sexy, its not clever, its just fucking stupid. Where the hell did it start?

And another question for you ladies, if something like that happened to you with your boyfriend, would you expect him to say something? Stick up for you? Or would you prefer to handle it yourself?

And boys, if it was your girl or even a girl friend, what do you do?

BTW one of the times I got in the only bar fight I’ve ever been in, and the girl thought I was prince fucking charming. The other time, we just exchanged words, and the girl thought I was just a fucking neanderthal who treated women like possessions (and we weren’t even dating!) that represented my honor.

To me, it wasn’t even (much) about the women at all. It was just telling someone I didn’t like their actions, like if they were pissing on the dance floor.

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I feel your pain on this one...I am one who could never even think of doing this to a girl just out of common respect. So I completely object to the behavior and find it disgusting. Furthermore, anyone who does this and any girl who likes it belong together in their own pond of scum.

In regards to incidents, I have had a few. It is an extremely bad position to be in as a guy. I personally feel that if I am with my girlfriend it IS my job to make sure that she is ok at all times. I don't care if guys speak to her in a respectful manner, even if they try to pick her up while I am at the bathroom or something. If she hasnt gotten rid of them by the time I return, they usually flee with a simple nod. But I have to draw the line at any physical contact. They always do it because they think the girl is alone or dont see you. This is where things get ugly. I hate to fight, but at that point I usually do everything in the book except touch the motherfucker to start it. The point here is to make him feel like the fuckin scumbag puss that he is. If he touches me, its on. If it happens, it happens, but usually there are so many other people involved by this point that it is impossible to really get anything done.

Then your night gets ruined because you are totally fucking pissed. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens at certain places more than others....SPACE is ass grab city. Even if you are a guy you arent safe......nasty. Anyhoos it sucks when it happens and I sympathize.

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I've been quite fortunate to not have my ass grabbed at a club, but if it were to happen, ofcourse I'de be pissed and want to smack the person who did it, but being in a dark room where you're surrounded by so many people it would be very difficult to determine just who did the grabbing.

If I were with my bf I would hope that no one tried to grab my ass, and if they did, I'de want to sort that person out and wouldn't mind my bf intimidating the asshole.

Shroomy, by defending a girl shows how you're a gentleman and show respect towards a lady. Then again that's my opinion, cos some girls just might think you're picking a fight to look macho. I think your actions were justified considering the situation and hopefully those guys you beat up learned a thing or two.

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Another thing......try not to let it keep bothering you once the whole incident has come and gone during that night. Either you drop it or go elsewhere. I have found myself stalking people in a blind rage only to make matters worse in the end by getting "bounced" out of the club for fighting or almost going to jail. Its hard but some times you have to let it go for everyone's good. fuck 'em.

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I have had to come to the rescue of women; on two occasions at space. it’s utter bullsh*t, that some people; have no social skills. if you want to meet somebody, one should try talking to them; instead of acting like complete idiots. people don’t go to clubs, and bars to be abused. I can’t imagine anyone, excepting this type of behavior.

laterz, sobeton

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It's happened to me AT SPACE ONLY and it's a BAD EXPERIENCE, believe me. I don't see how anyone would find it amusing, I don't get it. :mad: I've never found purposely annoying someone to be gratifying (unless I REALLY have it out for that person). :finger:

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Not only girls can complain about this, I have a complaint too!!! Just as you girls get pissed off, so do I. It's absolute horseshit when a fag grabs my ass, or grabs my cock, or starts to try to massage my shoulders. LEAVE ME ALONE......I feel your pain!!!!!!!

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I would never touch a girl, unless she made it quite clear to me that she WANTED me touched......I don't know, maybe I am too old-fashioned for today's aggressive world, but that's what I was taught. I really don't even feel comfortable with the hug-and-kiss greeting ritual that everyone else in this town carries on with. Different cultures, I guess. But the ass-grabbing, I'm sure most decent men of ANY culture would agree that it's not a respectful thing to do. That being said, I've observed guys trying the "grope" method of meeting girls, and you know what? It actually WORKS at times. I honestly think that a *lot* of South Florida women actually LIKE the aggressive, sleazy type. I am pretty much living proof of this, these guys date a whole hell of a lot more than I do. Being quiet and respectful never gets me *anywhere* with the ladies. At least not in this town. I definitely consider myself a shy guy, and being shy is like a cardinal sin in this town. You just can't compete with all these guys who are trying to act like loudmouthed obnoxious rich playboys.

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Originally posted by johnny13

Not only girls can complain about this, I have a complaint too!!! Just as you girls get pissed off, so do I. It's absolute horseshit when a fag grabs my ass, or grabs my cock, or starts to try to massage my shoulders. LEAVE ME ALONE......I feel your pain!!!!!!!

I've never had a problem with this. Gay guys LOOK at me all the time (far more than girls look at me, unfortunately), but I really don't mind when they do - hey, it's flattering to be noticed and considered attractive by *someone*, even if the someone is not of the preferred gender. I've never had my ass grabbed by another guy, though.

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I think it's very rude.....Why would I like a strange guy I don't know to grab my ass??? Say hi, walk up and try to start a conversation, but please don't man handle me....Yuck.

Sorry to hear about your skirt, hope the stain comes out.

My best friend gets hit on all the time by guys. At first he didn't really care, but now he gets very annoyed.

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I think one of the crappiest things about certain guys - some of them seem very capable of (and fine with) turning another person into a sex object, or any kind of object - something girls don't seem to do as much of (how many girls beat up people in elementary school?). That fits with the whole ass-grabbing thing; why would the guy care about the person's response, when they're only some object of amusement/pleasure for the guy? I think it's all either power or genes - either the guy wants the power that comes from turning some other living breathing person into a piece of meat, or his DNA is screaming at him to procreate with as many different women in as short a time as possible, and he decides to forget about consequences and just reach for the damn ass. I'm not saying girls are angels - they've got their own crap - but this is definitely a guy thing.

If it was my girlfriend, I'd sit back and relax; she knows some aikido. Don't know if she'd go ballistic, though - would probably just shrug her shoulders and walk away.

And patrickl - maybe the reason the scumbags get more action despite their tactics is that they simply do it more often??? If a guy succeeds with the old ass-grab 1 time out of every 50 attempts, but he grabs 100 asses a day, he'll probably get better results than me and my pitiful nice-boy conversational skills. :-)

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Originally posted by patrickl

I've never had my ass grabbed by another guy, though.

Don't feel bad patrick, johnny13 only gets that sort of attention because of his blatant "I just came out of the closet" look.

Plus, if you grab first, and they grab back, it doesnt really count

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Originally posted by shroomy

Don't feel bad patrick, johnny13 only gets that sort of attention because of his blatant "I just came out of the closet" look.

Plus, if you grab first, and they grab back, it doesnt really count

Haha - thanks a lot, man <g> I feel a little better now

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Originally posted by wadingheron22

And patrickl - maybe the reason the scumbags get more action despite their tactics is that they simply do it more often??? If a guy succeeds with the old ass-grab 1 time out of every 50 attempts, but he grabs 100 asses a day, he'll probably get better results than me and my pitiful nice-boy conversational skills. :-)

Good point. I'm not exactly Mr. Persistence, nor do I really go out to clubs that often anyway. I guess before I can complain, I should actually go out and try. hehe

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