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Yet another MUG dilema..(need ex-gf relationship advise!) off topic~

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Originally posted by snoozi8

If you're not going to be in a committed relationship fine....just have fun.....but don't get into a relationship and hold back...it really sux for us nice girls :)

I only met you one night but I got the vibe you were a real sweetie :)

(don't give anyone the satisfaction that they changed you for the worse)

Hey Snoozi!! What's going on girl?

MUGZ - go ahead and be careful, and question opening up and all, so that you aren't leaving yourself overly exposed. That's cool, and its human nature, and everyone does that as they get older anyway.

BUT!!!! We all know that you aren't really a bitter, cold person and i can't imagine you being able to pull off a half way relationship with someone you really like alot. Let things grow in their own time.

Unfortunately, i think that these two things are true, and actually good in that they make us stronger and better at understand ourselves, others and how we relate:

- what doesn't kill us makes us stronger

- life is pain (without the pain, you never learn consequence and therefore never really appreciate the good things either)

Just the toughts of a battle scarred veteran....

OH, and fuck yeah, if it had been your best friend you could have called in the posse and we would've gone hunting for trophies together.

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Just take things very slow the next time, don't open up completely until you feel comfortable with the right person. I have moved on from my experience...but I went very slowly so not to get hurt again. Slow is sometimes good in these types of situations. And remember to keep an open mind about a new relationship...this new person is not your ex and they shouldn't be penialized for what has been done in the past. This is hard to do, but if you don't you will only push this person farther away and possibly lose the best person in your life.

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Beautifull words LM..


Barvybe: I hear ya~

Nice to know I have a "pose" looking out for me..


Yup, I'll try and be open to new relationships though I doubt if I'll ever stop being suspiciouse..

snoozie: When..and where did we meet?

(thanks for thinking I was nice though..I'm sure as soon as I remember you I'll agree the same for you)

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Originally posted by mugwump

Beautifull words LM..


Barvybe: I hear ya~

Nice to know I have a "pose" looking out for me..


Yup, I'll try and be open to new relationships though I doubt if I'll ever stop being suspiciouse..

snoozie: When..and where did we meet?

(thanks for thinking I was nice though..I'm sure as soon as I remember you I'll agree the same for you)

lol - u saying that i'm a poser? hehe.

snoozi8 just logged out so i'll speak for her - SHE WAS THE ONLY OTHER PERSON TO SHOW UP AT ROXY FOR BOND!!! was hanging out with you when i came by. we went to vinyl after u took off....cool girl :)

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Originally posted by barvybe

lol - u saying that i'm a poser? hehe.

snoozi8 just logged out so i'll speak for her - SHE WAS THE ONLY OTHER PERSON TO SHOW UP AT ROXY FOR BOND!!! was hanging out with you when i came by. we went to vinyl after u took off....cool girl :)


that's right!

she was a cutie pie!

Really nice gal..

We should all hang out again!

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I missed you guys last weekend :) I hope I get to see you this weekend..........even though it wasn't as big of a turnout for Roxy I had a wonderful time :) It's time to put more smiles on those faces!! (I did not mean that in a crude way hehe)

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That situation sucks, but you can look at it this way, better to find out now than never. Don't look at this as a waste of your time but as and experience, keep it in your brain file for the next time you get seriously involved with someone. I understand how you feel, I dated someone for about 6 years and after it was over I looked around and was like, great now WTF do I do. For a while I felt as though what the hell was I thinking I wasted my time, now after 2 years of thinking about it, and 1 year of being totally over it I look at it as an experience that I learned from, and unforturnately my phil. from that point on was "never let yourself get too deep" but thats a pessimistic view, you really should open yourself to new things (with caution) and that is the rule I live by now. As far as her sleeping with your friend because she was bored or any other reason thats alot of bullshit, if she was bored she could of found anyone why did she have to find your friend, that right there is unforgivable behavior. She could have at least found someone else, I mean there are a million men out there. I make it a rule fo thumb never to even look at any of my friends b-friends, and so far its worked for me, through all the DRAMA I can say at least I never did that to any of my friends. I figure that I am good enough to find my own man, so why waste your time with LEFTOVERS which is exactly what your shithead friend did. SO you can take solace in the fact when you see them a few days,months,years, from now and their broken up because she was sleeping with his roomate. You seem like a really caring and giving person. If you let someone take advantage of you..... known fact they'll see how far then can push you and how much they can take, thats when you need to step back and say fuck you, cause in the end your're your own best friend. Someone with your admirable qualities will one day find someone worthy enough to receive them......until then keep your head up!!!


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Hello everyone, I am usually in the music section but I drop by the NYC section from time to time, and since this is a public forum I shall give my $.02 on this issue.

first off what is it with this bullcrap I am hearing , you are a better man for doing this , you are a better man for doing that. F*&^ that, whoop his ass, and then woop her ass.

the bigest bullshit I have heard thus far is , how you want to be friends with these people. I am going nuts, reading these posts.

Obcourse we have all been through something like this in our lives.

I know I have, and HOnestly there is only one solution for these types of situations, if not acted apon in this manner you could be thinking about this and what these people have done to you for the rest of your life.

the solution is

Retrebution and Vengence.

thats right, you will feel a whole lot better when you releive yourself of these feeling of hurt and pain.

Ok , it may be a little too much to physically hurt these individuals.

but a nice thick, nasty loogie, in the face wouldnt hurt.

do this , next time you get really sick, and you are congested.

call you ex-girl tell her you need to talk to her. when you see

her tell her you thought about what she did and that you are ready to releive yourself of all these feelings. Then take a deep breath cough up any flem you have in your lungs and SPIT in her face.

then do the same to your best friend.

thats what I did, and I feel a whole lot better once I did that, now I am proud to tell anyone that my girl cheated on me.

Hope this helps.


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Originally posted by mane

Hello everyone, I am usually in the music section but I drop by the NYC section from time to time, and since this is a public forum I shall give my $.02 on this issue.

first off what is it with this bullcrap I am hearing , you are a better man for doing this , you are a better man for doing that. F*&^ that, whoop his ass, and then woop her ass.

the bigest bullshit I have heard thus far is , how you want to be friends with these people. I am going nuts, reading these posts.

Obcourse we have all been through something like this in our lives.

I know I have, and HOnestly there is only one solution for these types of situations, if not acted apon in this manner you could be thinking about this and what these people have done to you for the rest of your life.

the solution is

Retrebution and Vengence.

thats right, you will feel a whole lot better when you releive yourself of these feeling of hurt and pain.

Ok , it may be a little too much to physically hurt these individuals.

but a nice thick, nasty loogie, in the face wouldnt hurt.

do this , next time you get really sick, and you are congested.

call you ex-girl tell her you need to talk to her. when you see

her tell her you thought about what she did and that you are ready to releive yourself of all these feelings. Then take a deep breath cough up any flem you have in your lungs and SPIT in her face.

then do the same to your best friend.

thats what I did, and I feel a whole lot better once I did that, now I am proud to tell anyone that my girl cheated on me.

Hope this helps.



:blank: :blank: :blank:

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