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Should "e" Be Legal


51 members have voted


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Drug use of any kind should be a public health issue, not a criminal issue. Criminalization creates a gigantic illegal industry and makes crimnals out of regular americans for a completely private action. Make drugs legal, take the money we spend fighting the "war on drugs" and use it for regulation and education.

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Originally posted by highmay

i hear you guys..but the fact is that its a drug..and addictive drugs like that KILL

First off, E is niether addictive nor deadly.

But to answer your point. Drugs may kill, but they don't kill other people. They kill the person who uses them. Why are we jailing people for hurting themselves, what good does that do. And as far as the drug trade. There is not a person in this country who can't get drugs when they want them. All legalization does is put sick people in prison and give a multibillion dollar industry to criminals.

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Originally posted by scoob-e

if you made E legal you would have 13 year olds dropping pill after pill. do you want to see YOUR little brother or sister in 7th grade tripping all the time? come on now...

13 year olds are dropping pills right now, its alot easier to keep drugs out of the hands of children when you can control the suppliers.

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E shouldn't be legal. Don't get me wrong, an informed adult that uses E in moderation is fine with me. But it's the little teenie boppers that I'm worried about. I'm not really sure how it is out here, but in So. Cal I would go to big raves and see 13, 14 year olds runnig around telling me that they are rolling!! WTF!! 13 and 14... I'm not lying. These poor kids brains are going to be mush before the're even developed. if it were legal, that would just be the government telling everyone that e was "OK" Like I said, Moderate use among informed adults is cool. But if the government said it was "OK" the teenie boppers would think E wasn't dangerous. And I don't care what anyone says e CAN (not allways) be dangerous.

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Originally posted by banman

E shouldn't be legal. Don't get me wrong, an informed adult that uses E in moderation is fine with me. But it's the little teenie boppers that I'm worried about. I'm not really sure how it is out here, but in So. Cal I would go to big raves and see 13, 14 year olds runnig around telling me that they are rolling!! WTF!! 13 and 14... I'm not lying. These poor kids brains are going to be mush before the're even developed. if it were legal, that would just be the government telling everyone that e was "OK" Like I said, Moderate use among informed adults is cool. But if the government said it was "OK" the teenie boppers would think E wasn't dangerous. And I don't care what anyone says e CAN (not allways) be dangerous.

Listen to yourself.

-I don't want E to be legal so kids won't use it.

-I see kids using it.

If they are already doing it, what do you think is gonna happen. Clearly making it illegal hasn't stopped kids from doing E. Don't you think there might be a better solution out there.

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Yes... there's a much better solution. It's called EDUCATION. The government should send more time and money on schools and education than on putting poeple in jail. But I still feel that if the government condoned the use of E young people would get the impression that it was harmless. and nothing is further from the truth.

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E should not be legal!!! Because:

1. It causes permanent brain damage.

2. It is not a soft drug like dope! YES IT DOES KILL! If you take too much or the wrong stuff.

3. It would not even work with the considerate people in Europe (Holland etc etc)!

Why do so many people think it is not addictive. It is. Because at some stage you are unable to feel happy without E anymore. You fall into a depression and your way out is E. How about that for a vicious circle of addicton.

But I definately think the possession of up to 3 pills sould be decrimilazided, as that can be considered personal use.

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Originally posted by nightgroover

E should not be legal!!! Because:

1. It causes permanent brain damage.

2. It is not a soft drug like dope! YES IT DOES KILL! If you take too much or the wrong stuff.

3. It would not even work with the considerate people in Europe (Holland etc etc)!

Why do so many people think it is not addictive. It is. Because at some stage you are unable to feel happy without E anymore. You fall into a depression and your way out is E. How about that for a vicious circle of addicton.

But I definately think the possession of up to 3 pills sould be decrimilazided, as that can be considered personal use.

What you discribe is not addiction like nicotine, its a different kind. Your are also overdoing the e depression thing, it is hardly that bad.

1. Thats not exactly been proven.

2. Soft is a judgement call. And no, e doesn't kill, stuff sold as e kills. And the best way to stop that is regulation.

3. People are people.

And after all that, can you answer me the question of why we should put people in prison for hurting themselves?

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no...people act stupid enough as it is with it being illegal...couldnt deal with that many more irresponsible little crackheads running around...and think, would you want some 16 yr old kid who just got his license driving and rolling on the same road that you're on?...

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Originally posted by rld2g

no...people act stupid enough as it is with it being illegal...couldnt deal with that many more irresponsible little crackheads running around...and think, would you want some 16 yr old kid who just got his license driving and rolling on the same road that you're on?...

And whats to stop him from doing it now?

People act as if no one does drugs when they are illegal.

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Well, one thing that is probably limiting little teenie boppers from regularly using E , is that it's not available at every convienience store or a deli because it is illegal!

By making it legal, it would sort of end up like alcohol or smokes.

A lot of kids these days are still afraid of doing E because of the legal issue. Also you actually have to know a dealer that sells E, not saying that its hard but it limits the access to E, because not every kid is into the club/rave scene and knows dealers.

There are probably more reasons which prevents a lot of kids and adults from using E but I just woke up and cant focus my brain on anything right now.


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i just read everyones post and whoever said it shouldnt be legal are totaly contradicting yourselves....please reread what you wrote and then maybe you will see what im talking about.......etc is the easiest drug to get...i bet anyone can make 2 calls and have it deliverd to there house thus increasing the chance of it getting into the hands of someone younger........legalizing would decrease the number of deaths, end the organized drug trade thus saving police officers lives when they go and do a bust casue most of the time a gun fight breaks out and make it safer for people to use........pure mdma is not that bad for you in moderation.......all the other shit mixed in with the mdma is worse for you...........think about that

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If alcohol is legal why not extasy! Alcohol kills more people every year than any other drug! Well im no too sure about the stats but you get the point. Every drug destroys some part of your body>Drugs are never gonna be wiped out, there alwayz gonna come in to the U.S. somehow::..So why not make it legal an educate people about it!


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Originally posted by fossor

Ah you seem to have missed the word REGULATION.

cool...think about the two (most popular) legal drugs that we have right now in this county alcohol and nicotine(cigarettes are a drug)...look at how many people abuse them because of how readily accessible they are...now both of these drugs are regulated but there are how many thousands of deaths/social ills that stem from peoples abuse of these substances every year...now think about if you put even more drugs into the foray...it just increases the probability of problems...even though education is everyone's sure fire drug arguement...education doesnt solve all of the problems associated...individuals still make decisions on their own...if education was the complete answer everyone here wouldve gotten 4.0's throughout their lives...never try and look at these things in a vacuum based on the way that you feel about a particular issue...look at the pros and cons of making a substance such as ecstacy legal...you'll have your answer once you do that...most people dont have enough control to govern themselves...thats why they need to be governed...i cant even believe i'm honoring this thread with a half assed response such as this one, just because it doesnt even merit one...:) ...not being a dick at all...just think people should be more responsible and mature

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Originally posted by rld2g

cool...think about the two (most popular) legal drugs that we have right now in this county alcohol and nicotine(cigarettes are a drug)...look at how many people abuse them because of how readily accessible they are...now both of these drugs are regulated but there are how many thousands of deaths/social ills that stem from peoples abuse of these substances every year...now think about if you put even more drugs into the foray...it just increases the probability of problems...even though education is everyone's sure fire drug arguement...education doesnt solve all of the problems associated...individuals still make decisions on their own...if education was the complete answer everyone here wouldve gotten 4.0's throughout their lives...never try and look at these things in a vacuum based on the way that you feel about a particular issue...look at the pros and cons of making a substance such as ecstacy legal...you'll have your answer once you do that...most people dont have enough control to govern themselves...thats why they need to be governed...i cant even believe i'm honoring this thread with a half assed response such as this one, just because it doesnt even merit one...:) ...not being a dick at all...just think people should be more responsible and mature

Clearly the dosage of E would require a different regulation than that of alchohol and ciggerettes, so they are hardly a good example.

Don't give me a lecture about looking at sides of an issue, when the only side you are looking at is that drugs are bad for you so they should be illegal. YOu need ot look at other factors most of which I have all ready mentioed and you have convienently not noticed.

just don't say "you need to look at all the angles" and then feed me an argument out of an after school special

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