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Mr Tsettos thanks for the trip to lala land

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Well as you promised me at the begining of the night, that was a party. First time for me at the closing party was always working at Bermuda the last weekend of summer. Thanks for a great summer Denny. Too bad about the BS at the end of the night.

SWEET DREAMS SUMMER OF 2001!!! See you all next year!

Thanks to everyone who hung at my bar all summer< clubangel, spygirl, tempkid, saleen, laurie, cgm, cbm1975,carbone, emitt, whaTABOUTME, cosmicgate, and the rare appearences by eviljav!!!!!

Tempkid I will poudly share the MVP title w/ you...king and queen drinkers.

how did you and tempkid like after hours at spicy's last night?

whataboutme there was serious issuezs w/ you peeps on sunday---outofcontrol you guys were!!!!!

emmit/cigs had a blast w/ you guys this weekend wish we met back in may.

I can't believe I ran out of blackhaus at my bar sunday night!!!!

Well peace out everyone had a blast w/ you all

I'll be at XS all winter...TEO T every Sat

I don't want to stand still


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Ceeotter I'm honered to share MVP with you.

Nice meeting all the crazy people I met this summer.

JBR it was fun hanging with you at Tempts

Danny was great this weekend. The hip hop was sick!J/K I love the mix he did sunday with "able to love" and "I want to dance with somebody" His I had a dream speech will go up there with Martin Luther Kings I had a dream speech.

The cops in seaside suck. They should worry more about real crime and not about a dj spinning a couple minutes past closing time. Afterall it's close for the next 8 months. Those fucking JABRONIES.

Saturday I got hammered. I was out of control. I think I fell flat on my ass by the stage and I don't remember why but like 6 kids wanted to jump me.

Sunday I just got fucked up and just enjoyed the music.

I'm sorry I didn't drink with you guys at Spicy's but once Tempts closed for the summer so did I. I'm taking the next couple of weeks off then back to NYC.

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Originally posted by tempkid

Ceeotter I'm honered to share MVP with you.

Nice meeting all the crazy people I met this summer.

JBR it was fun hanging with you at Tempts

Danny was great this weekend. The hip hop was sick!J/K I love the mix he did sunday with "able to love" and "I want to dance with somebody"

The cops in seaside suck. They should worry more about real crime and not about a dj spinning a couple minutes past closing time. Afterall it's close for the next 8 months. Those fucking JABRONIES.

Saturday I got hammered. I was out of control. I think I fell flat on my ass by the stage and I don't remember why but like 6 kids wanted to jump me.

Sunday I just got fucked up and just enjoyed the music.

I'm sorry I didn't drink with you guys at Spicy's but once Tempts closed for the summer so did I. I'm taking the next couple of weeks off then back to NYC.

Oh shit I just remembered you coming up to me in the middle of the night and telling me you fell on the stage lol!

Hip hop WAS sick:laugh:

Saturday night do you remember coming up to my bar and showing me the 2 "friends" you had in your hand???? Ya know ya swore you were sharing and never came back! Carbone was a mess last night. I think he had a great time! Love the music last night--my love is you love/share the love/sweet dreams at the end was a great choice and strut once it was all over great summer. You name the place in NYC and me and cosmic and jbe will meet you. as for me you may have shut down but there is ONE MORE NIGHT AT TEMPS .....tonight and I am leaving in a couple of hours. It's the bartenders turn tonight! Meeting Ace and a few others. Teo is spinning. One more hurah for summer


Later my king :) :) :) :)

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Well kids, the summer is all over:cry: :cry:

I had an AWESOME time!!!!! I started my weekend out by hitting XS on Friday. Way crowded, but fun none the less. Manny was doing nothing less than the best. Saturday and Sunday it was back to Temps and XS. Denny and Teo were off the hook. I think it is illegal to have that much fun in one weekend:D

Ceeotter - You are the bomb!!!!!!!

Tempkid - Yeah, I'm a dumb ass.....

Carbone - It's all good, fun is trouble

JBR - Thanks for the shots

cmb1975 - Directions are the key

Laurie - Glad to see you made it out

ClubAngel - It's all about Budd Man

Emmit - Happy Birthday!!!!! Play nice

Lauren- Nice to finally meet you

Cigs- It's tough being an animal

EvilJav- Spin what???

Joe - What are we going to do now???

Cosmicgate - It's all about the talk

Joel - Nobody throws a better party

Shane - Thank you

So much for short and sweet. Hope I didn't forget anyone, Thanks to all those people who contributed to my summer of fun.

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Sunday night at Tempts was insane, WTF this WHOLE weekend was insane. THe best part was cleaning up our competley trashed house - NOT. I am very sad to see summer end:( .... I miss is already and its only been hours.

Roomies - Just because summer's over doesn't mean we aren't going to the island of your mangled mom everyweekend. I MEAAAAAAANNNNN...

To those who I met this weekend... nice to meet u!

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It definitely was a great summer!!! Sunday was just one incredible night!!! Great to meet so many people from the board this summer!!! Tempkid, Carbone, Ceotter, Goodfella, Angeluv, Clubangel, Spygirl, Laurie619 and anyone else I may have forgotten, See you all soon!!!

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INSANITY!!!! I met so many of you guys FINALLY! Emmitt, Cigs, EvilJav LOVE THE HOUSE!!!! Happy B-day Emmitt! Spygirl, Clubangel, Cosmigate, Temptkid, Silveo and especially CEEOTTER....you all RAWK!!!!!

I had the freakin time of my life on saturday and especially sunday....OUT OF GOD DAMN CONTROL!!!!

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This weekend was amazing...especially Sunday! I had so much fun meeting everyone from the board and hanging out at Ceotter's bar!

Ceotter---Thanks for all the shots and the feeling is mutual...I wish I had met you back in May! Let us know when you'll be partying up north!

SpyGirl---You're crazy fun!

Cmb---Had a blast...glad you liked the house...what happened Sun. night?

Tempkid---Nice meeting you Sat...thanks for the drinks!

Cosmigate---Had a great time hanging out...very cool!

ClubAngel---Do you like Tempts by any chance?

Hope I didn't forget anyone...

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Originally posted by cigs

This weekend was amazing...especially Sunday! I had so much fun meeting everyone from the board and hanging out at Ceotter's bar!

Ceotter---Thanks for all the shots and the feeling is mutual...I wish I had met you back in May! Let us know when you'll be partying up north!

SpyGirl---You're crazy fun!

Cmb---Had a blast...glad you liked the house...what happened Sun. night?

Tempkid---Nice meeting you Sat...thanks for the drinks!

Cosmigate---Had a great time hanging out...very cool!

ClubAngel---Do you like Tempts by any chance?

Hope I didn't forget anyone...

Sorry hon...i was so cracked out I went home and passed out....Steve wanted to go home and I was gonna drop him off and come over, but i couldnt make it!!!!!!!!

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I had the absolute best time at Tempts both Saturday and Sunday..what a way to end the summer!

It was great seeing all of those who I knew and new people I met - Ceotter, Spygirl, Laurie619, cmb1975, Jarmenio, Joey Carbone, Tempkid, Eviljav, Cosmicgate, Cigs and whoever else I met...my brain isn't functioning yet today and there are many parts of the weekend that are very blurry!

Closing out the night with "Sweet Dreams" was the best...I love that song!

Oh..and some advice for everyone...NEVER stay at The Belmont hotel...my friends and I had some guests over and the lady there flipped out and called the cops on us and kicked us out! We found another room but it was a pain in the ass to have to pay more $$$!!!!

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Originally posted by clubangel

LOL..why do you say that??? I was the happiest girl there all weekend!

:) :)

When I was talking to you on Sat. and Sunday you kept saying "I love Tempts"....it was very funny!!!!

It seemed like you were having the time of your life!

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Originally posted by goodfella73823

a amazing summer once again.ceeotter sorry i didnt make it to your bar on sunday.it was greta meeting u and tempkid and jarmenio.laurie 619 nice meeting u sunday.hey what was the last song of the night.i had to leave after melanie c"i turn to u ,because i had to drive home.

Sweet Dreams was the last song

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Originally posted by ceeotter

Well as you promised me at the begining of the night, that was a party. First time for me at the closing party was always working at Bermuda the last weekend of summer. Thanks for a great summer Denny. Too bad about the BS at the end of the night.

SWEET DREAMS SUMMER OF 2001!!! See you all next year!

Thanks to everyone who hung at my bar all summer< clubangel, spygirl, tempkid, saleen, laurie, cgm, cbm1975,carbone, emitt, whaTABOUTME, cosmicgate, and the rare appearences by eviljav!!!!!

Tempkid I will poudly share the MVP title w/ you...king and queen drinkers.

how did you and tempkid like after hours at spicy's last night?

whataboutme there was serious issuezs w/ you peeps on sunday---outofcontrol you guys were!!!!!

emmit/cigs had a blast w/ you guys this weekend wish we met back in may.

I can't believe I ran out of blackhaus at my bar sunday night!!!!

Well peace out everyone had a blast w/ you all

I'll be at XS all winter...TEO T every Sat


How could you give it to Tempkid when I had 8 drinks at your bar from 10-10:40. I get no respect.

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Reading these posts are bringing tears to my eyes!!!!! Is summer REALLY over??????:( :( :( :(

Les and Lauren....I had the GREATEST time with you guys this summer...and cant wait to revist the island of MANGLEDESH soon...I mean, maybe even this weekend.... and DONT WORRY, next summer is right around the corner!

To all I met from the board: Thanks for a great summer, you are all AWESOME people and I hope that just because summer is over doesnt mean we dont meet again soon!!! SF anyone?? I mean.....

Thanks for a terrific summer!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by ceeotter

how did you and tempkid like after hours at spicy's last night?

I can't believe I ran out of blackhaus at my bar sunday night!!!!


Spicy's was chill, I'm sure that place can get nuts when there are tons of people in there

It was bound to happen one night...You can never have too much

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Originally posted by joeycarbone

Carbone you have to show up in order to participate. Sat was the playoffs. I'll give you runner up though

How could you give it to Tempkid when I had 8 drinks at your bar from 10-10:40. I get no respect.


Seriously though you, tempkid, and spygirl were my peeps ALL summer hung w/ me the whole time. I appreciate it. i look forward to hanging w/ you guys on the other side of the bar.

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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Otter i here the water there is really cold.....Any idea??? LOL(you wore it well)

Evidently it never rains in spicy's either huh???

Lucky for that a. otters like water

b. there waas dry shirt under the counter

c. no water got in my shot of blackhaus

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