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What do you think about women's fingernails? Do you like them super-long and crazy? Short and sensible? Medium length? Trimmed off? Do you like them painted or plain? What colors- bright and wild or a classy french manicure?

Just bored and curious here...

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Depends on the event... Clubbing Dark Color Medium Length, Slightly curved... Any other time work or social function Than Classy Short ( meaning just a tad shorter than medium ) french manicured, or simple tones like pearl, beige, light pink etc... for toes pretty much the same... but a hot looking small foot with dark nail polish awwwwwwshit... drives me insane in bed, love it suck it... etc. As for those tacky ass glitter nails or ones with writing,flags,or gang signs etc. got to go, thats just so nasty...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

As for those tacky ass glitter nails or ones with writing,flags,or gang signs etc. got to go, thats just so nasty...

Especially on long nasty toenails!!! GROSS.

I also like the classy short look, it looks clean as opposed to a long FAKE acrylic nail.

As for myself, I have them long and natural. First time they grow to this lenght so I'm keeping them long for awhile.

I'm getting bored with the french manicures, it's everywhere!

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Intewesting. I was curious because my guy really digs long nails, not super long, but still too long for me. I cannot keep fingernails! Mine are really weak so the only way to keep them from tearing is by applying, like, five coats of nailpolish. Some day when I have a little more cash I'll start getting regular manicures but for now I'm lucky if I can keep a little bit of white showing! :(

Besides, how on earth would I put in my contacts if I had some long-ass fingernails?

Anyway to answer my own question, I normally like short nails, barely past the fingertip. I like sheer colors the best, because unless your fingers are shaped perfectly a dark opaque shade makes them look even more bizarre. I have a really trippy shade that's like a sheer opal. I love french manicure with funky colors, instead of just white and beige.

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I would have to say that I prefer a girl's nails to be a little long, but not too long. I don't care for fake nails at all (just my opinion), and something about red nail polish (or lipstick), I just don't dig it. I'm actually really not too picky about stuff like that, but if they are not longer than mine, then there's a problem.

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I have long nails that drive my guy nuts, except if I scratch too hard. I try not to. It looked like a cat got his back and sides :tongue: He wasn't bothered until after and his mom asked what happened to his back...:laugh: Everyone always ask how I type, put my contacts in, etc.. etc., etc....same as anybody else. Usually they are painted tastefully, every once ina while I like a crazy design if it's holiday or I am going some where special.

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For a girl I like medium nails. I guess about a 1/4 inch past the finger tip. A french manicure is nice, but in the summer, a nice light pink is nice, and it's gotta match the toes, especially if you wear open toed shoes. Otherwise I think darker colors or earthy tones are good.

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Originally posted by sum12nv

im lucky...my natural nails grow evenly and strong so i dont ever have to get tips/acrylic. i HAVE to have the white part of the nail showing too, cant stand if they are too short

me too! but working as a cosmetologist((to be!))..i get a lot of dark hair dye on my hands~~>which stains my nails....so i have to keep a dark polish on to cover it!! lately i am really into the deep dark shiny reds!!!!but my toes MUST match!! nothing worse then mismatched polish! yuck!:yuck: i am a fan of very natural too though and a french is always nice...just not practical for me!

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