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Is Everyone Happy With Their Life???


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you are NOT alone.....im sure most of the people on this board are at some sort of crossroad right now....

me personally.....i dont know what i wanna do with myself career-wise and i AGAIN am missing a semester of school due to my laziness in filling out FAFSA forms (financial aid)

at least my love life is fabulous :D

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Originally posted by sum12nv

you are NOT alone.....im sure most of the people on this board are at some sort of crossroad right now....

me personally.....i dont know what i wanna do with myself career-wise and i AGAIN am missing a semester of school due to my laziness in filling out FAFSA forms (financial aid)

UGHHH omg me too.....i feel like such a loser, everyones going to school and i feel like all i'm doing is wasting time bc im so fucking lazy.....i dont know WHAT the hell do with myself:(

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

Am I the only one that wakes up every day and feels like something is missing? Am I the only one who doesn't know what I want in life? I know I'm probably not, but sometimes I feel that way.

Sorry guys, it's just one of those days.:confused:

Yeah that summarizes my week in general...

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my friend called me from campus yesterday asking if i was coming back this semester.......i said no, felt like such a loser and almost started crying.......i have SERIOUS post-labor day weekend depression (i was in vegas :cool: ) .....i should've stayed there to avoid my reality

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I just realized that I filed for financial aid too late for last semester and have to pay the bill in order to attend this semester. Which already started and I have an open balance of $800. At least you were able to to Vegas this wknd, I was broke after paying half of that bill.

In other words no school for me this semester. Now I don't know anymore when I'll graduate.

I need a drink now.

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I think everybody feels like something is missing every once in a while. I guess you see what other peole have, and sometimes you want it. I like to look on the bright side, I have awesome friends and and a great family to lean on, IF I need some support. I know I'd be lost with out them. I also depend on myself, cuz I am really the only person who can make myself happy. That's my 2 cents:D

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I hear you SPYGIRL2...friends and family are the most important thing by far. The grass is always greener on the other side, believe me. For me...I have a master's degree and to be honest I'm still not %100 happy with my career in sales.

If I could drop everything today I'd be an actor, but to move to NY or LA without knowing anyone is downright scary.

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There something missing in all of us... thats why we keep going to find out what it is or to obtain it... Wether it be a person, place or thing... thats what keeps us striving. If nothing would be missing or if you had everything the world would come to a stand still and then we would all die off and thats it. there would be no reason to work play or even date because we would be content withwhat we have. IMO I missing a lot of shit in my life. But I try to look at what I have not what I dont have and that makes things a lot easier...

( even though from time to time i get my post partying depression and I watch shitty sad movies, and listen to depressing songs, and think about the past. but you gotta say fuck it, dont look back...)


Make the best of what you got Until then Best Of Luck to all of you and I hope you all find exactly what is missing soon...

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agree and disagree... the past is what makes you... future is what breaks you... every past event is what make you or turned you to the person you are... future... choose your roads wisely... if not.. you will break into tears... i sure choose many wrong paths... but i alway try to detour out of there.. back to the main road...

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Am I happy? Let's see- I'm in a miserable relationship and I have no idea how much longer it will last, I'm moving in 26 days, probably back to my Mom's which means $180 a month blown on the LIRR and an hour and a half commute each way, I'm probably going to lose my rent deposit, might have to leave my kitty, for the next four weeks my job will be hell, and after that I have to motivate and start looking for a new job.

No I'm not especially happy right now.

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Who is really happy with there life... no one. I am not. Most of you don't sound like you are... let me tell you what life is. It's a serious of problems tied together with bits and pieces of happiness. Those little nuggets of fun are the oly thing that motivates us to the next shitty day.

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I am TOTALLYY not happy rite now!!!!

OK lets see....hmmmmmm.....first of all my boyfriend just went away to college last week in connecticut, im goin to school for something that i dont even wanna do, 2nd semester i missed so much work from just not goin to class that i may not graduate they might keep me another semester, when asked what i wanna do with my life i have no fucking clue, im 21 years old and still living with my parents which isnt that bad but still, i feel like everyone's moving ahead with their lives but me, Tunnel got shut down which was like my home, car's gotta get fixed, dont have a good paying job, hmmmmmmmmmm shall i go on or u know what i think u can pretty much figure out that im a loserrrrrr omgggg wtffff


ok now im just totally depressed i think i need a therapist

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I think everybody feels like something is missing every once in a while. I guess you see what other peole have, and sometimes you want it. I like to look on the bright side, I have awesome friends and and a great family to lean on, IF I need some support. I know I'd be lost with out them. I also depend on myself, cuz I am really the only person who can make myself happy. That's my 2 cents:D

I could not agree anymore....without yourself and making yourself happy in life then how are you able to make anyone else happy....I think people are too focused with making other people happy they begint to forget about themselves.....just take it a day at a time...and then see how things work out.....:)

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Originally posted by jimk29

Who is really happy with there life... no one. I am not. Most of you don't sound like you are... let me tell you what life is. It's a serious of problems tied together with bits and pieces of happiness. Those little nuggets of fun are the oly thing that motivates us to the next shitty day.

I have to disagree with you. Yes, I am not completely satisfied with where I am in life, but I am still young enough to make mistakes and learn, but old enough to know right from wrong. Even with some of the bad things that have happened in my life, there are WAY more good. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. They are what make me who I am. :D

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

I have to disagree with you. Yes, I am not completely satisfied with where I am in life, but I am still young enough to make mistakes and learn, but old enough to know right from wrong. Even with some of the bad things that have happened in my life, there are WAY more good. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. They are what make me who I am. :D

everything uve said on this thread so far is SO tru.... i couldnt agree with u more!! :cool:
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Originally posted by linabina

everything uve said on this thread so far is SO tru.... i couldnt agree with u more!! :cool:

Thanks.....There are just some things that you have look at for what they really are worth. Of course there is always going to be petty stuff and hurt feelings, etc. etc. etc., but even in the worst case, you walk away with something of value. It's hard to always do the right thing, sometimes you just don't give a f*ck. Doing things that aren't rational is sooo part of being human:)

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