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What's the one thing...


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that can make or break the deal? What one thing about the opposite sex acts as a trump card of sorts? Assuming everything else was perfect/nasty about him/her, what could make you do a 180?

For me the ultimate deal make is the eyes. She could be a total dog, and if she has nice eyes, I'm all hers. I think fighting would be my ultimate deal breaker. I'm not into dating a "slugger"

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I don't really give a shit. As long as she doesn't have any unsightly moles, bad breath, a fat ass, huge tits, or bad hygiene overall.

I can deal with shitty personalities if the looks are good. I am never looking for relationships, so it is hardly a problem. If a girl is more than willing to partake in unprotected anal, then that is definetly a plus.

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I am extremely picky. It could be the slightest little thing and i will be turned off completely.

Example: the last guy I dated was ok in the looks department. On our first date we went to the movies and dinner(TYPICAL):zzz:

Anyway, At diner he just seemed so out of place. It's hard to explain but yeah. That scratched him out of my line of view. Also if a guy cant dance, it's a turnoff.

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however if they have terrible table manners.... chews with mouth open, grips the knife like he is about to butcher something, not putting napkin on lap, smacking when eating....... those things about send me over the edge!!!

my parents were sooooo strict on table manners.....

also large moles give me the iccckkkkkssss.....


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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


What kind of restaurant did he take you to, and how was he acting within the establishment to make him seem as if he was out of place?

Well It was a little diner on the east side. Nothing fancy, but still. He was all leaning on the table. and he didnt know what anything on the menu was(ex. chicken fingers). He asked, pretty loud, do you make burgers.

It was just kind of embarrasing.

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i usually go for the assholes anyway!! so it's not a personality thing for me LOL!!! it sounds shallow but i am big on looks...physical attraction is the first thing..I LOVE EYES!!! lips are good too!! if a guy is a complete dick but hot....well?? i am usually the dumbass that still goes for him!! :(

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Originally posted by misk

i usually go for the assholes anyway!! so it's not a personality thing for me LOL!!! it sounds shallow but i am big on looks...physical attraction is the first thing..I LOVE EYES!!! lips are good too!! if a guy is a complete dick but hot....well?? i am usually the dumbass that still goes for him!! :(

and then im the guy who gets jerk for an extra fish in the sea

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Originally posted by misk

i usually go for the assholes anyway!! so it's not a personality thing for me LOL!!! it sounds shallow but i am big on looks...physical attraction is the first thing..I LOVE EYES!!! lips are good too!! if a guy is a complete dick but hot....well?? i am usually the dumbass that still goes for him!! :(

I'm like that too. Looks, then personality.....I try to avoid the asshole, but that doesn't always happen.....:mad:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I think what hes trying to say that the Fisherwomen, usually throw him back in the sea and they try to find a bigger catch...

i think .. not sure really what he meant on that one either...

hahahaha~~thanks for the loose translation!!!!!;)

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