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Belmar Bashing

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I already posted this reply on the DJAIS closing but I feel that maybe some of you would like to read about how the cops in BELMAR are DICKS and give us some of your experences in BELMAR.

After 2 years of renting in BELMAR I have become rather disgusted of how the vacationers are hated on!!!!

As you know I've done a big boycott on DJAIS!!!! Whoever said they play the same music all the time WELL SAID!!!!!

Let me tell you all about my experiences and others and as to why I think we should all boycott BELMAR!!

1. I got my car towed about 2 weeks ago it cost me $300 to get my car back.

2. I got harassed by some dickwad beach badge patrol faggot. While my friends and I were soaking up the rays on the free beach, which if you may not know is the beach between the border of belmar and spring lake on 20th. You see my friend and I families' have real beach houses in LBI (long beach island) and we refuse to pay to go on the fake belamr beaches as opposed to the beautiful beaches of LBI. THis loser came up and made us physically move our stuff past the sign that said "No beach badges required beyond this point" What a fuckin herb, so beach badge patrol hard on if you reading this, the only reasoin you have such a hard on is because all you'll ever be your whole life is a beach badge checker!!!

3. My best friend got a speeding ticket in which she received 2 points on her liscene.... she found out what losers the cops in belmar really are

1. a kid was there for getting a $122 ticket for not having a beach badge and even better....

2. The town of great OLE BELMAR ran a sting operation on a bike driver who would drive drunk people home for free on the basis of getting a tip. They went as far as to have an UNDERCOVER COP ask for a ride home and when he didn't get a tip the kid expressed his insult, in which he was then arrested. The poor kid is just trying to drive someone home who is drunk. DO you think the town of BELMAR would promote "people not driving drunk" of course not. They would rather we get in our cars and drive home so they can give you a DUI and make more $$$$$$$ off our asses, never mind the 2 grand we pay on some shit shack slumlord owned hole in the back of a house. Also never mind the kid next door whos selling every drug in the book 2 busy arresting bike riders. So no I won't be going to DJAIS closing, and if they do knock it down I will have a DJAIS IS GONE party in my house in ortely next year. Sorry LOLLIB you know I love you, but I hate on the DJAIS!!!!!!!!

LOL to all who feel me on this!

"You must stand up to fall down"

:laugh: :laugh: :blank:

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

I already posted this reply on the DJAIS closing but I feel that maybe some of you would like to read about how the cops in BELMAR are DICKS and give us some of your experences in BELMAR.

After 2 years of renting in BELMAR I have become rather disgusted of how the vacationers are hated on!!!!

As you know I've done a big boycott on DJAIS!!!! Whoever said they play the same music all the time WELL SAID!!!!!

Let me tell you all about my experiences and others and as to why I think we should all boycott BELMAR!!

1. I got my car towed about 2 weeks ago it cost me $300 to get my car back.

2. I got harassed by some dickwad beach badge patrol faggot. While my friends and I were soaking up the rays on the free beach, which if you may not know is the beach between the border of belmar and spring lake on 20th. You see my friend and I families' have real beach houses in LBI (long beach island) and we refuse to pay to go on the fake belamr beaches as opposed to the beautiful beaches of LBI. THis loser came up and made us physically move our stuff past the sign that said "No beach badges required beyond this point" What a fuckin herb, so beach badge patrol hard on if you reading this, the only reasoin you have such a hard on is because all you'll ever be your whole life is a beach badge checker!!!

3. My best friend got a speeding ticket in which she received 2 points on her liscene.... she found out what losers the cops in belmar really are

1. a kid was there for getting a $122 ticket for not having a beach badge and even better....

2. The town of great OLE BELMAR ran a sting operation on a bike driver who would drive drunk people home for free on the basis of getting a tip. They went as far as to have an UNDERCOVER COP ask for a ride home and when he didn't get a tip the kid expressed his insult, in which he was then arrested. The poor kid is just trying to drive someone home who is drunk. DO you think the town of BELMAR would promote "people not driving drunk" of course not. They would rather we get in our cars and drive home so they can give you a DUI and make more $$$$$$$ off our asses, never mind the 2 grand we pay on some shit shack slumlord owned hole in the back of a house. Also never mind the kid next door whos selling every drug in the book 2 busy arresting bike riders. So no I won't be going to DJAIS closing, and if they do knock it down I will have a DJAIS IS GONE party in my house in ortely next year. Sorry LOLLIB you know I love you, but I hate on the DJAIS!!!!!!!!

LOL to all who feel me on this!

"You must stand up to fall down"

:laugh: :laugh: :blank:

I agree but who taught you to count, GHBOY?

1 2 3 1 2:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

By the way, they are putting walls up in BEMAR, like the ones in Sea Bright to protect from the ocean. MY MY, what a wonderful experience that will be, sun bathing on concrete!!!!!! SQUIDS!!!

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You're incredibly lucky that my overwhelming deal flow over here prevents me from tearing you a new asshole. And as for you Rocketfuel76, please discontinue talking to such trash like this guy...any member of or affiliated with THE ALLIANCE is forbidden from associating with preppy pussies like him. Back to the war room...

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Thanks johnnyblacroc. I mean really what else is in BELMAR, HEADLINERS attracts the neptune trash and they kick you out at like 1.30, and you have the infamous BAR A where you can go do the 2 step in your kahkis, and get harassed about your ID for about 2 hours before they let you in. Oh wait maybe the great trop pub, I had a bad experience there as well, I was tripping my face off on shrooms last summer and some big motorcylce chick was scaring the shit out of me, I thought she was going to beat my ass. I looked at my friend and was like lets get the hell out of here Im scared :eek:

When you think of it the only place you have is DJAIS which I;'ve almost got into several fights there cause every girl has there bitchface on!!!!! One day I told this chick to take her dance recital shirt off, we almost had to thrown down. And Im the last person to start a fight, but I must represent if I have to. At least at TEMPTS i can chat it up on the bathroom line and make new friends cause noone has a bitchface their usually too fucked up!!! :)

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I went to dj's once this summer on a thursday and witnessed some crazy shit by some rent a cop after closing.

When I saw a van pull up to offer drunk people a ride home so they don't drink a drive a cop actually made the driver of the van pull away from where people, like myself, where boarding. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, there are 8 people who now don't have to drive while drunk and this asshole cop gave this guy a ticket and points because he was not in a "loading" zone. believe that shit. not only did the driver get points and a ticket he lost out on 8 people giving him tips, and we were going to manasquan and being that i was quest and completely surprised he would have made out with at least a 10 or 15 dollar tip.

Heres a big FUCK YOU to Belmar

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I was unaware that there was a war amongst the CP'ers. I make no comments or judgements just bashing on the BELMAR we've all grown to HATE!!!!!

LOL to all of you, I guess theres gonna be a throwdown one day


Thats to be found out!!!! I love the guidos!!!! But would anyone on CP be a prep I find that hard to believe. Johnnyblacroc are you a preppy that wears khakis and does the 2 step??? I don't think you'd be hitting TEMPTS if you were????:confused:

Anyway WTF love to the ALLIANCE, I'LL represent in more ways than one!!!!! And when you meet me you'll know that!!!!

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I am sitting here at work, obviously not doing anything, and literally laughing out loud. The people on this board are too funny, especially my good friend Rocketfuel. Ok though, really, enough with the belmar bashing!!! Wherever you go at the shore, they give you shit. And as for there being a bunch of bitchfaces at Djai's, there were quit a few at Temps!!! Although Rocketfuel, I do remember that dance recital shirt. LMAO:tongue:

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Yes, you defintely want to side with the ALLIANCE. Rocketfuel can be a vicious bitch, all in good fun but thank god I am friends with her. I would try and stay on her good side- HEE HEE. I've seen her in action and when she's in full force, WATCH OUT!!!;)

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Originally posted by gropasaurus

You're incredibly lucky that my overwhelming deal flow over here prevents me from tearing you a new asshole. And as for you Rocketfuel76, please discontinue talking to such trash like this guy...any member of or affiliated with THE ALLIANCE is forbidden from associating with preppy pussies like him. Back to the war room...

Hey asshole, go mix a shake or squat a bus or something you no personality, razor stuble back freak!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Of course I give mad love to the alliance. I mean if there as big as they say they are I wouldn't want to throwdown on their asses. Nor if you were a girl I doubt you would want to throw down on me and my friends. But all of you talk to me when a crazed drug addict broke into your home and had a knife on him and you had to physically fight him off with a kitchen chair, someone you didn't even know, looking to rob you!!!! And on top of that cutting the phone wire. Now thats a throwdown I have the scars to prove it!!!! I can't believe that GROPASAURUS got mad at me, have you no love for the GUIDETTE ALLIANCE??????? :confused:

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BELMAR SUCKS!!!! This year was my second year of having a house there and although we had no problems - last year was enough to last a lifetime. At least 5 of my friends got arrested last year for the most ridiculous reasons - one of which was that my friend was thrown out of Djais and came back after the place was closed to find his friend and got thrown down to the ground and arrested for trespassing - I mean he was standing in front of the place - NO BIG DEAL! They are a bunch of COCKSUCKERS in that town...

There are so many more incidents that I can write about, but I do not have the time...

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

When you think of it the only place you have is DJAIS which I;'ve almost got into several fights there cause every girl has there bitchface on!!!!! One day I told this chick to take her dance recital shirt off, we almost had to thrown down. And Im the last person to start a fight, but I must represent if I have to. At least at TEMPTS i can chat it up on the bathroom line and make new friends cause noone has a bitchface their usually too fucked up!!! :)

If I'm not mistaken there is a weight requirement at D'Jai's and the girls there really don't like when you don't qualify. A few have seriously threatened to shove a box of twinkies down my throat before allowing me in, scarey shit! :shake:

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This past summer i got my first taste of the Belmar experience. Let's see, I had these nazi storm trooper Belmar cops, all dressed in black, stop me as I walked out of my friend's beach-house and asked me to pour out my drink. I literally took three steps on the sidewalk and these (hidden) cops jump out of the bushes, parked cars, grassy knolls, and surrounded me and made me pour out my drink. All I wanted was a little buzz before I headed to that happenin' place call the Trop Pub.

Countless friends got arrested, my friend's beach-house received 2 noise ordinance violations, and I too was harrassed by the beach badge patrol. Really, next year I'm off to the Hamptons. At least over there I can run over people in my SUV and get away with it (for awhile, at least).

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Wow now thats some crazy shit!!!!!! They hid in the bushes I wouldn't be suprised!!!! WTF BELMAR have you no respect for the renters????

I have another one, In search for the eternal hot tub this summer...... I found one on 10th and on 18th

I found a group of couples with a phat hottub, So of course I made my way over there to try to weasel my way into the hot tub. One of the kids started lighting fireworks and low and behold the LOSER COPS made their way over and gave them a ticket I still got to soak in the hot tub though :)

Another time, on 10th street even when the renters were gone my friend and I would make it over to their house and go in the hot tub and then go swimming in their pool so one day my friend and I were doing a big sleep on the lawn chairs........

as soon as we knew it we were kicked out by the cops......

Fuck them!!!!!!

:D :D :D

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i hear you on all that i had a house for 2 years in belmar and finally got smart and moved to ortley this summer - let me tell you greatest move of all time no arrests and the time of my life i advise all to do the same were not wanted in belmar so we should stay out and let all the welfare receiving fucks move in their and watch belmar go to some getto shit as town and sit back and laugh as they try to bring everyone back cause they wont make it without the summer renters so fuck belmar and fuck the police or as they really are RENT-A-COPS PRICKS GET A LIFE

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Belmar cops blow.... My friend got a ticket for stepping off his lawn with a beer(in a cup) in his hand. Then later that same night, someone left the front door open to throw out some trash... a couple of cops walked in and gave a ticket for public nusiance and the noise ordience. To top, one of his roomate got arrested because his name wasn't on the rental agreement........

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