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i'm OK. everyone else check in! i'm worried sick about all of you!

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I am so sorry for anyone here that has had people directly in this horriable tragedy. My heart goes out to you all. I was just in NY this past weekend, I have my beautiful pictures of the twin towers, I can't believe there are people in this world that can do such a thing. I wish I could give blood to the people there, but being in Chicago, I can't. Please everyone get the word out there to help. Take care.

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Checking in.

This shit is bringing back some serious flashbacks when Mt. Saint Helens erupted and covered my town in ash, seeing all these people that are coughing and covered in soot and dust. But this is much much more upsetting since there are twisted fucks that are responsible for this shit.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i was suppoed to fly out to london tonight

now i am fearing that ill never get there

Thats pretty selfish don't you think

anyway - my deepest blessings go out to

those effected by this tragedy -

the worst is yet to come sadly enough -

Bush might be a dumbCHIMP

but he'll make sure they pay -

that much is known

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Originally posted by kimberlyco

I am so sorry for anyone here that has had people directly in this horriable tragedy. My heart goes out to you all. I was just in NY this past weekend, I have my beautiful pictures of the twin towers, I can't believe there are people in this world that can do such a thing. I wish I could give blood to the people there, but being in Chicago, I can't. Please everyone get the word out there to help. Take care.

It is so weird being out on the street and not seeing the Twin Towers there in the distance

Gosh, whenever I was downtown (and below the number streets) and lost my sense of direction, I just looked for them, and could then figure things out. :cry:

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Originally posted by barvybe

shooga - you're right. thank god you and stacychase are ok. mugz and i didn't know where you were working.

i've already heard that two people i know have died. another friend who worked with them made it out but they didn't....god i wish someone else was here right now. i'm a total mess...

I'm soooo sorry Pete!

My thoughts go out to you and yor friend's families..

This is a nightmare!

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Originally posted by roninmess

I'm aight, but I'm an hour and 15 mins north of the city. The shockwave is felt up here through out local schools as kids learn of family memebers being in the WTC.... absolutely terrible.

I can't even imagine being a little kid and having to deal with this. I'm supposed to be an adult, I still don't completely get it......

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Originally posted by mugwump

I'm soooo sorry Pete!

My thoughts go out to you and yor friend's families..

This is a nightmare!

i feel like turning off my phone. i keep getting horrible news. too many of my smart college friends work down there. i'm so happy my family was out of town.

hope everyone else is having less bad news than me. i think that this is going to personally touch everyone in new york.

love all,


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hi everyone,

dunno what else to say that hasn't been said already. my deepest sympathies to those who've lost family and friends. i'm doing ok at nyu and i just finished calling my siblings and cousins who work and go to school here. the nyu dorms farther downtown were evacuated a few hours and i still haven't gotten in touch with my friends down there. please pray....

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In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654

Wow, I must say that I was in NYC around 7:30Am getting on the nine train to get to the ferry to get to Staten Island. At the time like around 8AM got the ferry soon as I left the terminal looking at the city what a sight it was nice day for anything to go right today I said to my self suddenly I herd a plan fly right over my head with such a loud sound got me shocked but I started to think why is it so far down >? With my eyes I followed the plane with a smashing look right into WTC I was so devastated on such a disaster of what was called a terries attach! Starring at the two tall buildings as they fall to the ground. Can you imagine what a sight that was to see I feel so bad and hurt of this but there is nothing I can do at the time then go home and find out if everyone I know is ok! This was a dramatic day for all of us stay well and live long.

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