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NYC Attacked!!!!


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what the hell is goin on here...9:00 first plane hits world trade center...9:18 second plane hits the other and then a plane hits the pentagon!!! then the first tower falls at 10 and then other one fell at 10:30....this is the craziest shit ive ever seen in my life....there are still at this moment 4 planes in the air that are hijacked!!! also a plane crashed in pa..80 miles south west from pittsburgh!!!! if anybody has any more info or thoughts let me know the deal!!! but prayers out to all that are involved and are helping to figure out what all happened today...Prayers to everyone!!!


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I am still in a SHOCK to see what is going on. Even more in shock to see Palestines running around celebrating and throwing out candy to passerbys calling our Great Nation the Head of the Snake. My prayers and sorrow go out to the people of this Nation.

Are you all signed up for the Draft. :eek:

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Heres the latest:

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Terrorists struck the United States Tuesday morning in harrowing, widespread attacks that included at least three commercial jet crashes into significant buildings.

• In the first attack, a plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers later collapsed.

• About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon, part of which later collapsed.

• American Airlines told CNN that it lost two planes in "tragic accidents:" Flight 11 from Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard and Flight 77 from Washington Dulles airport with 58 passengers and six crew aboard. Both planes were en route to Los Angeles

• United Airlines Flight 93 airliner headed from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, crashed near Somerset, Pennsylvania -- police said initial reports indicated no survivors. United also confirmed the crash of Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles.

• The Pentagon, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington evacuated.

• President Bush cancelled an appearance in Florida to return to Washington, calling the crashes "apparent terrorist attacks" and "a national tragedy."

• In the first ever national ground stop of aircraft, all flights nationwide have been stopped at their departure airports.

• All international flights were diverted to Canada.

• Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, said in reaction to the news of the terror attacks that "we want to tell the American children that Afghanistan feels your pain and we hope that the courts find justice."

• In New York, more than 10,000 rescue personnel rushed to the scene. The entire downtown area of Manhattan was evacuated as far north as Rockefeller Center, according to an official at an emergency command post.

• Israel has evacuated all its missions around the world.

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated. CDC was preparing bioterrorism teams in case they become necessary.

• Philadelphia landmarks were also evacuated.

• In Chicago, the Sears Tower was evacuated; United Nations in New York evacuated.

• The New York Port Authority said it had closed all bridges and tunnels into the city.

• U.S. stock markets were closed after the New York attacks.

• NATO sent home all non-essential personnel from its Brussels, Belgium, headquarters.

• Border between the United States and Mexico closed.

-rest in peace to all victims of these... dont even know what to call them. :(

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HOW THE FUCK do you let 4 planes , get Taken over like that , FUCK ME ,, this is Fucking crazy assss shit. all i know is im in school sitting down, and some girl starts screaming in the lunch room, then People are Getting Phone calls, Everyone is in tears, It was a Really fucked up day,

Im looking at this and its Really fucked up ,, cuz i Still cant believe it happened, I mean seriously i look at it ,, and it looks like some Fucking movie, this shit is Too fucked up

i hope they find and Bomb these Fucking bastards,

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i believe we got warned 3 weeks ago...and it went down today....8 planes hijacked all together...two hit the towers...one hit the pentagon.....one hit down near pittsburgh....another one got shot down but they wont say where.....and the others they are looking for or have found but are still in the air!!!! stay tuned for more info!!! any if u get any more breakin news let me in on it!!!

my prayers to all of you!!


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Bush said "we will HUNT down the people that did this...AND THEY WILL PAY!!!" FUCK YEAH!!!.....once we find out who did it its all over...we will be goin to war with somebody!!! 266 people died in the plane crashes alone!!! :( so as the day/night goes on we will find out more info....but Bush is ready to kick some ass!!! hell yeah!!!


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My father & cousin were 2 buildings away they are stuck in the city till late tonight or tommorrow......I'm am horrified of this act....we need to beef up security naton wide Radar on all buildings even a missle defense system on all buildings,landmarks,or any place that would be a target of terrorism!!! .....I will never complain about airport security i don't care if i"m delayed 10hrs!! ....this is a big wake up call to America we are not unvulnerble!!! ....I hope our country gets justice for these assholes......My heart & Prayers go out to all the people in those buildings.........:( .....This is a sad day

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am i wrong or DId Nostradamus Predict a day like this , he said that " Metal Birds would fall from the sky" and Stuff like that

im worried about one thing, is that one guy came on and said that Biological or Chemical stuff may have been used, I mean the planes did crash, but he did it right in the city and Using Checmical or Biological Warfare, could cause More Devistating deaths, Im nervous as shit.

Hope its not True:eek:

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Wholy shit, guys this is some scary ass shit and i'll tell u why. About a year ago I read Nostradmus in the library cause i was bored, i'm into stuff like that. And in the book that I read, there was a timeline at the end summerizing all the events that he predicted that were supposed to occur. I'll get the book for u guys soon, I'm still trying to find it myself. In this book and I quote it said "2001-Two Fireballs will Struck the Tallest Buildings in the Western Hemisphere" now i know that the sears building is bigger, but that's pretty damn close. 2nd he said the "president of the United States Would build a Shield over the Westen Hemisphere to Protect from serious Danger." If anyone is into the news u'll see that Bush is trying to setup a force shield that can block missles entering the U.S from the Wester and Easter Sides. 3rd 2002-"The Ending that closes the chapter in our book will start with a War that Hasen't truimphed, yet tried twice but this time will succeed" =WW3. Anyone this is some sick ass shit, my bestfriends mom was on the 1st floor of the World trade when the plane hit. She said she thought she was going to die. Crazy Shit.. And I was just thinking, I dont mean to sound like an asshole but does this mean no more KTU?????

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how about this:

In the city of God there will be a great thunder, two big brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the city is burning - Nostradamus 1654

he wrote some crazy shit...even though most of it cant be understood by today's standards, most of it is what we make it out to be, but we dont know what he truly was saying in his words...but this is still freaky as shit!!!

Prayers and Thoughts To You All Involved and Grieving!!:(


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First off... All those Nostradamous Quotes are web hoaxes. No one and I mean no one predicted what went on this week. Next I'ts a truly tragic event and experiencing it first hand theres not many words that can describe both what I saw and what I feel. I'd like to kill the bastards who did this but then again after seeing so much death and chaos in one week the last thing that I would like to see is more death and chaos. Nothing good will come out of tuesdays attack and killing 1000 bastards that are even remotely responsible for this will not justify Tuesdays attack.


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