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this is what should happen to the palestinians who were parading

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purlease !! you are really showing your ignorance !!

Muslims are in general very nice people. A small percentage of fanatics cause these problems. No religion or country has a monoply of fanatics. Do not forget that Hitler's Nazi's were predominently Christian.

As for conflicts not involving Muslims, well the conflicts in South Africa and Ireland are two of many.

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Ireland...but it's already been said. The Basques in Spain is another. So is Africa, regardless of what you say...Congo's in bad shape right now. We are not as ignorant as you think, massad.If I didn't know this, then there's someone else that does,and that's what matters.

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its very simple......good and bad in each race....you cannont single out a race for acts commited by groups or single persons.....bush said it best,those who commited the act and those who harbor them will be held responsible...end of story....i have full faith in my government and president.....PEACE, ROLLO




oh yeah and if those people ARE parading in support for what happened they sould burn too.

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