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Club Planet message board Charity event!/ reply here if you may attend.

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Looks like the major boards will be getting together in a show of unity. So far CP ,VIPguestlist , Naughtybooth and Ezdreamer have commited to helping.

The parties will be at TWIRL on 23rd Street between 7th and 8th avenues the next two Saturdays.

Each board will have someone at the cash register to verify exactly how much money comes in and will assist in the distribution of the money to charity. Donation will be $20 and there will be no guestlists or comps for these events.

The djs will be donating their skills , door personal will be working for free so we will have no expenses on the night. That means 100% of all the money that comes in will go directly to charity.

A very important element is since there are so many different eyes on the money you can be rest assured it will make it to those in need.

Other parties are giving up less than 100% of the money to charity but what does that mean that they walk away with money that night.. Its just not right..

I am also doing this for a very selfish reason. I think about all those people that lost their lives and those who died trying to save them and I cant help but think how meaningless my job is. This is my chance as well as the others involved to really make a difference and help some people who need it. Then and only then will I be able to look at myself straight again..

My prayers are with those who need it now and I do ask all of you to do the same.

More details will follow such as DJs , times etc...This will be a 21+ event..

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very noble idea. the majority of us clubbers are accustomed to being out in the nightlife environment on a regular basis, but in respect for the recent events, i know that many, including myself, have not felt totally comfortable with the idea of celebrating as usual.

however, this bash sounds like a positive way to get all the NY headz back towards our element, by allowing everyone who attends to feel as though they are participating in helping out the cause.

THUMBS UP! :finger: (umm, pretend he's holding up his thumbs!)

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I'd love to go this coming Saturday and help..

(since I flaked out last time due to a sudden change of plans)

However I have a bad chest cold..

If you guys need help NEXT Saturday I would be MORE than happy to work the VIP room for free!

(That is if you would still have me)

It's a great thing what you guys are doing!


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Originally posted by luckyluche

Something is a little off no offense. How are we having a CP event without any of the CP staff attending. They are in europe. Dave can we get a real deal on this?

CP is affiliated with Twirl Saturdays already..The party is listed on the CP homepage and above...

I know its human nature to doubt almost anything but you those that know us know for sure.. But understanding that is why we are having reps from all the boards at the door counting the money as it comes in , so there is no doubt!

Thanks for those who rang in on our behalf and I am sure Dave will do the same when he is able..

Thanks Tina

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Originally posted by mugwump

I'd love to go this coming Saturday and help..

(since I flaked out last time due to a sudden change of plans)

However I have a bad chest cold..

If you guys need help NEXT Saturday I would be MORE than happy to work the VIP room for free!

(That is if you would still have me)

It's a great thing what you guys are doing!


The velvet rope is waiting for you... Contact Pete and it would be our pleasure to have you work the event.. No pay, good cause.. but we will get you a few free drinks.. ;) ... Tina

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This just seems strange. And I think it's way too soon for this anyone else? If everyone really wants to help how about we either do it somewhere else or all the boards meet up during the day and volunteer. I just think listening to house music going to a club is just disrespectful right now. I don't think we should be trying to have fun while others in our community are in pain. Have enough decency to wait till we bury the dead. I would really rather everyone go to the West Side highway that night and cheer on the rescue workers it really thined out on saturday night especially at 1am. We can do something like have a rep from the boards there and we'll go there and give the money to the REDCROSS and then if people want meet at the club later. My cousin is one of the Volunteer Coordinators by ground zero. She says money, batteries, mining lights, visine/eyewash and walkie talkies are needed badly.

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luckyluche, I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you on this. What the boards are attempting to do here is to have a benefit party in order to raise money for the NYC Firefighters Widow's & Children's Fund. It's an absolutely fabulous cause to raise money for. If we are successful enough to pull in 500 attendees, then we will be able to donate $10,000 to them. And that's not including whatever Twirl, themselves, may donate.

I don't think you are being fair to everyone by saying what we are doing is wrong. That we have no decency. I'm mortified about last week's occurance. And I think many have the same sentiments. But to say that gathering in a club to listen to music, to be with friends, to meet strangers feeling the same pain, to try and let the hurt and thoughts disappear for only a few hours is wrong, then I say, you are wrong and out of line.

I went out last Saturday. And I partied. I dance, I laughed and I drank and it made me feel better. We are still grieving those lost and will hold them dear to our hearts but I don't think they want us to stop our lives because theirs have been stripped away from them. I am in total support of this party and I do hope people will come. I have made both monetary and item donations over the last week and I'm proud of that. Maybe you did not know but the Red Cross really does not require much more hands on help. Just the items. To say we need to stop our party because people have not yet been buried is unfair on your part and quite uncalled for. We, the people of America, need to move forth. One step at a time and I'm ready to do that.

Kathy ~Moderator on VIP~ http://ufalocal94.org/widows_childrens.html

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MissKittie I am not dissing the effort I am saying that I am coming from a place that I can not feel good about partying when 25 blocks away Firemen, PD, Volunteers, Iron WOrkers etc... are pulling out bodies and trying to rescue someone. I would really think that we could do just as good Standing on the West SIDe Highway and cheering themon during the time of night when most of the people have gone. I think that uniting as "CLUBBERS" and giving up the club for another night to help the mood there is better than in a club. Besides if 500 people would come to support on the west side highway they can give there money directly to the red cross and the Firemen's Widow & Children's Fund and There is no Age Limit obviously so maybe it's timeon a Saturday night instead of going to a club you can take your little brother and sister or friends that are not clubbers with you and doesn't matter there age and help out.

And if you went out last saturday and partied well AREN'T YOU JUST GREAT. Because I was spending time with my family. After next week it's gonna be a while before I see my little sister and brother and last thing I was gonna do was be a poor example and show them I went partying while this shit is happening.

Do what you guys want I will be on the West Side Highway @ 9pm till whenever on Saturday Night respectfully supporting our HEROES donating money, gear and cheering them on.

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Originally posted by nightlifeunder

The velvet rope is waiting for you... Contact Pete and it would be our pleasure to have you work the event.. No pay, good cause.. but we will get you a few free drinks.. ;) ... Tina

Awe thanks Tina,

I wouldn't think of $$ at a time like this..

(Well I AM broke but in the light of shit does it matter?)

I'm sorry I can't be there THIS weekend..

lord knows I neeeed to get out!

But I am hacking all kinds of nasty shit and I can't breath..

I look like shit and I'm afraid that I'd be a horrible rope Mugwump..

(drooling and snotting on everyone)

I promise That as soon as I shake this bug off , and leave my mugwumpian quaranteen, I'll give Pete a ring!

Good luck with you guys this Sat..

I'll be thinking of you.

(OH, just one more thing Tina, I STILL can't get on VIP..you guys have a download go into my computer every time I even just click on the message boards, before I log on..Is it my IP address? I'd really love to come back and say hello..)

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I beg you to see past what your obviously good intentioned belief and think of the families this can help. Whether you want them to or not people are going to go out this weekend, as they did last. So instead of attacking us, who are giving away every dime that comes in not just this week but next week also, why not support it. Who are we helping with these comments, the only people you are hurting is those very same firefighters brothers families who lost their loved ones. Not sure if you read the below.. but these were my thoughts on the horrible events ongoing.

The City needs us...

New York City is not the reason those great people have fallen. If anything she is the reason many were saved. NYs Bravest and Finest assured many moms, dads, sister and brothers got home to their families and many gave their own lives doing so. I am not sure I am even 1/10th the person those heroes are. Their families although racked with devastation can certainly be very , very proud of them.

For the families of those that have been taken, there are no words. I will not lie to you the pain you feel will subside somewhat over time but it will be with you always. I wont tell you not to be angry because that just isn't possible. Someone dear has been stripped from you and truly sadness and anger are the only emotions one can find.

Those we love that have gone are now a part of us. When you speak of them and recant a story of joy you shared in the past you can almost hear them laughing along next to you. You may even turn to look, and even if you do not see them, they are there.. They are a breeze that appears from nowhere or when something unmistakably reminds you of them... That is their way of saying "hi"..

So its your job to carry them with you and share their lives with those that never had the honor to know them....and of course, to feel that breeze when it does comes by...

To run or hide from this city or hate her for what happened would only dishonor those who died helping and loving her. I am not sure what are the right words here to say or if I really have any right saying anything. I do know that I still believe NYC to be the best city in the world. After seeing the outpouring of support from nameless faces I am more proud of her now than I was just a few days ago.

This was a foreign terror that swept our streets of lives and innocence but it will be NYs great people that mends it fences, hearts and souls.


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Well as far as CNN has reported $57mil has been raised for the red cross so far. And $20 donations at the door are great granted. But it is obvious you have never served as a PD, Fireman, or any kind of military. The emotional and physical drain that is happening at Ground Zero is tremendous. And me sitting in a nightclub with scantily clad hoochies when I could be giving MORAL SUPPORT to our brothers. Well there is just no comparison. Listen what you guys are doing is nice but the timing sucks parties can wait. As I said you could have everyone meet on the west side highway have them bring the donations directly to the red cross. Then let them in free to twirl later on if you like. And I know you guys are saying the door is being donated WHY isn't the bar being donated?? Yo I am mad sensitive right now and a lot of firefighters from the engine company down my street are missing. So right now I am just not feeling that party.

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I was with her when she saw him off that day..I cant tell you the look of fear in her eyes and also my niece and nephew. The thought of him not returning to her broke me down! Thats when we decided to do something for the cause..

You making us feel like our $10,000 or each persons $20 is not much is pathetic. Everyone who shows can and will feel a little better for it..

You want to know what the story is with the bar I will tell you this. If you know anything about my business you know that we run the door, thats the only thing I control...The bar is the clubs.. I will say this publically we have no financial stake in the bar revenue that night or any night...

I cant speak for the bar but I am sure they will donate something great..Every major club is open this weekend...Only a few are giving away a 100% of the door money.. why not go after those clubs that are in "business as usual mode"..

Our timing sucks?? how about last weekend (we were closed by the way) Guernica raised over $11,000 for charity. Perhaps their timing was even worse but that money is being used for good.. and I applaude them for that.. Baseball is back Football is back clubs will be back but like the Mets who donated a full days salary ($450,000) to charity they are back doing something for others and whats wrong with that..

I know prior to this you were never fans of ours but by you putting us down now is not hurting us this time, it is only hurting many families that need this help. I will ask you this, put your personal resentment for us aside and save your harrasment for another day... youll get your chance i promise...

I need to know how you going against us is going to do any good? Why are you doing this? Please answer that..

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