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Before you start hating everyone who is Arabic, please read this...


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I know that emotions are running high and people are not necessarily "sane" right now with all that is going on. However, before we start to believe that ALL arabic people are supporters of BinLaden, please take a moment to reflect on this.

When I was volunteering on Friday at ground zero, I spent a lot of time with one young man. His name was Pierre. Pierre had snuck in to help sometime on Wednesday and had been there ever since. He was not leaving, not for a while. Pierre had an accent, and I assumed he was latino. While we were walking around the area, I looked up at the windows. People had written things in the dust. Some said RIP NYFD, God Bless America..... There was one marking that caught my eye and I pointed it out to Pierre. It said All Arabs Are Dead. He looked up and looked back at me and remarked, you know I'm Arabic. He told me how he was persocuted in his own country for being Christian and not muslim and we discussed how these events could be dangerous for him and anyone like him.

Now this man had been there for 3 days, he had helped countless people and he, like the terrorists, was an Arab. But that is where the similarity ends. HE IS NOT A TERRORIST. His blood runs red like ours and his heart aches for all the people who have died, just like us.

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its great you posted a thread like this.......due to the hate and anger people are feeling as a product of this terrible attack on our country, everyone needs to know its NOT an entire race, culture or religon that destroyed our city and capitol last tuesday....

people...don't be so narrow-minded

if im Italian, does that mean im in the mafia or that im connected???? come-on now :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by cmb1975

That makes you no better than the terrorists. Fuckin asshole.

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !

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Originally posted by Blazz

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !

I really hope you are fucking kidding. Did you read what I originally posted? Jesus Christ I feel so sorry for you.

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Have to let people who think they should all die, state their opinion. You can't fight blindness!!!!! I just had a big discussion, with the people I work with, some are just so ignorant. I was just trying to be the analyzer, and the devils advocate, I feel so horribly for these people who lost their lives, but I cannot comment on what I am not educated on. For exapmple in 1998, we had troops in Korea, and "Our Military" who went and rapped 12 year old girls.....now do you know why some people look at us in certain ways as well....... but that is not representative of all AMERICANS????? RIGHT!!!!!

Think about it IGNORANCE......... is Bliss.....

I want to become more eduacted on everything before I make a decision of whats what!!!!!

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I do agree that yes there are Arabs in America that are innocent and are good people....I have quite a few friends that are Arabic...But I will say one thing that I will look at Arabic people in a different way now..The ones that you see on the streets that actually "look" Arabic(darker skin,etc)..It is not in a mean way,it is just I can't trust anyone now..You don't know who is a terrorist and who isn't..It's scary and sad, but true....I don't like the fact that I will think different or judge somone,but I can't help it..I'm scared since these people have been living here right in our own towns/cities..It isn't fair to the American Arabs that people are going to start looking or judging them different, but it is going to happen anyway,:( ..ClubGirl

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Originally posted by Blazz

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !

1. Don't Feed the Trolls

It is too easy to let tiny little idiots bait us into quarrelling among ourselves. The Nazis are coming out and theres no way to argue a change in their views.

Just '/ignore' them.

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good point and so true.

The one girl I work with doesn't want to hear shit. So now I just try to comprehend everything on my own and let people say whatever they want! And Blazz what you said is horrible, how could you say that??? Im not feeding into anything, just take a step back and look at what you just said, I hope to god your just angry right now.

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Originally posted by Blazz

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !

you have problems blazz....you got to be kidding with a response like that, wishing RAPE and AIDS upon people!!!

maybe you should move your heartless, ignorant ass to Afghanastan where your "death wishes" will be praised .... we dont need anymore of your kind in the USA...you're a fuckin' disgrace

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I know that emotions are running high and people are not necessarily "sane"( LIKE I AM) right now with all that is going on. However, before we start to believe that ALL arabic people are supporters of BinLaden, please take a moment to reflect on this.

When I was(DREAMING SITTING HOME WATCHING MARY FUCKING POPENS) volunteering on Friday at ground zero, I spent a lot of time with one young man. His name was Pierre( YOU KNOW THE MAN WITH THE BOMB ON HIS CHEST). Pierre had snuck in(LIKE THAT IS SOMETHING NEW) to help sometime on Wednesday and had been there ever since. He was not leaving(BECAUSE THE COPS WEREN"T DONE QUESTIONING HIM), not for a while. Pierre had an accent, and I assumed he was latino. While we were walking around the area(PLANNING HIS NEXT ATTACK), I looked up at the windows. People had written things in the dust. Some said RIP NYFD, God Bless America..... There was one marking that caught my eye and I pointed it out to Pierre. It said All Arabs Are Dead (GOOD WORDS). He looked up and looked back at me and remarked, you know I'm Arabic(BECAUSE I AM A STUPID BITCH AND I AM SO FUCKING DUMB I DIDN'T SEE THE BOMB STRAPPED TO HIS CHEST). He told me how he was persocuted in his own country for being Christian and not muslim and we discussed how these events could be dangerous for him and anyone like him.

Now this man had been there for 3 days(THE NYPD HAD EVERY RIGHT TO QUESTION HIM FOR THAT LONG), he had helped countless people(YEAH RIGHT) and he, like the terrorists(THAT ARE GOING TO DIE), was an Arab. But that is where the similarity ends. HE IS NOT A TERRORIST(WAKE UP BITCH). His blood runs red like ours and his heart aches for all the people who have died, just like us.

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I agree with you CMB1975. Like all white people don't belong to KKK, not all the muslims belong to Taliban/Hamas etc groups. People gotta calm down otherwise we are going to have some major riots and fights going on in US. Don't listen to news media and take it as the truth.

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Originally posted by Blazz

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !

Hey dickhead,what type of person are you to post something like that??Isnt there enough hate going on right now??I feel sorry for you as well..loser!
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Hey you Mullet-haired loser,

maybe your time would be better spent trying resist the unnatural attention you like to lavish on your mother and sister while they're out cold from the ruffies you slip into their Tang, channel that energy toward reporting your DAd to the police for the repeated anal-rapings he's been doling out to you since you were old enough to deserve his attention.

Hey I got a riddle for you:

Q: How do you go about castrating 'Blazz'?

A: Kick his sister in the jaw.

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Originally posted by Blazz

Fuck Off I hope you get Raped by an AIDS invested Arab. They are all Killers that's all they are taught. It's not there fault but . It wasn't 5,000 peoples fault that are still missing they were only going to work. So I don't want to hear your shit you FUCKING WHORE !


First and foremost, the word is infested, not invested. Go back to grammar school where you belong. Second, you are obviously ignorant. When the US dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, who did they kill? Answer: Innocent people going to work. Does that make the US terrorists? I know you are probably thinking that it was different then due to the fact that it happened in the midst of a war. But the resentment these arabs have is somewhat warranted. When they see their relatives' or friends' heads blown off by an Israeli with a gun which has an engraving that reads "Made in Pennsylvania, USA", wouldn't you be pissed? I'm not justifying their actions whatsoever, but I am saying that you need to open your fucking eyes and stop believing everything you hear. The government, in conjunction with the media, can manipulate and hide anything to get the public to believe whatever they want to. The only people in this world who are not corrupt are children who aren't able to comprehend. Even 5 year olds have been tainted and nurtured into their beliefs by whoever raised them. I sure as hell was. I am more distraut over the unfortunate, deplorable events that unfolded on tuesday, due to the fact that I worked 2 blocks away when it happened, and I lost 3 close friends in the bombing. Luckily, the other 30+ people that I personally know that worked there are alright. However, the three that were closest to me (besides family members), are now gone, and I have to deal with it. I do not want a war with an entire country because I do not feel the country should be held responsible for the act of radicals; especially when they still don't have concrete proof that they are directly linked to Bin Laden. The problem is terrorism, and globally, we should work together to end terrorism. Easier said than done. In fact, I don't think terrorism will ever end, because hatred and vengeance are natural emotions that one will develop at one point in his/her life. But as a person who is half palestinian, and half guido, who was born and raised in Jersey, I would be more than happy to "sit down and settle" any disagreement that you may have. Also, I think you are a pussy and soooo stupid that you cannot come up with a well thought out response to anyone. All you do is curse and say you fuckin whore... Typical of the redneck, piece of shit, white-trash that you are. PS I THINK IT'S TIME TO ROTATE THE CYNDERBLOCKS ON YOUR TRAILER.

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I don't condone killing or hurting innocent people, but when people atart dancing in our own streets they deserve everything they get. Furthermore I don't trust any Arab-Americans anymore. Finally, not only should every person remotely associated with this cowardly act die, their countries should suffer, and they should be stripped of all of their money and assetts, their countries should pay for all of the damage, the victims' families and the cost of the war against terrorism, We have payed for this and many other things to help many other countries long enough!

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This country was built on these atrocious barbaristic acts of terrorism that lead you to conclude that you can not trust Arab-Americans. What was done on tuesday, was done to the Native Americans, only on a smaller magnitude, after they welcomed the pilgrims here with open arms; only to have those same people they shared a thanksgiving dinner with turn around and stab them in the back. Their Women were raped. Their leaders were scalped and stoned to death.That term, Arab-Americans... what does it mean to you? Arabs who were born and raised here? Ones who came over on a boat and gained citizenship? Because neither of these apply to anyone associated with tuesday's events. Those guys were all here on Visas. Now, the only solution would be to close the borders to everyone. We shouldn't let Italians in because they run organized crime operations. We shouldn't let blacks in because they will rob and shoot anyone at any given moment. We shouldn't let Irish people in because then we would have a lower rate of deaths caused by or associated with alcohol. We shouldn't let Latinos in because, well... then our lawns wouldn't get cut. Keep the Jews out, then we won't have to deal with arrogant money grubbing assholes. Keep the arabs out and end the threat of terrorism. Wait, Timothy McVeigh wasn't arab!!! Obviously I was being sarcastic with the previous analogies, so sorry if I offended anyone. My point is, terrorism is a world-wide problem, and even by keeping arabs out, terrorism can still develop from within. Also, your trust for Arab-americans should not diminish because of what happened. Do you trust Jews after they persecuted your lord? Would you trust a pilgrim if you were Native American? The truth is, it will take time. Get that feeling of hate out of your system, because that is what caused this heinous tragedy. Time heals wounds, and I know this because I lost 3 friends in the disaster, and not one hour goes by when I'm not thinking of them. In case anyone thinks I'm bullshitting, you can look them up on the missing persons list... names are: Robert Tipaldi, Jude Safi, and Richie Cagianno. All three are brooklyn guys, and Rob, aka Lil Rob was in my fraternity. I saw all three, 3 weeks ago at DJAIS. I spoke to Jude the Sunday before it happened. They all worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, and their families are holding on to whatever hope they can hold on to. Rob just bought a house in Brick, and was doing very well. Jude and Richie were very bright guys with promising futures and I'm sure that all 3 are undoubtedly in a better place where nothing of this sort will ever happen. I hope to see them there in the VERY distant future, or better yet, I hope to see them here in the very NEAR future.

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Originally posted by shlonger

This country was built on these atrocious barbaristic acts of terrorism that lead you to conclude that you can not trust Arab-Americans. What was done on tuesday, was done to the Native Americans, only on a smaller magnitude, after they welcomed the pilgrims here with open arms; only to have those same people they shared a thanksgiving dinner with turn around and stab them in the back. Their Women were raped. Their leaders were scalped and stoned to death.That term, Arab-Americans... what does it mean to you? Arabs who were born and raised here? Ones who came over on a boat and gained citizenship? Because neither of these apply to anyone associated with tuesday's events. Those guys were all here on Visas. Now, the only solution would be to close the borders to everyone. We shouldn't let Italians in because they run organized crime operations. We shouldn't let blacks in because they will rob and shoot anyone at any given moment. We shouldn't let Irish people in because then we would have a lower rate of deaths caused by or associated with alcohol. We shouldn't let Latinos in because, well... then our lawns wouldn't get cut. Keep the Jews out, then we won't have to deal with arrogant money grubbing assholes. Keep the arabs out and end the threat of terrorism. Wait, Timothy McVeigh wasn't arab!!! Obviously I was being sarcastic with the previous analogies, so sorry if I offended anyone. My point is, terrorism is a world-wide problem, and even by keeping arabs out, terrorism can still develop from within. Also, your trust for Arab-americans should not diminish because of what happened. Do you trust Jews after they persecuted your lord? Would you trust a pilgrim if you were Native American? The truth is, it will take time. Get that feeling of hate out of your system, because that is what caused this heinous tragedy. Time heals wounds, and I know this because I lost 3 friends in the disaster, and not one hour goes by when I'm not thinking of them. In case anyone thinks I'm bullshitting, you can look them up on the missing persons list... names are: Robert Tipaldi, Jude Safi, and Richie Cagianno. All three are brooklyn guys, and Rob, aka Lil Rob was in my fraternity. I saw all three, 3 weeks ago at DJAIS. I spoke to Jude the Sunday before it happened. They all worked for Cantor Fitzgerald, and their families are holding on to whatever hope they can hold on to. Rob just bought a house in Brick, and was doing very well. Jude and Richie were very bright guys with promising futures and I'm sure that all 3 are undoubtedly in a better place where nothing of this sort will ever happen. I hope to see them there in the VERY distant future, or better yet, I hope to see them here in the very NEAR future.

Shlonger, again, I agree with you 100%. I in no way shape or form find what happened last week to be excusable, but don't think for a second that our country is innocent of such crimes. Maybe they where not perpitrated on such a grand scale. We, as humans, need to let go of our hatred. You segrigate or single out a portion of our population because of the acts of a few. In order to even have a chance of ending terrorism all races, religions, nationalities must unite. Wothout unity we don't stand a chance. Shlonger your words where extremely well said and you have my deepest condolences on your loss. I too have lost a friends. Saddest of all is he just returned to work on Monday. He had just returned from his honeymoon on 9/6/01. Keep the faith.

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