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always missed the post your pic threads

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by clubkat

and spragga with tha big ragga :D...a hottie also

;) pete are those naughty intentions i see???:confused::D

Do I have any other kind of intentions?... no!

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Your in philly??...........YaY!!:laugh::D:laugh::D:laugh:

i thoght you left here cuz i made you cry too much...go away you fucking moronic excuse for clubber...everyone here in the clubplanet community will make sure they see your prepubescent body half naked at SF next time ok?? fuckin wackjob loser....

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hahahahahaha prepubescent body thats funny first off

Second u made me cry?? hmmmm no i dont think so

someone who does not have enough balls to talk shyt to my face when they see me at a club cant make me cry cause jus shows me u are 2 pussy to come and confront me, you have to take out ur lil issues with you over the internet....awww how gay =)

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Originally posted by highmay

i thoght you left here cuz i made you cry too much...go away you fucking moronic excuse for clubber...everyone here in the clubplanet community will make sure they see your prepubescent body half naked at SF next time ok?? fuckin wackjob loser....

WOW - weren't you being a little rough on her - anyway - I missed all the drama between you to - what happened?

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Originally posted by crobra

WOW - weren't you being a little rough on her - anyway - I missed all the drama between you to - what happened?

hey bro if i knew i would tell u...jus one day he comes out sayin all this shyt about me when i introduced myself nicely to him one night at limelight, and then at twirl he gave me attuide...fuck him bro hes a loser and a nobody to me anyway this is what i say


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

hahahahahaha prepubescent body thats funny first off

Second u made me cry?? hmmmm no i dont think so

someone who does not have enough balls to talk shyt to my face when they see me at a club cant make me cry cause jus shows me u are 2 pussy to come and confront me, you have to take out ur lil issues with you over the internet....awww how gay =)

"how gay"...mature comment...

and im a pussy?? sorry ...obviously you have no clue what the function of a nightclub is you sorry excuse for a promoter....

a nightclub's function is for positive socialization, not idiotic namecalling, shittalking bullshit that you like to partake in every opportunity you get to boost your self-esteem...

you...underagemoronD....are a fool, blinded by the superficial, idiotic "standards" of fellow teenager "expectations"....a lack of individuality and obvious conformity makes you underappreciated and not wanted...you havent done jack shit for your image except make threads to gain your attention, things i dont like participating in since it's just a ploy for people to say nice things about you to improve your self esteem...

i have better things to do than you tell you this shit in your face...unlike you, im there to have fun...not for worthless drama that wont do anything for your life...

so please...fuck off...youre more annoying than a housefly...fuckin tool

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Originally posted by crobra

I noticed!!

What's up?

How is school going?

When are you going to be back in NYC!!

school's goin great...lovin my classes...partying here a bit in philly ...doin the local thing, checkin out the local girls...

ill be back next friday for vinyl..and MAYBE the S&M party...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Old one from DC, with my VIP DJ at one of the clubs I was working with. I need to scan my limelight dance pictures. Does anyone have pics from that meetup way back in August?

yum yum gimmie sum

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Originally posted by highmay

"how gay"...mature comment...

and im a pussy?? sorry ...obviously you have no clue what the function of a nightclub is you sorry excuse for a promoter....

Now how would you know if I was or was not a sorry excuse for a promoter? I do my job jus like everyone else in this biz does

a nightclub's function is for positive socialization, not idiotic namecalling, shittalking bullshit that you like to partake in every opportunity you get to boost your self-esteem...

Anyone who knows me when I go clubbing I love everything positive, this is why when you came out negitive to me the first time I wrote u an email explaining things nicely to you, but your the one who went on your way in calling me names and all the crud....Shit talking in what? Who do you know that I have talked any shit about? NO ONE!! Get ur facts straight before you start accusing people about things, because if I am not mistaken your the one that went to one of my friends and said...I QUOTE "I DONT NEED TO MEET THAT LITTLE GIRL AGAIN, SHE IS A NOBODY"...So what I am doing to boost my self esteem? Oh im sorry if im not mad at the world like you are with your oh so sweet little picture on VIP with u giving the middle finger. Really shows what kind of charter u have.

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twinangel: cmon...i went through that in junior high school (even worse if you can actually imagine it)...if thats all you got then dont start shit at all...

underagemoron: i have no time to break this down really nicely like you do because i dont care about this drama THAT much...

uhmmm lets see...shittalking?? you do...i really dont need to inform everyone of what you have done, theres probably even shit i dont know, so just think intrinsically and you know youll feel guilty...

being a bad promoter?? i know that already...youre a classic case of being connected through the internet and busting your ass on the street...the art of promoting has been diminished through the years, but you dont even realize it since your young ass hasnt been through the times when promoting actally meant something...hell, even i hardly been through the times, but i have more a clear image than you do because I DONT PROMOTE AND I KNOW PARTIERS FROM THE OLD SCHOOL...i wonder if you can attest to that...and no, the hosts you work for dont count

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AN UNDERAGE, PREPUBESCENT GIRL TO TELL US WHERE TO PARTY? you have no clue what a hot party is...you have no clue what else is out there...your little, funneled world doesn't go past exit and SF....AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO TELL US WHERE TO PARTY??? you actually had balls to promote a Limelight party that was going nowhere before it even started because you were told to advocate the shit that domenick capello plays...way to go....

about my pic on VIP...LOL...yeah, youre right...im mad at the world...idiot

youre image? hmmm...maybe you have a point with me taking things too seriously on the internet, but i wouldnt want to have it any other way...perception is reality, my muse...and what you post here is what people will think about you...people think you like over 18 supeclubs...well guess what? you do!....if you didnt, then wouldnt promote it? right? right...but like i said...you have no right to tell us where to party...you forget yourself in that sense, a clear sign of immaturity and stupidity....

about growing up and dealing with my shit on the net?....well you dont see me asking people i hardly care about if what they think my image is like you do...cuz I DONT CARE...i have my friends in the industry...i have my friends that dont go to clubs...i have balance in my life...i dont need anything else...i dont need the acceptance of message boards, but i do have friends on here, so more power to me....

another thing...WAKE UP...if i havent been through the parties i've been through, if i havent expeirienced the DJs I've listened to, then why would i say anything?? i obviously had expirience beyond exit, sf, or whoever host you worked for or been working for....take this whateva way you want it BUT I LOVE NIGHTLIFE, and I KNOW THERE'S MORE TO NIGHTLIFE THAN JUST THE PARTIES YOU GO TO...i know this because you talk out of your ass when it comes to clubs, music, crowd, etc. BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT IT!! and i dont want to hear things like: "uhhmm, ewwwww, like, im mature, youre not, ive been here, here, and here so who is you to say anything ewwwwww!!".... no...it doesnt work that way...if youve been through it then you wouldnt say half the shit you say...theres more to promoting than just goin to every possible person you know and sayin "use my guestlist"....theres more to music than just Lodi, tony draper, and shitty capello...theres more to nightclubs than just the other parties your boss throws...so WAKE UP, KID....

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