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Who else can't sleep?


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i have never been able to sleep - if i sleep more then 5-6 hours i get horrible migranes that knock me out for the entire day. it has been even worse this week, with everything that's been going on.

they say that melatonin is supposed to help you sleep better - i tried it once and it seemed to work. also 5-htp (which most of us have in our medicine cabinet anyway) but nobody is too sure about what happens if you take that on a regular basis.


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Originally posted by crobra

None that I know about - Hey have you ever seen fight club - worse thing that can happen is that you start making soap - lol!!

LOL:laugh: Fight Club is one of my favorite movies of all time.. Second DVD that I ever bought.

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Originally posted by crobra

The past week has been pretty bad!!

How about you?

This week has been terrible. The night of the attack was the worst... I live up near Stewart Airforce base, and the planes kept flying out of here that night. Pretty scary when your house is shaking from the plane.

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Originally posted by roninmess

I haven't been able to sleep for weeks. Now with the attacks in NYC and DC, it's even worst. Are there any herbal remidies or non prescriptions that help with sleep loss?

You can try melatoin and/or St. John's Wort. Melatoin is a supplement to seretoin(makes you sleep naturally). St. John's is a natural herb that helps with stress, anxiety, and nerves.

Hope that helps:)

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

You can try melatoin and/or St. John's Wort. Melatoin is a supplement to seretoin(makes you sleep naturally). St. John's is a natural herb that helps with stress, anxiety, and nerves.

Hope that helps:)

Thanx hun, I'll check that out!:)

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Originally posted by roninmess

Thanx hun, I'll check that out!:)

No problem....

Another thing you can try is walking/running everyday. Start with like ten or fifteen minutes and work your way up. Being outside stimulates the brain and helps the senses function., something to do with the fresh air and natural surroundings....And you can get one of those nature tapes to help you sleep. I know this works, one of my friends did after a really bad nightmares and stuff(too much stress). Totally helped her out.

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Originally posted by furnace

old old old house track..."I can't get no sleep..."

Forgot who by...

It's by "Faithless"

*Insomnia* :zzz:

Deep in the bosom of the gentle night

Is when I search for the light

Pick up my pen and start to write

I struggle, I fight dark forces in the clear moonlight

Without fear


I can't get no sleep :zzz2:

I used to worry

Thought I was going mad in a hurry

Getting stressed, making excess mess in darkness

No electricity, something's all over me, greasy

Insomnia please release me

And let me dream of making mad love to my girl on the heath

Tearing off tights with my teeth

But there's no release, no peace

I toss and turn without cease

Like a curse, open my eyes and rise like yeast

At least a couple of weeks since I last slept, kept taking sleepers

But now I keep myself pepped

Deeper still, that night

I write by candlelight, I find insight

Fundamental movement, huh, so when it's black

This insomniac, take an original tack

Keep the beast in my nature

Under ceaseless attack

I gets no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep



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Guest jaxl

I am soooo with you. I've had insomnia for months now and have been existing on about 5 hours a night. Last night was the first time in a week I was able to sleep, and after an hour the nightmares started. Then I rolled over and the remote poke me, thought someone was trying to stab me. So at 2:30 I was up watching informercials until the clock radio went off at 7am. I'm walking around like the living dead.


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