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ATTN: Sonicinfusion and all who know jammu/kashmir

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

Well first of all have you ever ever imagined what the jews have been doing with the palestine ppl ..

They have killed thousands of them

the same way russia have killed thousands of afghans

and the same way india have killed thousands of kashmir's

I feel sad about what happened. THe tradegy of WTC is something very shocking and makes me angry but at the same time we need to think now that there are ppl out there in this world who are like us and who even have feeling ...

So we should look for PEACE in this world not WAR ...

i have no problem with the 'lets give peace a chance' argument but i'd like you to explain the line about India killing thousands of Kashmiris, and also how that is anything like Palestine and Israel. Are u knowledgeable of the Jammu and Kashmir conflict or are you one of the many people on this board that make generalizations based on very little fact?

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ok my question is why do you say thousands of Kashmiris killed by India making it sounds as if India is terrorizing the land and Pakistan deserves no blame? In the middle east land was taken away from the Palestinians by outside forces (UN) in Jammu and Kashmir there was an agreed upon border set before independance. The battles that followed independance are not the fault of Kashmiris rising up and fighting an oppressor, they were caused by various militant groups trying to widen the Pakistani border into Kashmir, if anything India has only been defending its borders. Correct me if im wrong.

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dude go read history or pakistan and india .. kashmir was a part of pakistan and after the 1965 war its been with india and now ppl are fighting for there freedom and they will kill indians and indians are killing them back .. BUT its been a long ass time to that .. so before we run into a nuclear war between the two countries the matter should we solved .. and pls read the history cause my knowledge is very good about politics ..

and jews were moved in palestine afer the world war cause its was a BRITISH OWNED AREA and they had to move the jews some where in the middle east cause the germans were killing them like crazy in europe .. after that jews started buying all the land and became powerfull and now palestine is suffering...]

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Actually, Kashmir was already split between India and Pakistan before 1965. In 1965, Pakistani military entered the Indian side of the territory and were beaten back by the Indian military. Pakistan agreed to give up some of their stake of Kashmir as part of the treaty ending the conflict.

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dude if you dont blv me read the history of 1965 war first of all india came in kashmir and india half way was beaten back .. and pakistan was the one who won the 1965 war ...

thats why kashmir has 2 parts half is in paklistan and half is in india ...

and dont worry the fuckin indians are coward bastards and they will give it back if not by talks we will take it back by force ....


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of the technicalities of the agreement and war in 1965, the population in Kashmir, if I'm not mistaken, is mostly Muslim and identifies more with Pakistan.

Perhaps a UN Plebicite followed by an referendum would be in order. Let the people have their say...

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