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anybody else see Guiliani becoming president?

goo lee ani 4 prez  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. goo lee ani 4 prez

    • I'll vote for him
    • I'm a loser and don't vote
    • I see Walter Mondale taking it
    • Geeet Daa Fuck otta here

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Originally posted by trancend

hes doin a great job now but im moving to canada if he becomes president

why? just liek your punk ass would move to canada if there was a draft im sure. get real. he is a great leader. somethign this country needs.

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Originally posted by j303j

why? just liek your punk ass would move to canada if there was a draft im sure. get real. he is a great leader. somethign this country needs.

yeah hes a great leader....i dont like how he uses his morals to run things

personally i think that i should be able to go to a porn store anywhere i want, and closing nightclubs isnt cool either

and i wouldnt flee the country if there was a draft...i just wouldnt go :)

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

with in the next decade or so

don't matter if you like him or not, the nation (infact the PLANET) knows he is doing a GREAT job right now...

commander in chief President Goo - lee - ani.

He's doing a great job in New York but I don't know about being president...
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this is freaky. I dont even want to ponder this possibility.

How weird is it that before this tragedy most people on this board hated Rudy for his stance on nightlife among other things. have we already forgotten about the brooklyn museum incident, not to mention all the otehr stupid shit he's pulled. He's refered to as a nazi more often than hitler himself.

Geez people, I think he's doing a great job with the crisis, but does that mean that his application of personal MORAL BELIEFS to POLITICS no longer matters? WTF?

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Didn't his health problems prevent him from running for Senator? Maybe some could say that was a blessing in disguise.

Has he been cured of his conditions? If not, then he probably wouldn't run for President.

Also, I haven't heard of a Prez having marital problems before being elected

Of course that could get in the way of being elected... does anyone remember Gary Hart?

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Guest saleen351

I know he will not take any shit from anyone, and running NYC in my opinion is alot harder then running the whole state of TEXAS. Who ever runs, rudy or gore, I'll vote for them, I would love to see, Al gore as pres then Rudy as VP then Rudy as president in the future.

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His presidency run will be to far removed from this tragic event. Guiliani is a republican, so he would have to wait until the 2008 for a go at it. Bush automatically runs again, win or lose Guiliani has to wait until after the next election - that's 7 years. The fucked up thing is I heard that the Guiliani was told to stop making so many TV appearances, because he was overshadowing GW as the leader in this tragedy. People kept on talking about how well he looked and GW was not doing as well in a comparison.

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Originally posted by entrepreneur

Giuliani is an italian ameican from brooklyn. It would be hard for anybody who isn't an anglosaxon to be the president in next 20 yrs or so. [/quote

ABSOLUTELY!!! maybe even 50 years or so! And don't go getting any ideas about a black, or asian, or hispanic president either... That'll be the day!

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Originally posted by beautious1

Originally posted by entrepreneur

Giuliani is an italian ameican from brooklyn. It would be hard for anybody who isn't an anglosaxon to be the president in next 20 yrs or so. [/quote

ABSOLUTELY!!! maybe even 50 years or so! And don't go getting any ideas about a black, or asian, or hispanic president either... That'll be the day!

I beleive if Colin Powell ever ran, HE would be the first black Pres.

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hate Giuliani's views and positions (on nightlife, art, etc.), I must admit he is a MUCH better leader than GW Bush.

Crobra: you are right...it is definitely scary how Giuliani was told to stop responding in order to make Bush look better. What is our government coming, to...censoring mayors...of the same political party even? Dayam!

But the fact remains, Bush was busy running to Louisiana and Nebraska while Giuliani was at ground zero...

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rudy is def doing a sick job....everytime i turn on the t.v. i see him on live.....good for him..he is making evrybody feel a little better and facing reality about the cituation....keeping the people of the city as informed as possible is exactly what he should be doing............as far as him being told to stop casue George Bush is looking bad is fucked up.....he does look bad and scared.....personally id like to see clinton making the speeches.......

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Bush did look confident and valiant tonight during his big speach, actually it turned out to a be a smooth and very well presented speach.

ALthough, when W. introduced rudy and pataki, there was a long warm applause from the crowd, and some whistles too.

Entreprenuer: wtf does having 1 testical have to do with running for office? Hell i dont give a damn if he has 3 balls, as long as he is competent and knowledgeble in his position and duties.


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I did not like him at all before this whole WTC thing happened, as most of you could probably agree. The way he's taken control, showing poise & composure, is really motivating to New Yorkers....

Some are comparing him to Winston Churchill.... I will be the 1st to tell you that if he did run for president, he would DEFINATELY have my vote!!!!!! Just wanted to share my thoughts....


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