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how did you come up with your name on cp?

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Originally posted by mugwump



Mugwumps live in interzone..

they are disgusting creatures that sit at bars and drink all day..

they have penis like antenas that grow out of their lizard like headz..

They often secret mugwump JIZZM which, If drunk at the right moment, can

give you a reeeaaal buzz..

In fact Mugwump jizzm is quite addictive (Or so Mr. Lee tells me)

In fact it can become quite a habit..

a real literary HIGH!

(See movie by David Lynch for further images of me!)


yo mugz...here's some chewable children's zoloft. you can have either crazzy eddie the mouse or the bird of eternal sadness. zoloft is good for you!;)

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Mine is the same as my IM name, which is in homage to my car (Ralph). Ralph is a little volkswagen fox, the cutest little box on wheels you could ever imagine, but it's really NOT a sexy car. In fact, it's the absolute opposite of sexy. So my friends, in order to emphasize that through sarcasm, started calling it the "Vixen Fox" (maybe broken-down box would be more appropriate) and I just adapted it. :idea:

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Originally posted by heretic909

Heretic is the name of a gabber single I did with four different mixes.

A tr-909 is a classic drum machine one uses to create gabber.

As I still don't have a 909 and am forced to use 909 simulators such as ReBirth, I feel that I will need to pay TheHacker a visit and steal his.

Hey, Hacker, when is a good time to stop by? I'll be taking your tb-303 while I'm there also, so if you could, leave them both by the door. Thanks. :D


but in all seriousness if you wanna come over and

throw some loops down onto minidisc or onto my pc

then to a cd, i'd be down for it...

i feel like i'm the owner of an operating museum of roland's.

so like, i'm a curator and client, and open to visitors.

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my handle is ancient...

like 1993 kinda ancient.

back in my bbs days in succasunna, nj

i had to come up with a nick, and my friend

was always referring to me as "a hacker"

or even sometimes just "hack" so it stuck.

of course, i had to do the whole


thing, as it was a popular convention in software at the time.

so yeah, search the internet for theHacker

and krisjanis gale and kosmic or klf

or kfmf or ultrabeat and i'm all over.

find some mp3's or mtm's or xm's of my music

while yer at it on kosmic.org, or on like a billion

independent little mp3 archives.

hehe, i like internet fame.

it's not big fame, but it's a start.

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La Troya is the most crazy gay party in Ibiza, every Wednesday in Amnesia.

Most people don't go this party because it doesn't have any hot shot DJs... The crowd is mostly local, as are the DJs, and it is the most colorful happy and fucked up crowd you can find in Ibiza (except maybe for DC10) :eek: :eek: :eek:

The party left such a tremendous impression on me, that La Troya became my nick everywhere on the web....

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Friends all say I look like a D&Gmodel,(this one ad inparticular it was like a whole bunch of people screaming and yelling to get into a club and the kid with a white t-shirt that just said D&G on it they claim looked exactly like me...) and I own an abundance of D&G gear its almost like an obsession... so when i went to go enter this name i put D&Gmodel... however i didnt know you couldnt use symbols so it erased the andpersand sign and left me with just DGmodel instead... I would Insert an "N" if possible, but dont know if i can...

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