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rest in peace: blueangel


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[Administrator's Note: Casey is missing following the WTC attack. Her family and friends are still hoping for news. Please be aware of all the personal feelings involved and read Brandie's post.]

our casey died in the world trade center collapse.

excuse me if someone's already done a thread paying tribute to her, but i had to put one up on my own; i hadn't seen one and i had to speak about how much she meant to me, though i only met her twice.

casey is the reason why i know my clubplanet friends. she organized dinner and drink meetups that got people together who'd never met. she helped me get out of my "always going out alone" rut and helped me break into new territory. if it hadn't been for her, i never would've met some of my very closest friends ever - not just my closest CLUBPLANET friends. seventy strangers would come together one night and leave as members of a family. after that meetup i ran into people i had met that night for months, and by the time of the next one in april, it was like a grand reunion. it takes a very special woman to bring people together like that.

i can't think of what else to say. at this point all i can see is her, laughing that first night i met her, as everyone who knew her rejoiced in seeing her again - and i will always remember her that way.

i hope that she can hear me thanking her now for everything she did for me; she couldn't've had any idea of what an impact she had on my life. thanks, blueangel, and rest in peace.


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I can only totally agree with weyes....I've met Casey a couple of times at the meetups and she definitely impacted my life very strongly. If it wouldn't have been for her energy and motivation putting these meetups together and getting all people into one room for an evening, I wouldn't have met some very nice and now close friends of mine. Therefore we will always remember Casey and hope that she rests in peace!!!!!

Thanks Casey!!!!!!

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I didn't have the chance to meet her but none the less it's a loss on the part of our clubplanet family as a whole. I wish all the best to her relatives and friends, and I'm sure we'll all carry on the thought that she is indeed an angel now and she'll still be with us on the dance floor, even if we can't see her. Best of times in heaven, girlie!

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I hope this doesn't sound insensitive or inappropriate...

Has it indeed been confirmed, i.e. was her body found?

(though very beside the point, I feel most sorry for families who cannot give a proper funeral because their loved one's body was so badly mangled [or worse])

If there's any info about services for her, someone please let us know!

She surely will be missed.

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Oh me oh my, you would never think someting as terrible as this would come so close to home....and never could you imagine that it would hit you in a personal way.

Casey, the few times that I did meet you you were stunning...a "model" in my eyes...not only because you were so tall lol or beautiful....but also a role model to whomever wanted to be as motivated and unique as you were....

the world has lost yet another special person, who made a difference (if even in a small way) to everyone.

You will be missed......


~^.^~ kisses to everyone ~^.^~

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I've only met her once or twice, but she always seemed like a genuine person, on and off the boards. I send my condolences to her family and friends..what a terrible loss:( May you rest in peace blueangel, and your soul dance on...


P.S Did anyone notice her last post was at 8:30am on Sept. 11??

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