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rest in peace: blueangel


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Casey you are a peace maker on this board, someone, like everyone mentioned, who brings us ALL together. You not only help people, but are quick to do so. I'll always remember you as the person smiling and embracing people at meetups.

Thanks for being the angel that graces these pages and the city nights.

peace and love to mitchell, all of her friends, and her family.


you are definetly right.

peace, love, and hope,


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I have ignored the fact that this thread existed for as long as I could.

How dare you say "rest in peace blueangel" when there has yet to be a body found, when her family, her fiance, and her close friends have not even confirmed that she is dead. I am sorry that you guys who do not know her have decided to pronounce her dead. I am sorry you have no idea what is going on in her family right now, or with us.

I would like to clarify that her family has *NOT* planned a funeral service, or a memorial for that matter . . . they do not feel that all hope is lost yet, nor does her fiance. I will continue to support them in their hope and thoughts. I ask that you do the same, or to please not talk about her like she is dead and gone, because those who are close to her feel otherwise.

Thank you very much for your kind words about casey, but until it is appropriate to say "RIP" or that she's dead ~ I feel that a choice such as that is the family's not yours to decide, especially those of you who do not know her. Allow her family and loved ones to hold on to the hope that she may have indeed survived. Reading the topic of this thread alone tears my heart out.

I don't know why I even bothered, if you all feel that she's dead, then go ahead, plan a funeral for her, perhaps you can invite her family and us there . . . cause lord knows *we* haven't decided that it's time to have one yet. I am appreciate of most of your thoughts, and thank you for being kind enough to say anything at all about Casey. I know a lot of you don't know her, and a lot of older CP peeps that did know her are not here now, so thank you for that.

What has occurred is a true tragedy . . . and I know that everyone is down from this. Many people have lost loved ones. Over 300 families from Casey's company alone are missing family members . . . We need to take care of each other, and to love one another. And then . . . as the title of Casey and Mitchell's song states ~ "Together We Will Conquer"

~ Brandie ~

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Over the last couple of years I've had conversations with BlueAngel on this messageboard, and let me say that she was one of the sweetest, sanest, most peaceful people on this board.

Sorry, Brandie, just saw your post, and am going to change mine. What you say is true - till she is found no-one should assume that she is gone. Unfortunately, I don't know her, and my only info comes from this messageboard - so after reading this post, I assumed the worst.

Please don't give up hope, and let us know if you find out something!

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Share your thoughts with DAVE, have you read the new Club Planet Update newsletter? I just received the email and it mentions Casey and the memorial service her company is having.

I understand your pain but I dont' think the people on this board posted with ill intentions. Not everyone here knew her as well as you did or the older CP'ers so they don't have all the facts.

As soon as you log in to the boards the first post you see is RIP Bluangel.

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Obvoiusly no one on here meant any disrespect to Casey or her family. I think there is a lot of confusion surrounding these events. Please keep us updated as to any changes...our thoughts and prayers are with Casey, Mitchell, and her family.

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Originally posted by brandie

I have ignored the fact that this thread existed for as long as I could.

How dare you say "rest in peace blueangel" when there has yet to be a body found, when her family, her fiance, and her close friends have not even confirmed that she is dead. I am sorry that you guys who do not know her have decided to pronounce her dead. I am sorry you have no idea what is going on in her family right now, or with us.

I would like to clarify that her family has *NOT* planned a funeral service, or a memorial for that matter . . . they do not feel that all hope is lost yet, nor does her fiance. I will continue to support them in their hope and thoughts. I ask that you do the same, or to please not talk about her like she is dead and gone, because those who are close to her feel otherwise.

Thank you very much for your kind words about casey, but until it is appropriate to say "RIP" or that she's dead ~ I feel that a choice such as that is the family's not yours to decide, especially those of you who do not know her. Allow her family and loved ones to hold on to the hope that she may have indeed survived. Reading the topic of this thread alone tears my heart out.

I don't know why I even bothered, if you all feel that she's dead, then go ahead, plan a funeral for her, perhaps you can invite her family and us there . . . cause lord knows *we* haven't decided that it's time to have one yet. I am appreciate of most of your thoughts, and thank you for being kind enough to say anything at all about Casey. I know a lot of you don't know her, and a lot of older CP peeps that did know her are not here now, so thank you for that.

What has occurred is a true tragedy . . . and I know that everyone is down from this. Many people have lost loved ones. Over 300 families from Casey's company alone are missing family members . . . We need to take care of each other, and to love one another. And then . . . as the title of Casey and Mitchell's song states ~ "Together We Will Conquer"

~ Brandie ~

My sentiments exactly.. Reading this not only saddened me, but brought out all sorts of hidden emotions....

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Originally posted by sirdante

i just want to jump in before the flaming drama posters begin to rip at brandie for her post. let me cut you off b4 u start:


I don't know if this was directed towards me, if it was, I wasn't starting any drama. Re-read my post and see for yourself.

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Originally posted by DaVe


Obvoiusly no one on here meant any disrespect to Casey or her family. I think there is a lot of confusion surrounding these events. Please keep us updated as to any changes...our thoughts and prayers are with Casey, Mitchell, and her family.

I know that most didn't mean any respect, and those who start drama will say what they want no matter what, even when we are talking about precious human life . . .

This situation has been very confusing, but I am telling you as someone close to casey, as well as her fiance, Mitchell and her family, that there has been no memorial service planned . . . I have been posting all of this stuff on VIP, and figured that since a lot of people read both, that they would see what was going on, or perhaps post a link over. As well, Mitchell has been posting his thoughts on EZDreamer, and there are threads on all boards I believe.

I have been giving up-to-the-minute information on our search for Casey . . . we made every phone call we could, we flyered Union Square, the surrounding around, and well down into SoHo . . . I know that at a time like this is it hard to be hopeful, but those of us who truly love Casey will not just accept that she is gone, until we have proof. I know every day that passes makes it less and less likely that she will be found, but please, let us hold on to our hope, for some of us, it is what keeps us going from day to day . . . I know it was keeps *me* from completely losing it because I can't think of anything other than Casey.

I understand that the intent was well . . . but it not proven that Casey is dead, and that is all there is to it . . . we will remain hopeful. I would hate to see Casey's mother, sisters, and fiance see this thread . . . RIP to their baby? I know how I reacted, and I am only a close friend . . . I am just asking that you have a little understanding for those of us who have been deeply affected by this situation, and not continue to say that she is dead and gone.

I am sorry if my post has caused any problems Dave . . . you're one of the people who I think could relate to how close the relationship Casey and I have is . . . I'm just having a really difficult time dealing with all of this now, and seeing this thread just broke me down. *hugz*

Thank you for understanding, I didn't mean to say anyone was being disrespectful . . . I was just really saddened by all of this, because it's like someone was trying to take my last bit of hope from me . . . I know it was unintentional, my apologies.

Just as a side note . . . we are holding a benefit this weekend again @ Twirl, I hope that if those of you I do not know that are planning on attending will introduce yourselves . . . I run the door, so just ask for Brandie . . . I would like to be on a more personal level with ya'll ~ there are many, many new members here, and I would like to have the opportunity to be as close to you as I have become to the older members like myself . . .

~ Brandie ~

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I was shocked and sad with grief to see this in my email and I usually do not post at all, but this is a an exception.

I met Casey a couple of times through Charlie, though Im not a regular here and do not know Casey that well, would like to express my condolences to Casey Cho's family.

My grief is with the Mother and Father who raised a fine daughter, she will be missed.

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Originally posted by mrieue

I was shocked and sad with grief to see this in my email and I usually do not post at all, but this is a an exception.

I met Casey a couple of times through Charlie, though Im not a regular here and do not know Casey that well, would like to express my condolences to Casey Cho's family.

My grief is with the Mother and Father who raised a fine daughter, she will be missed.

Originally posted by urallge

I have never met her but from reading her posts I know I would have gotten along with her. May God bless Casey, her family, and all the other loved ones we have lost in this tragic event.

i guess ya'll missed the post right about your two . . .

~ brandie ~

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i dint know casey personally, but its just really sad! i know so many children w/o fathers personally...they were firefighters lost. i teach at a gymnastics and dance school and i couldnt believe it when i heard how many women had husbands missing....but not just them i feel for...i feel for all those innocent lives that were taken. hopefully we could still have some faith, your right....no body has been found so there is always hope!! we need to at least keep their spirits alive and w/ us....god bless

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Wow, how foolish of me!! to think that just because i haven't posted in a while, that just because i am a little less than 2 hours away, that i could not have known anyone affected by this. to think that those i emailed were ok, never bothered to check on here...until i was out the other night in philly and a fellow poster told me about what happened.....i am so deeply sorry that she is missing and missed, and i chuckle as i find myself thinking maybe i'll see her walking down the street.

Asi remember the first and only night i met Casey, first at cream way back in december when russ reign was djing that night, and then at Twilo later that night....she welcomed my cousin and me, welcomed me to nyc, even though i had been there before...many times. welcomed me to the cp meetup, my first of a few...and then later emailed me as we lamented about the whole asian racial profiling thing at the clubs which she was so adamantly against. Casey, may i find you anywhere, somewhere, but may i especially find you in the face of a loving clubber, a loving friend, an awesome dj, a cool vibe with the crowd. may i always find you somewhere, never thinking nowhere...... I hope you can read this somehow...my condolences are a little late, but stilll very heartfelt. Ciao.

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Casey was my exact double. Born exactly a decade apart, both taking the titles of cusps (being both Taurus and Gemini), Casey being born on May 20th, and I being born on May 21st. We both have boyfriends with the patience that only they can handle even with the amount of shit we give them. We always thought of ourselves as being lucky to have such guys in our lives. When the four of us were together, it was like a friendship out of a movie. Caey was an older sister to me, although I can find myself being her friend or her older sister as well. On September 7, 2001, 4 days before the tragedy struck, she came to Limelight where I work and spent the night talking with me. We had the most deepest and heartfelt conversation where we both shared tears of both pain and happiness, something we dont normally do in a club. We were both literally in the middle of the club crying and hugging eachother and we didnt care at all what anyone even thought or said. It was as if every one around us were background. Although I do not wish to comment on the topic of our conversation, if you guys only knew, you'd think she knew her time has come. Just like an angel that God sends us to calm our fears away and to watch over us. For some strange reason that night, I wouldnt let her go home and kept telling her to stay with me, something that I never did before. Something about that night made me want to hold on to her just a second more. Although nothing seems to make sense to me, or that why she had to be among the ones to be there9WTC), I can never understand and it angers me so much because she has a heart of gold. I love her so much and I will always love her because like I always said, she is my double... someone who can pinpoint exactly how I feel when I think that noone can understand me or for me to help her and comfort her after feeling depressed. She was like looking into a mirror and I really do think we were both "Identical twins born in a different biological clock" as she would say. Well, to sum this up, I love you Casey, I miss you so much and We will one day cross paths again, I promise. Saranghae Casey!

Let go of anger - it is an acid that burns away the delicate layers of your happiness.
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My heart goes out to her family and friends...I'm praying for her!

I also wanted to let you know that I was looking through:


Commemorative Issue

The Spirit of America

(It has a pic of a lil girl sitting on someone's shoulders holding the American flag)

On Page 92 it says:


doesn't always go the way you

think it will, but she said she

wouldn't have changed a thing

about hers.

-Melissa Cho, on her sister

Casey,30, who worked for

Marsh & McLennan on the

99th floor of the North Tower."

I thought maybe you guys would like to check it out!!!

God Bless Casey!!!

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