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Vote for Mark Green - October 11


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if you care ONLY about nightlife, and night life only, you should vote for green (right after you get a life). If you want a city that is run like a profitable company, vote for bloomberg. i am a democrat, but rather have a man who can handle the job, and not run our city back into the ground.

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Just because one is a brilliant business man does not mean that he can miander through the sticky ugly red tape that we know as our democratic political system.

Bloomberg will drown in the tape while trying to do his best.

Green on the other hand knows how to navigate and will do his best with what he can....

bloomberg is like a smart kid in a bad neighborhood!!!

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

to the public eye

dinkins did look awful

espessially that whole tawana brawley incident

then crown heights

he is a terrible public speaker he would start to sweat more than Roger Ebert

really thinking about it, at the moment i have nuthing good to say about him

Lmao!! i dont thik anybody could say anything positive about dinkins... lol. that characters entire political career was a joke.

Bloomberg supporter.

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Originally posted by xxlea

I don't trust anyone that Sharpton endorses.

Hey "mujer" where are you from? I don't suppose you heard about Sharpton going to jail for the cause of the people in Vieques. What politician do you know that would go to jail for his supporters? Yeah that's what I thought.

As for having the police support of Giullianis man (gratton or whoever) that defeats the purpose of voting for someone who supports nightlife. Guilliani will try to keep his influence by having his peeps run the show with a puppet mayor. (sidenote how does everyone feel about this 3-month extension for rudy?) greens a good guy but dont count ferrer out because you think hell play the race card ( i bet whoever said that is white) why dont you all read up on the politicians and then have this discussion again.

As for you Dave I must say that I am ashamed, you shouldn't use your position as administrator of this board to support your own personal beliefs.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Hey "mujer" where are you from? I don't suppose you heard about Sharpton going to jail for the cause of the people in Vieques. What politician do you know that would go to jail for his supporters? Yeah that's what I thought.

Let me get this straight, since I'm Latina, I should automatically vote for Ferrer?? Where was Sharpton after the attacks? How come he wasn't around rallying to support people or raising money?

As for Vieques, please thats free publicity for him. Remember he's trying to run for President in the next election. Sharpton is a trouble maker.

Hmm, how long has Ferrer been borough president of the Bronx? What changes have happened in the Bronx?

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I have lived in downtown manhattan my whole life- SInce the later 60's manhattan was a shithole- giuliani turned the tide. You are right about him fucking the nightlife up a bit- but the Bridge and tunnel assholes already were doing that.

Lets hope the city doesnt return to shithole form.

What is the damn problem with underage drinking? i havent been under 21 for many many years- but who gives a shit about drinking? america is lame in this compared to the rest of the world. get with the program- who the hell cares? if kids dont drink they will do more drugs.

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