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Just curious...


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I am just curious to see what other people have to say about this situation. About a year ago, I met this guy who was pretty much anything I could have asked for in a guy. Well, at first he said he was single but then we started emailing and he told me right away after that he did have a girlfriend. We continued talking, hung out, hooked up (even had sex). This whole thing went on for a year but the last time we hung out, it was pretty bad so we totlaly stopped keeping in touch. I always tell myself that I would never want to be with someone who cheated on their girlfriend with me (or cheated, period) but deep down I think if he came to me and told me he was single, I would be with him. Am I crazy for feeling this way? Do you think once a cheater always a cheater? Just curious to see if anyone would feel the same way I do. I have been single for over a year now and he is the only guy that I have really liked in that time. Doesnt it always seem to work out that way??

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If he cheated on her, he'll cheat on you.

I think its in the blood for most guys... cause look at theyre families typically guys who cheat, theyre ancestors where cheaters as well.

btw I heard rumor a long time ago that if your Man loves LOVES coffee then he has some sort of chemical disposition to cheat on you.. or something like that. ask him if he loves coffee...

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JUst think if he cheated on his girlfriend with you, what makes you think he wouldn't cheat on you??? You probably have some intense feelings for him, but they could partly be because you can't really have him.....I do beleieve in the theory once a cheater, always a cheater. They want to have their cake and eat it too.

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i wouldnt say "once a cheater, always a cheater"....only because i cheated on my 1st ex-bf (i was 18 or 19 years old and found some incriminating cancun photos of him so i felt he deserved to get played out at the time)..... and NEVER cheated on my 2nd ex-bf or my current bf.

but i can see where you are confused, cause he cheated on his girl for YOU and you want him as a bf....

do u still talk to him?? is he still with his gf??? whats his deal?

im not sure if i would get with a known cheater, he would really have to sweep me off my feet and go above and BEYOND , prooving his devotion to me......

tough spot to be in for you girl....i wish you luck

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Hey Loll,

Well girlie, I have been there already. I met this guy as a friend because I knew he had a girlfriend(which he ws with for 4 years).

Me, him(ralphy) and his friend would go to the pool hall and just chill, until one day we kissed.

Now this guy was gorgeous to me. Black curly hair, Puerto Rican, light skin, 5'10 165. All he wore was Ralph Lauren, Chaps and polo(which I am in love with). So we messed, although that is something I would never realy do. ANd yes we did end up having sex. And even though he said I love you first, which I believe he did love me, i never once thought of being with him solely because if he could cheat on someone that has stood by his side for four long years, from when he was over 300 pounds to now, He would have no problems cheating on a new girlfriend. I did grow to love him, but we both decided to cut ties before it got too far. He knew that I would never be with him and he knew he would never leave his girl, so we were only hurting ourselves.

That was 2 and a half years ago, my last relationship.

I miss the hell out of him sometimes but I know that I will bump into him one day and I will get closure.

But you know what? Try to get him off your mind. It isnt a good situation sweety, you might find yourself compromising alot of your beliefs and ways, just to be with him.

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Originally posted by sum12nv

i wouldnt say "once a cheater, always a cheater"...

This is true, But think about how easy it was for him to cheat on his girl. Are you really going to be able to trust him. Are you really going to let that old saying "shes just a friend" slide? He may not cheat on you. You may be special to him, but how long can you lie to yourself about the trust that you should but dont have for him? I think that the past will always be in the back of your mind and that is a terrible way to start a relationship.

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Originally posted by lollib

Do you think once a cheater always a cheater?

i would tend to agree with that...though there are very few exceptions. i know i cheated once, and only once, on an ex of mine and would never ever do it again, and i havent.

it seems like this is a major issue, and in all likelihood if u do go out with him, it will continue to bother you. my advice, forget him and keep looking for someone else. its better to be alone, than in a realtionship where theres no trust.

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everyone for all your thoughts. We actually dont speak anymore but I wanted other people's opinions besides my friends(who of course say, he is an asshole- which he is for what he did).

Spygirl, you may be right at the fact when you say I may just really like him because I cant have him. Seems like he is the only person have liked(or thought I did) since my last boyfriend.

I guess there is another guy out there somewhere that I will as intensely about but it just sucks because I cant seem to get him out of my head!!!:unhappy:

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Originally posted by chula22

This is true, But think about how easy it was for him to cheat on his girl. Are you really going to be able to trust him. Are you really going to let that old saying "shes just a friend" slide? He may not cheat on you. You may be special to him, but how long can you lie to yourself about the trust that you should but dont have for him? I think that the past will always be in the back of your mind and that is a terrible way to start a relationship.

I have never cheated on a b/f or a guy I was just seeing......

Maybe all guys don't fall into that category, buts it hard to separte them. Just using my friends and guys I know as examples, that's what I seen. It sucks, I don't always want to think the worst......

Hope you figure it out:)

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i agree in saying that the good ol sayin 'once a cheater always a cheater' isnt always true.... i had a bf this time last year and cheated on him for over a month wit the boyfriend i have now.... i wanted my bf now for so long.... and when the opportunity came to have a chance with him, i took it.. and im not proud that i had a bf when i took that opportunity but i would NEVER cheat on my bf <xtcgspot for those of u who didnt know that>... ive cheated b4 that time also a few years ago... :worry:

i guess if u really really love someone then cheating isnt even on ur mind. i even went to cancun this year only after a couple months of bein with him and had absolutely NO desire to cheat on him.of course i had my fun cuz i was on vacation but i never once thought of cheating.... so it is possible to cheat once, or even a bunch of times.. and not 'always' be considered a cheater.

hehe sorry i rambled on here... but idk know really wut to say about ur situation lollib... trust ur instincts i guess... if u know his feelings for u r real, then take the chance...unless its just not worth it to u... good luck \;)

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