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LOVE IS A FALSE HUMAN EMOTION (Mugz wakes up!) What do u think?


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Mugz, I couldnt agree more!!!

(on all points except one.)

I agree it is a false emotion. It is simply the need to be needed.

It is an attempt to avoid solitude and I would go so far as to say it is an attempt to avoid our very selves. We substitute the idea of love for any real progress toward self discovery and true enlightenment. People cling to the idea of love in order to avoid facing reality. They put the weight of the world and its meaning and purpose on some random person they happened to have subconsciously convinced themselves is "the one" (god forbid we remain alone)

Now, to the point of disagreement. The above statement is in my opinion the way that MOST people utilize the concept of love in their lives. The reason is because MOST people have no clue what real emotion is and never will. Those who have no self awareness and no control over their transient emotional states use love in this way. Those who can throw the word love around like a used tissue. Those who fall in and out of love as easily as flipping a light switch. Those who can completely ignore the emotional capacity of others because it behooves them at the moment. Those who are weak, which is most of the world.

These people cannot and will not ever know what love actually is because you can never know what it is when you dont even know what is and isnt real about your own self. This self-induced illusion can exist for inordinate amounts of time, lifetimes in some cases, and if and when the illusion finally crumbles, and one has that momentary glimpse of actual reality, one doubts the very existence of love and is right to do so because it never really existed, nor could it, for that particular person. There cannot be a "the one" for everyone because 99% of the population is incapable of real love.

No, love does not exist. You are right, at least not for the ignorant, weak masses of the world. At least not for those who use love as a crutch. I believe I am one of these weak people. I have used the concept of love as relief from the pain of being alone with one's self.

But I also know that it is possible to escape that false world. There ARE an enlightened few and I WILL weed through the billions of blind to find one who actually SEES and can open MY eyes for the first and final time. The chances of it actually happenening may be slim, but hey, what else am I doing?

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i wish i had time to read everyone's replies to this question but i don't right now. someone has probably already said this, but "love" and being "in love" are not the same. being in love has been equated to being insane. if you want to explore the topic deeper, read "The Road Less Traveled" by Dr. Scott Peck. that book will put things in (a new) perspective for you!

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Well, I do believe in love although I’ve been hurt many times along the road (and I’ve hurt other people on the way too). So, what now: should we all just keep all the feelings outside and try to ignore them. I tell you one thing, if you start to not feel anymore…than you might not live at all. We are human beings with feelings and with the capability of being hurt…and yes it is painful. But if I could decide between the pain I have felt in the past and the inability to feel at all, I tell you that I rather chose the first one. Cause feeling (even pain) made me realize that I live and that I’m able to see life and my surroundings in a different and much brighter light. Yes I admit that I had my doubts too. Having been in on and off relationships for the last 6 years with no success and lots of pain, I slowly started to lose my belief in meeting THE ONE…although not my belief in love. I just thought it would only happen to other people…though never losing my faith in love altogether. Then I met a person in a moment and place where I was at the least looking for it… and yes I feel love (I also feel lust ;))… and leaving all the obvious and superficial things away, I know and feel that this is the person that I want to grow old with, the person I want to have by my side and experience all stages in life with, the one I want to share the good as well as stand together to overcome the bad. And if I hadn’t believed in love anymore…I might have limited myself from feeling this way. And isn’t feeling what differentiates us humans from machines etc….so, if you want to chose not to love and feel anymore, please go ahead but also take my sorrows with you cause I definitely pity you for not being able to truly see and experience life in all its forms and shapes.


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Originally posted by gmccookny

Love is a real complicated thing.

There is no real "definition" for love, but it has to be THE strongest human emotion in existence.

But love is not simply sexual, nor mental...it is blind.

I mean that it pervades all parts of life. The attack on Sept. 11 was driven by love (even though it was fanatical)

Love is not a term to say loosely. I've been with my girl for a year now, and we made the mature decision not to have sex until we're married. It wasn't easy, but hey, that's something to look forward to in the future.

I do think that pre-marital sex (even casual sex) is what makes all these divorces keep happening. Once someone has had sex, you keep wanting more and more, like a drug. Restraint is something i think a lot of people are missing.

Love is not just attachment, but letting the other "breath"

you gotta give and take, and make the relationship work, keep the significant other wonder "wow, she's going out with her friends, but i'm confident that nothing will happen"

TRUST + Attraction (mentally/physically) + that special invisible "something" = LOVE


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I, too, got my heart and feelings hurt by ex-loves. I, too, vowed never to love in that way again. What happened was, I felt that way again, but just didn't act on it.

I met someone who made my temperature rise just being around him, made me laugh at the drop of a hat (not that easy), still seems perfect a year and a half later, gave me butterflies and a joie de vivre no drug ever could, I could imagine doing anything for...

So I never told him, although it was fairly obvious to the discerning among us. Everything I felt couldn't possibly have been returned to me. I imagine I would've just gotten some dinners and a stiff one. A big constant in the love game that I've found is the notion that everyone loves a challenge...the worshipper eventually loses out. So I adopted the the risk-free approach; no big losses, but no big gains.

If I had pursued my love interest I might've found this elusive ideal of true love. Or, more likely, I would've dealt with even more pain.

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Originally posted by wallstreetboy

The best reason for falling in love with someone, is something permanent. Not their abs, or their beautiful teeth, something like how they make you laugh, and how respectful they are, or how you have so many things in common.

Thats love.

i couldn't agree more.

i'll also add...

love is always wanting to know that the other

person is living their dream, and taking total

joy in the fact that you're part of it, and vice versa.

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Originally posted by sassa

if love is false, i'd still want to experience the whole experience that goes with it...it's an amazing feeling. but it sucks when you like someone and they don't...argh!

love is mutual.

what you've just described is infatuation...

and it leads no where! what's the point

of showering someone with affection

who has no interest in returning it?

so that maybe, just maybe, they'll "see the light"?

ain't gunna happen.

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Originally posted by flying_high

I tell you one thing, if you start to not feel anymore…than you might not live at all. We are human beings with feelings and with the capability of being hurt…and yes it is painful. But if I could decide between the pain I have felt in the past and the inability to feel at all, I tell you that I rather chose the first one. Cause feeling (even pain) made me realize that I live and that I’m able to see life and my surroundings in a different and much brighter light.

that pretty much aptly describes

how i was during, and after, high school.

in h.s. i was a total shut-in, thinking that i was

forcing myself to be better than everyone else

by not falling prey to the typical h.s. relationship

bullsh!t i was watching all my friends go through...

but what i actually ended up doing was deprive

myself to joining the rest of the human race,

and achieved only becoming the most bitter,

self-righteous, selfish, overachieving, ISOLATED

misanthrope among all my peers...

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