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I think today many of us witness degradation of DC nightlife. Nation, a place that I used to call home up until very recent, is transforming from a place where you could just let yourself go, to any other non-underground nightclub. I remember how only last year, you could come to Nation with a girl w/t having every other guy hit on her. They might come up to say hi or whatever (or drop a compliment with a smile), but wouldn't try to freak her w/t at least initially making a conversation. Today, Nation is just another club where more and more peeps who go there are only after chasing pussy. Times when you could come to Buzz and just 'let go' are no more.

One of my good friends, a long time Buzz addict, has recently stopped going to Buzz with his gf because of thugs-wannabes who'd harass his gf every chance they'd get.

5, another favored venue, has also disappointed me. This past Sat., my group of friends found it nearly impossible to dance b/c some peeps are throwing elbows left and right and have no respect for people around them.

These two of DC's 'music-lover' nightclubs are turning more and more into a what's becoming a degraded nightclub scene.

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I couldn't agree more. I was at Buzz this Friday with someone and we were holding hands and I can't tell you how many times I got hit on - and not politely! The men were so agressive, in fact - I got groped coming down the stairs from the second floor. I was completely disgusted and disappointed. It seems like anytime there is a cool place in DC, dumb-shits and thugs have to come in and ruin it!

The only time I've had fun at 5 recently was for the 3-5 set Buster played Friday before last. The dance floor was starting to clear out and the music was good.

I really hope DC peeps can get it together! :(

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Since I've only been in the DC area for a little bit over a month I cant really express an opinion on how Buzz was a year or longer ago, but I would agree that in the past 8 months since I started going there I do feel that it has become a bit more "mainstream."

I sure hope that crowds that we see lining up in the door outside of 1223, 5, etc. find their way to Buzz in mass any time soon.

I did make it to Buzz this Friday and then hit The Edge on Saturday and I saw a more "raw" crowd, more into the dancing and having a good time at The Edge than at Buzz, and with no manhandling of girls to report (at least my friend whom I went with didnt report anything of such).

Who knows if the demographics of Buzz go'ers is really changing?

Sh**, I've been @ work to long.....demographics...

my 2 cents..

:confused: :confused:

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Great, just what every girl needs -- someplace else to get groped at :mad: I HATE those guys! Auuugh!

I haven't been back to Red since I went to NY but does it at least continue to have the same vibe as last year? I found everyone there to be very friendly but not gropey at all, and the overall atmosphere was great (not to mention Saeed and Palash) . Anyone?

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Buzz is the only club I've been going to steadily since I moved here cos after trying out Platinum and some of the places up in Baltimore, I figured it was the only place where I could go where I didn't have to think about using ultra violence on someones head. I got the feeling that people were there to have fun, not strut and front.

I went to a foam party there like 1 or 2 months ago and realized that it changed when I saw a bunch of people fighting over the friggin foam.

I still like Buzz, but I feel you when you say it's turning to shit cos of the crowd. Hope they can fix it-

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But how do you fix that? How do you keep out the asshole element? Just over the course of the last year I've definitely seen a change in the crowd. I've also noticed that certain nights havea better crowd than others. But even when the dickheads are out in full force there are still a lot of very cool people there. I always find people who like to talk about music or DJs, the people who are just chillin' and having fun, the cute raver girls who just want to dance and have a good time. So I still like Buzz and won't give up on it anytime soon (and since they get so many great DJs coming to spin I can't give up on it).

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Hmm..maybe the asshole element is corelated with the DJ fees increasing.

See: if DJ's charge more $ to spin (i.e. Oakenfold) club owners have to charge more to get in.

True club goers would still go, but quite a few will not shell out the big $$$, so people who can afford those fees are the ones that go instead of the true club crowd.

Plus the fact that you have a huge ad on the WCP makes it known to everyone who is DJ'ing etc.

Whats next? Put an ad up in the Washington Post and Washington Times?

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Yeah. I noticed that too. All those cute raver girls Kuro was talking about are always groping me and won't let me dance and enjoy the music. It's annoying cause every two minutes, I have to stop and say 'Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!'. But I don't mind it too much. :D :D

Actually, Buzz really has slowly been losing that as the French say 'I don't know what'. But there definitely still are a large number of cool people there. Much more so than any other club. You're gonna have assholes everywhere, but at least at Buzz, you can dance your ass off.

Anyways, I always ignore other people's attitudes. If they need to be meatheads and pick a fight, or hungry jack on women, then whatever. I just laugh, feel sorry for them that they don't even know what they're missing up in the DJ booth, and take a couple steps away and continue shuffling.


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I remember some people making the same comments about Twilo, that the crowd was changing and that a lot of people were coming because they heard it was the place to go. The best thing for Buzz would be for a more trendy spot to open up and draw off the people who aren't really there for the music or to just have a good time. It always seems to me that the asshole element doesn't really care at all about the music (and sometimes they seem to completely dislike electronic music).

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So true, Kuro. I guess I wish they could make sure a$$holes like that aren't tolerated at Buzz - but it's a big place. And I have to say, for the most part, I've found that the people there are really cool. It's just a few unsavory characters ruining the fun.

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Ok, here's my solution;

Somebody should start an underground rave scene here, I've noticed that this place doesn't seem to have one. When I lived in LA and San Fran, we would find out about them via mssgboard, email, friend or whatevers. They were cheap, fun, and there was very low asshole element. But then again, I haven't seen many abandoned buildings around and I don't know how the cheese would act.

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i feel you on that crownroyal. I miss the old map and checkpoint parties! oh and krispy kremes the following afternoon. . .:(

butdid DC really ever have a real underground scene? even in my frist time going to buzz, last year, i didn't feel like it was too "underground". . . gotta agree with all the previous points made, if you bring in big-name djs. . .well that's what you should expect. . .but i love nights when they'll have folks like adam beyer et al. and no one but the techno freaks will be there. . .really though, i think if you're looking for "underground" whatever should look to the local talent showcases. . ..people who know their music will support local djs. . .make our own derrick carters and deep dishes, right?

the edge's got it goin on right now w/stellar's monthly local talent showcases. . .i think it's the first saturday of each month. . .crowd gets kinda shady at times, but i like that :D . . ..

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Buzz has been going on for 8 years and it has been at Nation for a good portion of that time. Word is going to get out. I don't much care if something's underground or not if it's cool and the music's good. The music at Buzz is still good and it's still very cool despite the undesirables (who are defined as people that I don't want there, of course). But more showcases and oppurtunities for local talent to do their thing would be great (especially since I'm local and one day hope to have some talent). And Scratchapella raises another good point: we need more techno nights for the techno freaks. I know that wasn't the point of the post, but it's true nonetheless.

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Originally posted by malanee

Scratch - you are so smart for a young'n! :roll:

What we need to do is start supporting the local DJs here in DC - there are some good ones!

Yeah! Yeah! Support your local DJ's! (hint, hint) Even if you have to drive up to Baltimore in the middle of the week to see them! (hint, hint, hint) :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Yeah! Yeah! Support your local DJ's! (hint, hint) Even if you have to drive up to Baltimore in the middle of the week to see them! (hint, hint, hint) :D

Are you DJing at the Spot sometime soon? I thought I heard something about that...

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Originally posted by Kuro

Are you DJing at the Spot sometime soon? I thought I heard something about that...

Working it all out right now. The details kept changing over the last week, so that's why I haven't really advertised it, but it looks like I'll be spinning the first and third Thursdays every month at the Spot in Baltimore. At first, it was supposed to be a one off. Then it became a bi-monthly. It was originally supposed to be me in the front room all night, but now, I think they got some chick that spins breaks as the other resident in the front room. Jen Lasher, I think it is. D&B in the back room. As of now, it starts Nov. 1. If the month of November goes good, the party will keep going in December and hopefully beyond.

I'm still waiting for all the details. More to come...


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Working it all out right now. The details kept changing over the last week, so that's why I haven't really advertised it, but it looks like I'll be spinning the first and third Thursdays every month at the Spot in Baltimore. At first, it was supposed to be a one off. Then it became a bi-monthly. It was originally supposed to be me in the front room all night, but now, I think they got some chick that spins breaks as the other resident in the front room. Jen Lasher, I think it is. D&B in the back room. As of now, it starts Nov. 1. If the month of November goes good, the party will keep going in December and hopefully beyond.

I'm still waiting for all the details. More to come...


what do you go by shady? (when you spin)

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