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moving out of NY for freedom

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Originally posted by cesarleo

fuck that.....I ain't changing my lifestyle b/c of some terrorism bs. of course there is danger and threat but I'm not letting those fucks get the best of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hear that bro,,,,,,thats what ive been trying to tell people
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he won't tell me the details he just told me quickly and firmly to move out to NY before the US attacks to the terrorists as a precautionary measure. he just told me "NYC is on high alert and due to highest popular density and complicated electricity and water sewage system..."

thats all he said he wouldn't say anything else even though i kept asking for more details.

Originally posted by ggfella4

hahah, seriously man.....entre.care to give a little more info?

peace out


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You are letting fear run your life...I love NY and I love my freedom, I will never give that up and change my life. You are not too "free" if your letting others change your life. My father works for the government too and he made the point that we can not ever be sure where and when something will happen. Do what you need to but I don't think moving is the answer.

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...when the tragedy happened on 9/11, my first thought was to leave the NY area.... I am not from here and I wanted to return to the mid-west... I kept thinking how beautiful the Heartland would be at this point. However my mother pointed out that the OK city bombing happened in the Heartland.... Is there really one place safer than the other????? I do not want to have a stranger run my life and dictate were I live and how I play. When i leave the NY area, I want to leave NY cause i want to leave, not because a terroist has me running scared!!!

good luck to you though... i hope that you find some sense of safety in florida.

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Good!! Beat it!!

If you can't take the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen!!

This is my town! I love it, and I'm not leavin!!

Have a blast in the sunshine state.

That really was one of the most retarded and ambigious posts I've ever read.

My uncle who works for the EPA said to get out of the sun, so I'm moving to a cave. Good Luck to all :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bcushman

I would rather live my life the way I always have and run the chance of dying in a terrorist act, than live out my life in a constant state of fear.

Welcome!! Youve now said as many smart things as many members with over 1000 posts

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these mother fuckers have everyone so afraid of dying that everyone is afraid to live...

These people have succeeded, if youre moving out of ny, or quitting your job, or cancelling that new car, not going shopping, selling off your portfolios, youre helping them defeat us...

stop being so afraid.. this is AMERICA, MORE IMPORTANTLY THIS IS NEW YORK... the EMPIRE STATE... what you think that call us that cause it sounds cute? HELL NO! WE WILL PREVAIL, so sit back have some faith in your country, and your beloved city and lets watch our finest kick those mother fuckers asses...




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If you've got a decent job and nice place in Manhattan that you can transfer to me, I'd move back to NYC in a heartbeat.

Originally posted by entrepreneur

My uncle who works at the CIA called me and told me to move out of NY. im moving out to FL in couple of weeks.

good luck to you all and please be safe.

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I work one block away from what was the World Trade Center. It's so bad down there, I didn't get back to my job until this past Thursday. Let me tell you, as I sit here at work now typing this post, with all the ash, smoke, and stink of death around me, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Even though I live in Jersey, NYC is my adopted home. I spend most of my waking moments in 'da city, and I love it. I could just as easily choose to relocate to another area, back to Jersey, even out to Boston or Philly. But then what? What if a bomb goes off in a post office in Memphis just when I'm visiting?

I plead with all of you. Be careful, but don't be spooked. The threat of death is there, but hasn't it always been? have you tried to cross Broadway during rush hour? Damn near died last month when a BMW wouldn't slow down. Every one of us will die sooner or later, but how many of us will ever truly live?


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Originally posted by entrepreneur

he won't tell me the details he just told me quickly and firmly to move out to NY before the US attacks to the terrorists as a precautionary measure. he just told me "NYC is on high alert and due to highest popular density and complicated electricity and water sewage system..."

thats all he said he wouldn't say anything else even though i kept asking for more details.

Well, personally, I'd rather live without electricity and water instead of moving to Florida and catching ANTHRAX.

Good luck Sucker



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well my name is billy, i just entered back into the ny scene as of august 25th.i was discharged from the marines.and i barely made it out in time.but in response to the "should we leave New York.well my suggesion and opinion is NO.for the last year i have spent go from country to country.some good and some bad.from state to state.again some good and some bad.but i also had to look in the eyes of hungry children.and in countrys' with no structure,and without an ounce of freedom.i would wonder off away from the marines that would get drunk and stupid and turn there experiance into drunken haze.i would wonder off till i could hear the bass,the music that makes my legs,mind and muthafucking soul do things i didnt think possible.and within these clubs,and within these countries that lacked freedom there was dance.across the globe, people ways of dealing with "no sense" of freedom was to listen to the music that we all soooo love.this was there way of "dealing".ive seen so many frowns within these countries.so i promised myself that i would dedicate my mind and heart to make people smile.to make people feel good.but 15 days after being discharged, i was re-living the nightmare.from the entrance to the mid-town tunnel i seen my people, my fellow americans, my fellow NEW YORKERS,have there simple lives raped from them.helplessly sitting outside the city i love.i started to cry.and felt a love and passion for this certain race of people, i had never had before.it wasnt black,white, oriental,hispanic...no none of these bullshit labels.but the most amazing gang in the whole world......NEW YORK....and i will spend my life spreading that love.i will finish with this.i was a us marine for four years.and never once did i say."yeh ill die for this country"...the reason for this ,i had not found a meaning to my life.but in my mind i have found that meaning .wanna know what it is?...its every fireman,police officer,emt,port authority worker,the people that lite candles...every single thing new yorkers and americans have done these past three weeks.its a boundary that i dont believe has never been broken.where race and color has been put aside.and that thing called love has been spread.well i told you i never said i would die for this country.but now,today , not only will i die for this country.i will do it while holding hands with the greatest people in the world, in the boundaries of the greatest city in the world .i was born and i will die a new yorker.thank you new york.you have giving me meaning.i will never turn my back away from you,nor will i run from you


graffixxx69@yahoo.com (for replys')

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well my name is billy, i just entered back into the ny scene as of august 25th.i was discharged from the marines.and i barely made it out in time.but in response to the "should we leave New York.well my suggesion and opinion is NO.for the last year i have spent go from country to country.some good and some bad.from state to state.again some good and some bad.but i also had to look in the eyes of hungry children.and in countrys' with no structure,and without an ounce of freedom.i would wonder off away from the marines that would get drunk and stupid and turn there experiance into drunken haze.i would wonder off till i could hear the bass,the music that makes my legs,mind and muthafucking soul do things i didnt think possible.and within these clubs,and within these countries that lacked freedom there was dance.across the globe, people ways of dealing with "no sense" of freedom was to listen to the music that we all soooo love.this was there way of "dealing".ive seen so many frowns within these countries.so i promised myself that i would dedicate my mind and heart to make people smile.to make people feel good.but 15 days after being discharged, i was re-living the nightmare.from the entrance to the mid-town tunnel i seen my people, my fellow americans, my fellow NEW YORKERS,have there simple lives raped from them.helplessly sitting outside the city i love.i started to cry.and felt a love and passion for this certain race of people, i had never had before.it wasnt black,white, oriental,hispanic...no none of these bullshit labels.but the most amazing gang in the whole world......NEW YORK....and i will spend my life spreading that love.i will finish with this.i was a us marine for four years.and never once did i say."yeh ill die for this country"...the reason for this ,i had not found a meaning to my life.but in my mind i have found that meaning .wanna know what it is?...its every fireman,police officer,emt,port authority worker,the people that lite candles...every single thing new yorkers and americans have done these past three weeks.its a boundary that i dont believe has never been broken.where race and color has been put aside.and that thing called love has been spread.well i told you i never said i would die for this country.but now,today , not only will i die for this country.i will do it while holding hands with the greatest people in the world, in the boundaries of the greatest city in the world .i was born and i will die a new yorker.thank you new york.you have giving me meaning.i will never turn my back away from you,nor will i run from you


graffixxx69@yahoo.com (for replys')

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