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Ladies, Do you follow the rules?


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I had a friend who did the same thing.....It worked for a little while. She would do some of the things it said, but not all of them. They are putting a sequel to the first one.....

Personally I think you should just be yourself and not alter the way you do things. Different things work for different people.

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Guest jaxl

My parents brought me up with the "rules" long before it was even published. Damnest thing....worked with a couple of guys, then I realized it was too dumb for me. Knowing what I know now, it seems like it was all about playing games.

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I have never read that book but I dont think I play by the rules. If a guy calls, I call back. Sometimes I will even ask for his number and call him- why should he call all the shots first!!! I think you should just be yourself and if he doesnt like you for that, then screw him!!!!

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one of my girl friends bought the book after a long run of dating assholes. i read it and found it to have some good points (never sleep with a guy until after 3 dates or something like that), but overall it just seems to have too many petty things about that just come down to playing games. (never call a guy back if he calls you?!!? thats dumb, if u wanna talk to him call him back). i think the rules works with a certain type of guy, the good guys who have no patience with playing bullshit games will just drop a girl if she's like that.

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the rules are a bunch of BS. all they create is game playing, i saw the 2 chics that wrote that book on Good Morning America once, what a couple of idiots. they promote creating a relationship by presenting yourself as something you are not. that shit works for people with low self confidence, who simply want a relationship regardless of how meaningful it is.

like lollib says, if you want to call go ahead call, take the initiative. the most important thing in creating a relationship is being yourself, The Game creates fake preconceptions of who you are and that only leads to disappointment.

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I think the rules is just about making the men want you more than you want them (or so it seems). Yes, there is one *rule* that says don't call men and only return their calls every so often. That one works, see I figure if a guy really wants to talk to me, he will call. I do return calls, like if it is to set up a date of something. And yes, at the beginning I wait several days... I don't want to seem pressed, even though I may really like him. I think this book works for men who like a challenge.

The book is called The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

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what book??? lol

i call someone back if they call me but i dont go out of my way to chase after them. if someone chooses not to call me then i let them go, if im not worth their time they arent worth mine.

im actually in this situation right now:

ive been seeing this guy for a while and hes been playing games the whole time, ie. not calling. it makes me so frustrated that i really dont care if he calls me at all. so now i just dont call him and he calls me. its funny how if i call him he doesnt have time but if i dont call he will call me repeatedly. games really suck. once you start playing them you cant stop. i wasnt playing in the begining but now ive been sucked in. i cant continute to be real when this guy doesnt know what real is.

why cant i find a guy i can call whenever i feel like calling? just to say hi?? i dont want a relationship, i just want something real, why does everything have to be so difficult?

hehe, back to work... :confused::biggun:

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I dont know, if a guy calls and for some reason I cant call him back for a few days, I feel bad. I dont know why. I guess at my age though, I am not into the playing game thing. I see at as take it or leave it. If the guy calls and you call him back right after and he thinks there is something wrong with that (because it might seem like you are too interested) then he shouldnt have called in the first place. Just my opinion though!!!

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i think we've all played games at one point or another. it all comes down to the 'thrill of the chase', u want something and then when it looks like youve finally gotten it, you lose interest. i think the older u get, the less inclined you are to play these sort of games and get a mature relationship...i know when i was younger i was guilty of this, but now im more straigtforward when dealing with things....of course some people get stuck with a ninetten year olds mentality and they continue this even when they in their late 20's.

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Originally posted by somebitch

what book??? lol

i call someone back if they call me but i dont go out of my way to chase after them. if someone chooses not to call me then i let them go, if im not worth their time they arent worth mine.

im actually in this situation right now:

ive been seeing this guy for a while and hes been playing games the whole time, ie. not calling. it makes me so frustrated that i really dont care if he calls me at all. so now i just dont call him and he calls me. its funny how if i call him he doesnt have time but if i dont call he will call me repeatedly. games really suck. once you start playing them you cant stop. i wasnt playing in the begining but now ive been sucked in. i cant continute to be real when this guy doesnt know what real is.

why cant i find a guy i can call whenever i feel like calling? just to say hi?? i dont want a relationship, i just want something real, why does everything have to be so difficult?

hehe, back to work... :confused::biggun:

this is a perfect example of exactly what i was talking about, and is essentially what the authors of the book "The Game" promote, what fucks.

if i like a girl i'll call her, whenever I want and as often as i want. if it doesn't work out, we don't hit it off then we both know right away, it eliminates, hurt feelings, wasted time and energy, and the bull shit of playing games, which i don't have the time or the patience for.

if we get along then great, if we hook up great, if we just end up being friends great, at least we always know where we stand in the relationship.

btw, ladies i think its flattering for a girl to call. as long as you have something to say there's no reason why you shouldn't. if you don't have something to say to each other, its probably because you don't share anything in common and shouldn't be wasting your time.

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FYI: One of the women who wrote "The Rules" is now divorced. Looks like her bullshit games got her a man but couldn't keep him LOL!

Personally, I would have no patience dealing with a woman who plays these games. If you like someone, you like them...granted of course that you have to be careful in the beginning of the relationship and not go overboard...but its plain rude if you a guy calls you and you dont call back.

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It sort of goes with that guys usually love when a girl makes the first move- since it hardly happens! I think the main reason I dont make the first move is for the fear of rejection but who is to say a guy doesnt feel the same way!!! It really sucks to be a guy!!!

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Originally posted by laurensomers

The book is called The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

They were on Good Morning America or the Today show a little while ago......They didn't really say anything to intelligent, but than again they looked like they needed rules....I think the one woman has been married like 3 times...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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It's like you meet people out and may think, oh he or she is great but if you dont talk to them , you will never know. And how are you supposed to talk to them if you dont call back?? Yes, some people like a challenge but I think the whole preface of this book is stupid. And if they are divorced, how much could they really know???

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I do agree with some of the things they say though. Like for instance I never, ever approach guys (unless I am completely mangeld and do it by accident) and I never call them first, etc. etc.

Yeah some of the shit in there is so stupid it makes me laugh. But they do give good advice like don't open up to fast, which I think women have a major tendency to do.. at least I do. I think its based on self-control...

I can't (or maybe I can) believe that chick is divorced:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by laurensomers

I do agree with some of the things they say though. Like for instance I never, ever approach guys (unless I am completely mangeld and do it by accident)

I think most of try that one....but the alcohol or other seems to have a mind of it self:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Every Guy should read it, its always good to have the other teams play book... ya'know.


I can't believe this book sold as well as it did... there are some really desperate people out there.

It's a sad state of affairs, I tell ya...

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