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Drugs, Music, Clubs, & "CLUB FRIENDS" * * * It's all a PHASE!!!

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Originally posted by innocence

Hi there, just basically looking to vent...

I have been posting on this board since '98, before clubs, music, and drugs became mainstream. It is so funny how much has changed in the past 3 1/2 years.

havent clubs and drugs, and music been mainstream for like 25 yrs now???

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my only advice to you if you're BORED of dj'ing and collecting some dough at the end of the night for being bored... quit playing what people want to hear, and play what YOU want to hear! you are the DJ..that means YOU decide what to play. and if your promoter or the club owner gives you shit for it.. then get the hell out of there and find a new gig! there are tons of places to play in the city alone that do not cater to that mainstream crowd you're so BORED of. just a matter of whether you have a high level of commitment to the craft or if you're just in it for the loot and the excess.

and sorry to say it, but dont expect to see me at one of your gigs...because i wont go see a dj that's bored of it let us know if you come out of that shit, then we'll talk

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I just have one thing to say: everything in life is what you make of it. If you're considering phases in your life, then you do realize that everyone has endless numbers of "phases" -- phases can be looked at as experiences throughout life. Some phases stick with you forever because it's something you truly love inside. Others diminish because you realize that's not really you. Perhaps the club life to you is disasterous because that's what you made of it. I know to a lot of us out here (the ones that drop pills AND the ones that don't, etc..) the club is where our hearts really are. Sure people do drugs to make their experience more fun, but the real question is whether or not you can go to the club without the substances and still enjoy it. I know I can =) My heart is with the music and the dancing, the lights and the atmosphere. Perhaps you jumped to the conclusion that it was the club life that you loved as opposed to the drug life that you loved. Not making judgments, not pointing fingers, not doing anything like that. Just saying that it's ubsurd to try and tell true clubbers that it's just a phase, something that they really don't love within, something that is just an "at the present moment" type of thing. Club life, drug life, and even club friends will change throughout time, but just make sure you maintain your internal stability and are true to yourself. Everything will fall into place after that.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by notallthere

uhm first off I couldn't even read all that.... to much stuff u wrote My attention span sucks. second off I am 22 and I have been going to clubs since I was 14 and I still enjoy them so ... BRO ITS JUST YOU

uhm first off if your pre-pubescent 22 been clubbing since 14 brain can't read all that...then your pre-pubescent brain cannot formulate a response (although it does spew out a byproduct called 'shit'). second off it is quite entertaining to see you say you're too stupid to read, admit you can't read or understand what you read, yet offer your opinion on what you just DID NOT read.

if you ain't qualified to read, you ain't qualified to respond. buzz off.

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Originally posted by notallthere

uhm first off I couldn't even read all that.... to much stuff u wrote My attention span sucks. second off I am 22 and I have been going to clubs since I was 14 and I still enjoy them so ... BRO ITS JUST YOU


Originally posted by rustednutts

uhm first off if your pre-pubescent 22 been clubbing since 14 brain can't read all that...then your pre-pubescent brain cannot formulate a response (although it does spew out a byproduct called 'shit'). second off it is quite entertaining to see you say you're too stupid to read, admit you can't read or understand what you read, yet offer your opinion on what you just DID NOT read.

if you ain't qualified to read, you ain't qualified to respond. buzz off.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I was simlpy stating that your long story about nothing seemed to me that your more of a loser trying to vent then someeone who is sick of clubs. If you really think its a faze then why are you on clubplanet.com trying to prove your point to people who come here becuase they enjoy going to clubs? Why not go to a website that is more your speed? like http://www.elderweb.com/

i think you find the people on this site to support your point of view more then the people on this site.

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Originally posted by notallthere

I was simlpy stating that your long story about nothing seemed to me that your more of a loser trying to vent then someeone who is sick of clubs. If you really think its a faze then why are you on clubplanet.com trying to prove your point to people who come here becuase they enjoy going to clubs? Why not go to a website that is more your speed? like http://www.elderweb.com/

i think you find the people on this site to support your point of view more then the people on this site.

I was simply stating that your cliff notes brain fart of a post about shite seemed to me that you're more of poser than someone who really knows what they're talking about. If you really don't know what you're talking about, why not go to a website that is more your speed? like http://www.gerber.com/ or http://www.pampers.com/ i think you'll find the people on those sites to support your point of view more than the people whose got a functional brain.

dude, quit while you're ahead. i understand it's not your fault; you can't help it if your brain is unable to process the information beyond it's context. i read innocence's post and see him not as a loser, but as someone with insight and perspective. he's sharing a revelation and posting a cautionary message; the intent is a positive one. it's about perspective.

"i think you find the people on [that] site to support your point of view more then the people on this site."

don't pretend to speak for the majority of "this site"; you are not it. you may, however, speak for the majority of "shit heads" who lack logic and perspective. i'm sure you'll make president with them, as you seem to be brightest of the shitheads.

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Originally posted by notallthere

sorry you lost me..

and uhm my first post was for the person who started this thread not you.

I understand that your first post was for the person who started this thread, I don't have any problem with what you wrote, I think thread turned out to be quite amusing.. it was more serious at first, but then it just turned into some funny shit. LMAO. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Everyone else: strangly enough I understand every point thats been expressed.

That's because you have the mental capacity to be able to open your mind to all angles and see each and every perspective and opinion, and you don't allow your personal biases or beliefs stand in the way of seeing from where someone else is coming from.

That's an absolutely amazing quality.

To bad more than half the world is missing it. :mad3: :mad3: :mad3:

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Personally, I have been listening to House since the early 90's and I know listen to Trance, Ambient,...etc

I only listen to House-Trance {strictly} I venture out only to listen to Pink Floyd.

When I first started listening to House I was in JRHigh and I was not even thinkng about drugs...most of all the media was not playing the drug and House game they play now.

As a peson who LOVES the music, I go to clubs to be with others who also love the music and the Vibe..whatever happened to PLUR {Peace Unity Love and Respect}

I have always felt a sense of Unity with my fellow "Clubbers-Ravers and all those who appreciate the music.

So, you go to a club and people are "cracked out" that's life I say...its not my life...

People do as they wish...

So the media does not pick up on the positive vibes on House and Trance?

They bring out the Stereotype about clubs, ravers, glowsticks and the drugs..whats the real connection?

The media talks about the beats of house-trance as if the music was purely made to reinforce a high!

I will not feed into that trash..

I won't deny there are those that are only into the drug and then go to a club because they don't know what's its really about...

How many "pretenders" have I met....only a few hundred....But a REal person can spot them from afar.

They speak about the gretness of the clubs and "oh the E, oh the Cid...yeah a few bumps in the night"

You will always find those that say that they love clubs and then rant ands rave about drugs...hey I have verbally fought many a person because of that..because I honestly love the music and i love to express myself by dancing to it in a club and feeding off of the energy that the music and the people exude..sometimes its just pure magic..

And i hate to say this but a lot of people that talk trash about clubs and people that attend them are usually "so called reformed people" People who soley went to the club so that the music could feed their high...oh the e and the cid are not as good without the music...and when they quit the drug they quit the club- that is when it is a part of the phase.

If your not into the music and your into the drug then I encourage you to get out of it, because for you its a negative phase that you might not live your way out of.

To me there was never a connection and there never will be..everyone follows their own path...

I unite with those that Go because they LOVE the music and when you go there with the same intention you will find these people as well...

I met my soulmate {3 years} because we both went clubbing, loved house-trance and we both went to college. Now we are married, have a family and Still club...its still all about the music...

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