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Need Earth Review

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i heard real strict at the door..and i heard the place looks the same..better sound better lights..junior has his own booth..some improvements on the third floor..they did not make the main floor bigger..i have to check it out for myself..you can't believe what people say..alot of bullshit..i also heard the main floor was all gay..

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Ok I got their at 4:15. The one line was way down the block, but I noticed the other line had 5 people so me and my group hopped on that. We got right in no prob the guy didn't even check my Id and we had girls with us. I don't know why others didn't go on that line, the other one was being checked by Fernado, so maybe that was more strict.

The place was jammed packed, about 70% was gay, the girls that were their were HOT. Junior was good but nothing I really haven't heard before.They added a shit load of stalls but they take forever to use, do to the fact that some queers can't control there hormones, god only knows what goes on in their. I wouldn't step foot in one. Junior's booth is awsome, it's like another room, he also had a huge American flag hanning up.

I was honstly hopeing for the crowd to be 50/50 straight/gay, but it wasn't, oh well what you going to do.

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hey give it some time....the crowd may become more diverse as the party continues on!.....i wanna go to EARTH for after hours on my b-day but one of my friends wont b 21 for another 2 weeks after my b-day...i hope he gets in...guess that i will have to wait and see!

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My quickie

got outside the club around 1:40, the first like was a block and a half, the 2nd line was a lil shorter. There were ppl with cameras shooting some documentaries or something like that on the corner of 56th. Just looking at the long lines there were around 33% girls. Some ppl had jeans on, some were decked out, and others wore freaky sylish things.

Waited on line for an a lil less than 1 hour but then split and ended up at SF.


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I got to Exit at around 2:30, the line was mad long and not moving, but I went with a darling little faerie and we got pulled out, NICE. They didn't check my ID, I just walked in, paid my $30, and went upstairs. They were searching all the girls and I guess all the straight guys, because my guy got pulled out of that line too and sent through another door and they never searched him.

OK. I used to HATE Exit, I never ever went, but I think it may become my new Saturday night home. I liked the crowd, there were good vibes everywhere and everyone was beautiful. The club is, too, except for the fucking stairs. And they're not even lit! Advice: don't try to go up or down them when in a K-hole. Anyways, I LOVED the lights, very very beautiful and colorful, and the music was possibly the best I've ever heard, seriously. It was my first time ever hearing Junior, and I loved the hard house beats with the vocals over it. I think I may even like him more than JP....

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hmmmm better than JP....i was not sure where i was going to go for afterhours for my birthday on the 27th of this month. does anybody else think that this party is going to take place of some of our infamous saturdays with JP at the crack factory,because from that last review im gonna be goin to hear Junior for afterhours on my birthday!:D

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i havent been to exit in over a year so i am not sure how different it was. but all the lounge areas on the sides of the balcony are gone and replaced by private boths. could tell the floor was brnad new cause it smelled new or stained. about the same decor. dj booths moved to the opposite end of the floor of the stage. seemed more a/ced but it also wasnt as packed. the sound didnt seem as good as twilo used to be, but maybe i was too drunk. i remember thinking the lights sucked dick. its the one thing i liked about exit or twilo. didnt even make it to the top floor (what used to be outside) so dont know if it was open....the crowd didnt seem overbearingly gay. saw some nice girls so i wasnt even paying attention. didnt really feel jr. that much. if digweed or PVD are arounf i'll be there when the doors open. that may be the best part, if they can get twilo's djs in such a big venue like earth...the door security was tight, i was seriouslly jerked off by security. ids were checked. i was way overdressed so that was no hassle. overall i good time, but i enjoy pretty much any club and any big crowd, no matter what scene.cant wait for tiesto @ world. everyone needs to see that shit..

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Everything was great specialy the VIp with the glass wall with the overview of the main floor and the area in front of it that you can just hang out and see the main floor also

But David Marvisi (the owner),was a dick!!!. He's becoming and more of a dick than ever, i had problems with him yesterday, but later i found out that he was having problems with the club also.

I don't know if i'll continue working with them but Thanks for those who used my list !

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Originally posted by djfabioc

Everything was great specialy the VIp with the glass wall with the overview of the main floor and the area in front of it that you can just hang out and see the main floor also

But David Marivisi (the owner),was a dick!!!. He's becoming and more of a dick than ever, i had problems with him yesterday, but later i found out that he was having problems with the club also

OOOOOHHHH, you know Marivisi personally?? my gosh, you must be a great person with mad connects!!


what the hell did that last statement have to do with anything?

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