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"junior & Earth Just Insane"

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

Always the ass kisser that you are, I should have known you'd come up with something STUPID!!!!

Why don't you tell you're little group of haters, how you saw my friend OUT, and tried to have a conversation with her.... Or DID THAT SLIP YOUR MIND??????

If you hate her so much, why are you trying to talk to her???????

Wait I think I no the answer!!!!

Because your a spinless ASS KISSER!!!!!!!

One thing I can say about myself, I don't KISS ASS, which apparently you do!!!!!!

"Oh please let them like me I'll do anything"

ONE WORD____________


Did it slip my mind that I talked to Sha-sha at the bar at Metro, um that would be no. Tried to have a conversation w/her? Well it's not really trying when someone's asking you questions now is it? Give me a break my dear, don't alter situations to fit your needs. Just cause I didn't hit the girl, doesn't mean I kissed her ass. PUH-lease. Should I have done that? I mean given that I don't know the girl, don't hate the girl, nor have I ever said anything about the girl. Check your facts dipshit & don't tell fibs or your nose might grow bigger then it already is.

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If you have nothing againist her why were you making comments on the last thread?????

Why do you even open your mouth and get involved???????

I don't understand, as to why you LOSERS would hate on anyone who hasn't even been on the board!!!! That is the gayest thing I've ever seen!!!!!!!

Maybe you guys are OBSESSED????? I THINK SO!!!!!!!

:idea: :idea:

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Originally posted by nina8946

back and forth back and forth back and forth

you talk soooooo much shit and then dont know what to do when it hits u in the face.....



:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You guys are sooooooo tired.......:laugh:

Talk to me when you master the English language and loose that horrendous accent you're dragging.

I'm going to do some work....so don't think I'm SCARED and not answering you 3 SEAHAGS back.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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oh, believe me I can take it !! The question is can you. I don't want you to be scared, I invite the challenge...it's much more fun that way. I asure you that when you see me in the flesh, you will not be thinking seahag....your thoughts will be more along the lines of GODDESS.... Of course, it's very easy to talk the talk on this board, but you all and you know who you are, may want to take a few moments, perhaps in the mirror and ask yourselves if you can walk the walk..I am quite confident that I can. ;)

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So sorry that I went home to a LIFE last night. I know you losers cannot live without the queen!! I hate to break it to you but spending all your time on this board is pretty sad. Did you ever think that if we aren't answering it is because we have real lives and shit to do. I guess you can't comprehend that. Too bad!! I don't know what you do but I work for a living and then go home to a life. My life isn't sitting in front of this computer. So please don't cry but I am busy today and won't be able to play in the school yard with you.

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Look who has their panties in a knot! While we all are laughing OUR ASSES off over here....

Keep it coming cause I find you froggie chicks amusing! Keep getting mad, cause we all will keep on LAUGHING over here!!!

Think all you want that it's only 3 people using different screen names...................................

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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what's up girl

i agree w/ you. I realize that I wasn't apart of the board in the past few weeks, but I was very much aware of the bashing idiots and if a person does want to come and comment or pass an opinion, why do they have to be bashed for it. All of a sudden the same people that had alot to say are now very busy @ work and think that this is tired, but they didn't think that before...very interesting, wouldn't you say??

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of course....

The truth is we all come on here to waste some time at work, and see whats going on with others that have similar interests. Every person on this forum likes clubs, some more than others. And just because you show an interest different than other people makes people who they are. GIVE IT A REST, I think it would be more annoying if everyone agreed, then no one would come on here.:tongue:

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Im not happy with the fact that I had to take it here, but i did. I can only justify it with this reaction. I did it primarly to show "others" how it feels to be on the other side. I think that when the "bashing" occurs that it is horrible and miserable, and this is NOT representative of me!!!!!!

I come here strictly to post my opinion of the clubs and experiences that I've had, to share information with others. The fact that I had to stand up and defend myself, is a reaction to pathetic attempts of "others" to make people feel bad about themselves. What kind of Human Being would do something like that??? Well I know the answer to that. There is enough strife in life that it is unreal that I must come to a board that I primarly try to use as a optional channel to pass time, and be subjected to ridicule.

One can only see that this is a failed attempt of "POWER". It merely shows me that my life is worth more than the manisfestation of misplaced anger, and therefore in turn only making me feel better about myself. I just wanted everyone to understand that, so that my friends and I are not misunderstood, and put into a stereotypical cliche of "losers who start drama". TRUST ME THAT IS NOT OUR WAYS.

I think that it was about TIME that somebody said something, it is not right for others to be hesitant to post for fear of being bashed. It is not indicative of what a public forum represents nor should it ever be!!!!!!!!

I hope that "others" will see that their time is more valuable then that.

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