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Should I go for the Frat boy?


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Hey guys...any of you in the college scene know about the whole frat boy characteristics...party, beer, and ass. Well I met this one boy who is pledging, to be in a frat, who seems pretty cool, but I'm kind of held back because if he is interested in being in this fraternity, doesn't that show what kind of guy he is? Not that I don't know some cool, nice guys in frats, but I know out of the one's I know they are all a lot alike.

I want to make it clear what kind of girl I am to him. I am not about hooking up at all. But I want to do this without coming off like a bitchy prude, which I am not. I've talked to him a lot over the phone, but haven't seen him outside of a party(which is my fault because I ditched him by accident 2 times) So what should I do? Keep talking to him...don't bother or what?

I just felt a little confused for a bit there.

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i'm a frat boy.

it's not all Jam & Jelly like people think it is...

the whole beer, rock music and hoochies thing is getting really old really fast.

If you're going to go for him, just be careful, k? I've seen perfectly good guys become complete assholes when they get their letters.

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Well The first peice of advice that anyone should give you and that Im gonna give you is to be honest. If you know he likes you and you like him lay your cards out tell him about how you feel about the whole fraternity stigma and how that has been affecting your behavior and tell him how you really feel.. be straight up. If he gets all pissed off that you told him the truth then you were right and fuck the jackass.. but if your wrong then you find your self at the start of some pretty good times with a great guy..

I would just go for it and if you wanna break it off with him later because he turned into one of those beer swilling frat boys who degrades women and plays beer pong every night.. then you can leave him but make sure your up for the consequnces..

have fun sweetie:tongue:


and before anyone get all pissy about dissing frat boys

I am a frat boy Sigma Phi Epsilon loud and proud

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Guys in fraternities get a bad rap... They are not all assholes who are about the girls, beer, parties, etc. SOme of them are really nice guys who just clumped into the masses.

I say go for it, especially if you like him.....:)

True BUT some are easily pushed over/swayed by the masses. Be careful if this is one of him. If he cares too much what the other guys think, then he'll be too prone to dick you over. Especially if he is pledging right now...it takes up tons to time - just be aware!!!

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Hey guys...any of you in the college scene know about the whole frat boy characteristics...party, beer, and ass.

Well. Im a frat boy..and thats all i ever think about:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


seriously...give him a chance........

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Originally posted by laurensomers

True BUT some are easily pushed over/swayed by the masses. Be careful if this is one of him. If he cares too much what the other guys think, then he'll be too prone to dick you over. Especially if he is pledging right now...it takes up tons to time - just be aware!!!

Good point...Not that it makes it right, but pledging is hell for those guys.....THere no excuse for treating someone you care about badly......:mad:

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Good point...Not that it makes it right, but pledging is hell for those guys.....THere no excuse for treating someone you care about badly......:mad:

Thanks guys..there are always great responces on the sex board! You guys are mostly telling me what I have been thinking dto do..so I will see where it goes. I know all frat boys are not the same...and maybe he will be an exception, but maybe not.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Thanks guys..there are always great responces on the sex board! You guys are mostly telling me what I have been thinking dto do..so I will see where it goes. I know all frat boys are not the same...and maybe he will be an exception, but maybe not.

Well, now you gotta keep us all updated......I say go for it, ya never know unless you try:)

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u and i are a lot alike, i can tell. and i know i would be reluctant in this situation too, because im not all about gettin ass either... but the only thing u can do is get to know him... thats the only way u can find out if he follows the trend of the typical 'frat boy' or if he is genuinely a good guy... if u like him as of right now, go for it... but go with caution b/c they dont have a bad reputation for nothing u know... but the only way u will ever know what kind of guy he is is if u get to know him personally... take things slow..as long as its worth it to u. if not, then there are plenty of fish in the sea *hehe* good luck!! :heart::updown:

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Dont stereotype him, go for it, and see what happends ... what do you have to lose??? maybe hes doing it just to make friends or something who knows what goes through adolescent boys heads... i say get to know him first and see what happends then after an educated pt. of view then decide...


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in any aspect of life i feel that regret is forever lasting and bad experience's are temporary... meaning that if you dont do it youll live forever saying what if blah blah blah, but if you do and G*d forbid it doesnt work out or dont like him bam drop him and its over...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

in any aspect of life i feel that regret is forever lasting and bad experience's are temporary... meaning that if you dont do it youll live forever saying what if blah blah blah, but if you do and G*d forbid it doesnt work out or dont like him bam drop him and its over...

Regert sucks, at least if you attempt something, you'll know

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