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Dave Matthews Is Terrible Loser Garbage

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Anyone that likes Dave Matthews is a retarded hick that doesnt know music- he is a whiny bitch and in general really blows- the songs are boring and repetitive and corny as hell.

His voice sucks- but so do some other singers i like- they have a cool delivery whereas dave does not- he looks like a sad carnival freak as well. There is nothing cool about him in any way. I have read the song lyrics and they are poetry if you are an insipid frat boy / girl type but they are superficial and pathetic if you know anything in life. Strictly minor league stuff for suburban hick trashy losers. I wish someone would put him out of his misery like the sad decrepit horse he is and turn him into glue at a factory so at least he has some redeeming and usefull value for our society instead of clogging the airwaves with ultra- boring nasally songs about what a fucking loser he is. His fans should be sent to afghanistan.

Also, the grateful dead sucks cock as well as phish- the same applies to these pathetic groups and their assshole fans- legions of morons- ever seen these losers dance? holy shit what an abomination.

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Aren't we a bit self righteous here.

Taste is subjective. Maybe if you had enough intelligence to realize that, your mouth wouldn't be laced with so much worthless shit.

Hey Trancend, remember your thread about stupid people?

Take some notes, mate.

And someone move this to the drama board please.....


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what in the Christ's name are you talking about???? I mean really? Dave...... not good??? I mean he's no Jay Z or Method Man (lol), I know. But come on now. You're being absurd.

Dave is pure inspiration coupled with a genius persona that is non-existant in today's music.

I consider your post to be an abomination. Go home moron.

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personally I find dave mathews to be mediocre and not really all that good and I dont really like peal jam either but U2 I can respect but I dont really like them either..

but I gotta agree dave sucks.. but for real this post shouldn't even be here its kinda pointless and this sudden lash out against dave mathews is nothing new.. I suggest finding new and inovative ways to get attention.

thats all


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You people are a bunch of 'tards if you like DMB- i posted against this loser DMB yesterday and today did as well because it is pertinent to new york as No one that lives in manhattan that i know listens to dmb- some losers i know that are country folk do- my point is if you listen to this shit stay the hell out of nyc cause you dont know music.

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