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terrorists again...read this


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i heard a rumor that there might be another attack...please read

this woman was dating an afghan that suddenly dissapeared early in september...on 9.10 she recieved a letter from her boyfriend that said not to go on any commercial flights on 9.11 and not to go in any malls on halloween...i don't know if this is a rumor but im just looking out for everyone...scary shit is going on and i don't want to hear about anyone i know getting hurt...



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Well I know no one is going to belive me be my friend the women that that had happpend to was my friend Jackies mom. Her mom had givin the letter to the FBI. But at first she had thought nothing of it because she got it before the WTC went down but when it happend she gave it to the FBI. Of course Jackie told everyone, all her friends to stay out of malls and all that. So if u don't believe me don't but I am usually not a person to write about attacks and staying in and all that shit, but this I know is true so please don't go into malls

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yes... this will stop when either of the following happen:

a) the us kills everyone "bad", including those who are upset about the killings so that there is nothing they can do about it

B) we capitulate to their cause, somehow without encouraging other terroists to do the same in the hope they may get their causes addressed through terror as well.

c) we live in a perfect utopia - where all people of all worlds realize that all religion basically worships the same god or concept of a diety, and we realize how unimportant our differences are given the vastness of space and time. after all, we are just a satellite orbiting about a star of which there are 100 trillion trillion stars exactly like it.

d) we become accustomed to security checks everywhere and not just at clubs and understand that we live in a country whose wealth is both amassed and secured by our govenment forming alliances with whomever it seems convenient to do so with at the time, and leave them in the dust when it is not economically viable - and this tactic comes with a certain amount of inherent risk so its ok if these incidencts happen once in a while.

in other words, probably not.

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Originally posted by dialectics

yes... this will stop when either of the following happen:


c) we live in a perfect utopia - where all people of all worlds realize that all religion basically worships the same god or concept of a diety, and we realize how unimportant our differences are given the vastness of space and time.


Acts 2

(1) When the day of Pentecost had come,

they were all together in one place.

(2) And suddenly a sound came from heaven

like the rush of a mighty wind, and it

filled all the house where they were sitting.

(3) And there appeared to them tongues as of fire,

distributed and resting on each one of them.

(4) And they were all filled with the

Holy Spirit and began to speak in other

tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

(5) Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews,

devout men from every nation under heaven.

(6) And at this sound the multitude came together,

and they were bewildered, because each one heard

them speaking in his own language.

(7) And they were amazed and wondered, saying,

"Are not all these who are speaking Galileans?

(8) And how is it that we hear, each of

us in his own native language?

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Originally posted by thehacker

(8) And how is it that we hear, each of

us in his own native language?

Damn that is the most beautiful thing i've ever heard (and i'm listening to pvd's we're alive so that's a bold statement).

hacker: i think you just made my night. will you be @ tiesto? or is that not really your thing....

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Originally posted by dialectics

Damn that is the most beautiful thing i've ever heard

knock it if you will, the bible is the greatest work every written and collected. (and i'm not even religious! there are just so many shared human experiences and common timeless themes in there though.)

hacker: i think you just made my night. will you be @ tiesto? or is that not really your thing....

is that vinyl on saturday?

imma try to make it to satoshie tomei, uh... later today. filter 14.

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