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I Love this board. i can flirt and be myself and no one hates. By the way, I was curious to know how you guys feel about flirting.

Does it turn you on or off when a girl flirts and teases and what do you consider going to far when it comes to fliting and teasing?



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Originally posted by chrishaolin

in my opinion, flirting is always good, cause in the back of my mind, theres always that chance that this is gonna be the time that something happens!!

but a line should definitely be drawn. you girls could seriously injure us guys

But how can we injure you guys?

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I pretty much realized that Girls are Evil in the way that they make me feel liek I cant live with out them. So pretty much when I meet a girl that is attractive In my head Im falling over my self.. In order to combat this I have set impossible standards for a girl to measure up to. what this does is allow me to not feel attractted to every girl as If I was 14 so I can flirt with abandon and know (a) I dont want them in the end (B) how cool they really are © how fake they really are (d) if I still got it... Im looking for the perfect girl and it aint you hon.. basically thats me.


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Originally posted by chula22

I Love this board. i can flirt and be myself and no one hates. By the way, I was curious to know how you guys feel about flirting.

Does it turn you on or off when a girl flirts and teases and what do you consider going to far when it comes to fliting and teasing?


Ok, i always get told i flirt alot. but i'm just me i think. and people who know me realize i treat everyone the same. which sometimes confuses girls who might like me cause they're like, "hmmm, he's this friendly to everyone".

Truth be told, when i like someone i'm pretty shy and have to force me to be me. know what i mean?

If being me is flirting, then its fun as hell and i always have a good time when i go out (i think that's why my friends keep me around). and yeah, this board rocks cause no one takes it too seriously.

as for a line - physcially sexual flirting can be too far. especially if u know the other person is interested and u'r not. u gotta be careful so that u don't hurt anyone....

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

If you were flirting to the point where your tongue somehow started tickling my balls and then you decided to stop, I would get very angry.

Such flirtation is not only upsetting, but dissapointing.

HAHAHAHAH! Note taken!

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