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No World Series for the Yankees this Year

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Oakland looked amazing once again today! Tim Hudson definitely had one of the most impressive performances in the playoffs this year on the mound. There is no way that the Yankees are gonna win 2 in Oakland and come back and win a Game 5 here!!! I can't wait to see Seattle and Oakland in the ALCS championship. It will be one of the best playoff series' in history!!

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Originally posted by nyc420

It ain't over yet bitch!:bigfinger

Do you honestly think that they are gonna win 3 games in a row against arguably the hottest team in baseball? What kind of crazy crack are you on? I'd love to place a wager on this with you but I wouldn't want to steal your money so you couldn't go clubbing for one week!!

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Originally posted by nyc420

All they have to do is win two games in a row. Then game 5 is a toss up. And it's the NEW YORK YANKEES! So shut you're fat mouth till it's over. Dumbass...:shoot:

If they do come back and win the series against Oakland, they definitely deserve to go to the World Series this year. But, lets think realistically here:

1. Oakland has gone 58-17 since the all star break. This is the best record for any team the second half of the season.

2. They have only lost more than 2 games in a row once in the second half of the season.

3. Roger Clemens is hurt. Even if he came back for a Game 5, he wouldn't be 100%.

4. Yankees haven't led in their last 76 innings against the A's.

5. The A's have the third best home record in baseball. (Behind Seattle and St. Louis)

I could keep on going but I think this is sufficient evidence for now that the Yankees going to the World Series this year is not likely. If I'm proven wrong, I'll buy you some shots at the meetup next week. Sound good?

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all i know is my team, the mariners....and no ive liked them for a while now....before griffey....should go on and i hope we play the yanks cause oakland will fuck us up!!! but if the yanks lose...thank the lord.....sorry all i just cant stand that team, besides justice, rivera, williams, martinez and a couple others......if i had the money like the yanks did and had that team how the hell can u use......the mariners get rid of there 3 all stars and still kick everyones ass!!! GO MARINERS BABY!!!:tongue:


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Originally posted by kvanzile9

all i know is my team, the mariners....and no ive liked them for a while now....before griffey....should go on and i hope we play the yanks cause oakland will fuck us up!!! but if the yanks lose...thank the lord.....sorry all i just cant stand that team, besides justice, rivera, williams, martinez and a couple others......if i had the money like the yanks did and had that team how the hell can u use......the mariners get rid of there 3 all stars and still kick everyones ass!!! GO MARINERS BABY!!!:tongue:


It just goes to show that George Steinbrenner just tries to buy a World Series from year to year. If baseball had salary caps, just like football, it would be a different story. That's why you haven't seen the NY Giants win as many superbowls.

I don't know about you dude, I can't wait untill Seattle plays Oakland. That itself will probably be better than the World Series!

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It will certainly be nice to see a team other then the Yankee's in the World Series. Though they are not out of it yet, they are playing against a very good Oakland team. It will be very difficult to win two away from home being the playoffs. That's the bueaty of the playoffs though, you never know whats going to happen.

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great call ctwarrior....the yankees bought those world series they won the past four years or whatever it was.....if there was a salary cap like there should be...the yankees would have to either cut every single player's pay check or get rid of half that team....lol.....how can u lose with that team they have.....they have every position has at least a semi-good player!!! but who knows...oakland is doin some ass kickin right now.....but who knows...the yanks still got a shot....as my mariners should be kickin cleveland's ass the next two games or three however many it takes!!! peace:laugh: :laugh:

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First of all

You guys are fools if you say they bought their way into the world series. That's SUCH bullshit and you guys cower behind that excuse because the Yankees dominated the last 5 years of baseball.

Everyone on the Yankees, aside Bernie and Jeter are all perserverance players. They give their all... they aren't nearly as good as guy like Griffey, etc... but they push and play hard. Bernie and Jeter are two money players... that always show 300+ averages because they are just that, money.

Now remember this... if you were Jeter's boss back in 96 and playing for cheap... kicking ass and winning games, winning series... would you not reward your players and give them raises? Its like working for a company, showing effor and being good, deserves more money. The overall value of the team went up as they won more and more, hence higher salaries. Its still pretty much most of the same guys.

So take your overpayed theory and flush it down the toilet with those Flushing Fags, the Mets. I HATE THAT EXCUSE MORE THEN ANY.

I have faith the Yanks may come back, but admit that Oakland is just so young and overpowering. The Yankees are getting old. I only wish they win since I've been a fan since I was 4. 22 years now. If they don't, then its a memory to one of the best basebull runs in history. Take pride the Yankees is a New York team and represents this COUNTRY to the fullest.

I only get mad, when I took about something I love. :)


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Originally posted by ctwarrior

It just goes to show that George Steinbrenner just tries to buy a World Series from year to year. If baseball had salary caps, just like football, it would be a different story. That's why you haven't seen the NY Giants win as many superbowls.

I don't know about you dude, I can't wait untill Seattle plays Oakland. That itself will probably be better than the World Series!

Your a fucking idiot......The yankees didn't buy shit.....The core of their team are all home grown players.....and the others were traded for with the exception of mussina and stanton who were free agents.You can't use money as an excuse because if it was then the A's wouldn't even be a .500 team. Its not money in baseball. Its having smart people run your organization. Steinbrenner has had the team since the 70's. He hasn't had smart people running the team until Bob Watson, Buck Showalter, Cashman, and Torre came around. The A's are good because their GM is a genius. Adding Dye and Damon was a great move. The reason the mets sucked this year is because Steve Phillips. He didn't want A-Rod. He didn't want Sheffeild. He didn't re-sign hampton. He knew he needed a big time bat to go with Piazza and Alfonzo. So he went out and signed Steve Trachsel and Appeir to replace hampton and did jack shit to improve the offense. Its all about having a smart GM. Look at teams like Cleveland, the Yanks, Braves, Houston, St.louis.....They are in the playoffs every year....They make the right moves!

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Originally posted by ctwarrior

Oakland looked amazing once again today! Tim Hudson definitely had one of the most impressive performances in the playoffs this year on the mound. There is no way that the Yankees are gonna win 2 in Oakland and come back and win a Game 5 here!!! I can't wait to see Seattle and Oakland in the ALCS championship. It will be one of the best playoff series' in history!!

FU BUDDY! :mad3:

your a hater, the yanks are the best team ever, period.

YA just gotta belive! They've come back down two b4. And Its gonna happen again!! :D

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u cant just say that baseball has nothin to do with money......there were even talks about the yanks gettn giambi next year......they buy their teams....which is why they are always stacked every year with powerful great players!!!! im not sayin their not smart for gettin these people but it has alot to do with money!!! the yankees dont have a weak player on that team at all from hitting to pitching cause they bought them all.....baseball needs a cap, so theres no overpowering of teams!! and yes tha yankees management are smart cause they have the money to buy all the players they want!!! the mariners just got raw talent this year with people nobody ever heard of like brett boone (mvp) suzuki (rookie of the year) sele, moyer, abbott, garcia all at least around 17 game winners.....this team got rid of the three most powerful people in baseball.......a-rod, griffey (shiity year), and randy johnson....and then pissed on all of the major leagues!!!! hope they win it this year!!! peace:laugh: :laugh:

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