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Casual sex

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I wasn't posting to impress anyone, but thank you. Man Legend there are some posts you watch like a hawk huh? I never hear from you but if I reply to this, or The Biggest Mistake-- BAM! there you are. :)

Ok you want to hear more. I don't have alot of time but here goes. You read the story about Shauna right? No it wasn't her I was with, although I did talk to Shauna at work, and have even seen her twice. We saw Vanilla Sky last night. She is a sweet girl and actually great to talk to but will never be anything serious. She does not want a relationship. Talking about her is for another time but I think it will do me good to know her as she wants to help me. Moving on.

Last Friday me and Shauna were actually suppose to go out. I had a Xmas party at work and for the first time in ages, actually had a Friday before 11:30. I got off work at 6:30, and got out of the Xmas party around 9pm. I called Shauna to tell her I was out of the party and ready. No answer. I called several more times, even drove by her house to see her car there with all the lights out. I had a feeling she was asleep or something and I later (Saturday when she called me) found out that was the case and that she had been getting sick. But when it was Friday I didn't hear from her, but remembering all my friends advice, "Don't wait for anyone especially if they are not serious yet", I had more of a Friday than I usually do and I went out anyway.

Got to Polly's and spent awhile at the DJ Booth with my DJ friend Rick, who was on the 70s section for a change. This girl dancing in the corner of the dance floor with her friend kept making eye contact with me. I mean we did it over and over, smiling and all that. I came and went a few times, always ended up back at the DJ booth and she was always dancing in the same spot seeing if I was looking. At one point she had left to the other half. I didn't know she was there but when I saw her I walked by her and kind of rubbed my hand across her back. That seemed to get a big smile. :) But still no talking yet. While later she was back at her spot in the 70s section and I was up at the booth. I came down because I was getting close to talking to her and finally she just motioned for me to come to her.

So I danced with her and her friend the rest of the time we were there. We hit it off pretty quick and definatly liked eachother. Her name is Sheri, and she is a red head. Never had been with one before. :) She was a cutie and I told her that alot. She had this bashful little smile that was so damn cute. Altought she didn't look it, she was 30! I don't know why I keep meeting older women. It's not intentional and it certainly doesn't bother me, but does anyone look thier age anymore?

We danced close and liked eachpother pretty quick. At first I was just kissing her on the cheek but she seemed to really think that was sweet for some reason. Went to to full kissing later of course. In fact I think the first lip kiss was from her when I had left for a moment to get a drink.

At one point of the night while we were dancing I had asked almost jokingly "So are you going to take me home?" and she said "Maybe..." Then 1:15 rolls around (Not closing time) and she says so you ready to go? I said something like "You want to go already" and she said something like I thought you were coming with me? So with a little smile and that little "Oh shit this is really going to happen" we left. I took her home in my car and her friend came back in her Van. I guess Sheri is new to Sacramento (which works to my advantage I think) and her friend was visiting from Frenso.

I stayed the night, slept in Sheri's room and her friend was out on the couch. It was great to be with her. Being with a new person alot though is definatly not my thing, it's too nerve racking. What does this girl like? What does she not like? I hope I see her again, I am pretty sure I will, she really seemed to like me. I will enjoy it alot more as we're together more and learn what she is like and likes.

The sex was slow and nice. God she had a great body... I spent forever on her. I think it had been awhile for her but I did a good job. Yes she got off. :cool: I think I exhausted her. :) We spent alot of time kissing and looking at eachother kind of... tenderly. I think it went a bit beyond "Casual sex" and that's really fine with me. I can't just cut my emotions off when I'm into someone like that. Yes yes I know I need to be careful, no lectures! :)

Hope I can see her this weekend. I already miss her.

Bah time to get ready for work.


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I guess you must be my lost twin brother or something, you almost behave like me now, I guess my little self-confidence speech made you a ladykiller ;)

There's almost nothing to add, only that you should be careful about seeing her again. She might not behave the same way next time you see her, but on the other hand she also might do... just don't expect too much, but it looks as if you pretty much figured it out by yourself now!

I sort of envy you, didn't have sex for quite some time now (oh my god, exactly 3 weeks by now) and I could use a female hug (and a blowjob). Oh now I shocked everybody who liked me until this point. But I have to admit that although I seem to have a divine personality, I do have some of these human basic (and awesome good) sexual desires, but unlike most other men I am able to control them (that's why it has been 3 weeks). I just don't see any reason not to talk about it.

So, I guess there nothing left to say than good luck Zeonstar, welcome to the world of men who actually get the woman they want to take home ;)

Cya soon,

keep me updated with the latest news,


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You know if you think about it Legend, the funny part is I really haven't changed much. I'm still shy as hell, I have yet to just walk up to a girl and ask them to dance... things just happen to me though and obviously it's working. If Sheri hadn't motioned for me to come to her, who knows how long I might of just looked and not acted.

However with the girls I do meet by some means or another, I am feeling more confidence, like with Sheri knew she liked me right away so I wasn't very shy. I danced with her, held her close. You know just did the in charge man kind of stuff. She more or less took me home, I didn't take her home. But whatever works.

I am being careful trying not to expect too much out of her and if and when I see her again. I know we had a good time and I would love to see her again but in truth I of course don't know if she wants to see me again. She said she did, and she gave me her real phone numbers so I imagine that's a good sign. I called her Sunday though and things didn't goto well. I basically called to say hi and she kind of snapped at me and was real short. She emailed me the next day (Yes I have her email addy too) and sh did say sorry and that she has just had a bad migrane for the past few days. I wrote her back saying it was ok and I understood but I have not called or anything. My friend Victor, whom I have mentioned a few times has implored me NOT TO call her again for at least 3 days. Give her some time and space. It's the middle of the week anyway so I am doing just that. I am dying to talk to her again, I want to see her this weekend if possible. I also wanted to see if she wants to do something for New Years. I have never ever in my life really went out for New Years. The Polly's here is having some deal and I would love to go with her. My luck her friend who I gets the feeling comes and visits alot will come down and she'll want to do something with her. I do know Sheri knows like no one here... and neither do I. That might work for us.

On a little side note I just wanted to say that you (Legend) may find this suprising that it hadn't been awhile since I had sex. I actually have a friend I am with regularly. For lack of a better term, and I know how bad this sounds, she is a fuck buddy. A relationship with her would never work out, but we both love the sex. Of course if I get serious with anyone, be it Sheri or God knows who, I'll have to stop with my friend.

That's all. My mind is elsewhere right now. 10 hours and 42 minutes till my showing of Lord Of The Rings. Going to go before work. The wait is ooover.

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How amusing. It really doesn't matter what decade it is, you guys don't change much.

I'm not here to lecture- promise- just find it funny that 3 weeks is a long time with no sex. Try being in a long term relationship and having to live in a different state for 6 months- that was a very long time. and a very long time ago in a galaxy far far away!!!!!!

A roll in the hay after sparking chemistry on the dancefloor- the tender looks are no more than rosey afterglow. Don't fool yourself. Just enjoy it for what it is and don't forget the safe sex while you are in super stud mode!

. . . And whats wrong with being an older woman? I'd say the average age of guys that asks me out is 21. I'm 29 and I do not dress like a skank or grind my hips at anyone that comes my way.

I think the younger guys like the confidence I exude(comes from working out ) - plus I am very comfortable with who I am.

If I ever see either of you on the dance floor, I will be the one wearing you out. Why?

Because I am that damn good! ;)

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Nothing at all wrong with being an older women. I've quite enjoyed the ones I've met lately. Age really doesn't mean much to me. As long as I like her and she likes me. I do not care how old she is. I'm sorry if I suggested it bothered me, it certainly does not.

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To oldskoolgrrrl:

This sentence with the no sex for three weeks was supposed to sound ironic, I know that three weeks is no time, I know what it means to be in a relation-ship where the partner is far away and you have to be patient for weeks and months.

And I am absolutely not the type of guy who takes home a woman or lets himself taken home by a woman just to have sex because it has been X weeks and Y days since the last time. I can be quite resistant (which can also be quite appealing to some women who are just fed up with the easy-to-get type of guy). I am not challenging you or anything, this is just a fact. But apparently I am older than the average age of guys who ask you out, anyways ;)

See you around,

bye bye,


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As far as I remember I have been the older one in all but two cases. But I don't really look for the age. It's the chemistry that counts, and the older you get the more irrelevant age gets. Who cares when I am 50 and my wife is 56? So why then should it be a big thing if I am 24 and she is 30? I agree that it is a difference if I am 16 and she is 22, but it's only a matter of maturity.

So let's drop the talk about age, I think we all agree that it doesn't really matter as long as you are 'compatible' :)

Have fun!


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