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Get a room for crying out loud

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it was my first time back to exit since junior's bday party, and the place is still the same not really any big changes in it. securtiy are a bunch of dicks, and i don't know how many times i almost tripped on the stupid floor, i swear to god im gonna go sober and break a leg so i can sue the shit out of them. Junior's music is terrible and seeing all these gay guys makes me wanna vomit. there was like 4 girls in there and they weren't even good looking. The blonde at the enterance is fucking beautiful, i was trippin balls going in there and i just saw her i was like damn. neways Exit is not for me, the shows they put on sucked, back when exit first opened they had bettter performances.

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That place sucked. The place was empty, paid $15 for a red bull and vodka, jeez. The place did not look any different than last year when I went and I don't think I will return.

I got there at 3 and left around 5, should have went to Factory instead..

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In what world do straight people complain about gays at gay parties.If you don't know Junior is the queen of the gay house party and that party is probably the oldest running club night in the city and its GAY. So if that bothers you should have never gone in the first place .Thats like complaining about SOUND FACTORY because everyone there is bumped up or rolling.See my point.

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I think it's pretty awful that everyone has such issues with gay people. That's pretty narrowminded and disgusting. Honestly, some of my favorite people that i have ever met are gay, and they are in no way deserving of any nasty attitudes just because they prefer to have relations with people that are of the same sex. I know this sounds really politically correct and trite but it just pisses me off when people get all nasty about being gay. :mad:

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If there wasn't exit you really think that The Earth crowd would actually set foot in that disgusting rat hole called Factory ? lol. and by the way I'm straight and love gonig to Earth because Junior's parties are the fiercest in NY. have fun in your crack den.

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Quite a few who are confident enough, mature enough and intelligent enough to have no ISSUES with using it.

And of course...are fierce. I'm a straight woman and no heterosexual guy is half as sexy as one who knows how to be fierce. ;)

God people...you preech how much the music and club scene has opened your mind and your hearts and made you feel "part of something" and then you sling this homophobic crap left and right.

You're being downright silly and immature. If you get out of this pattern, you'll be far happier since wow...you'd be able to ENJOY an experience rather than focus entirely on how uncomfortable you are.

And boys...women get hit on by people we're not interested in all the time. We deal with it. A rude straight man and a rude gay man are both JUST as bad. But if you stop being so afraid you'll realize...its rare that ANYONE would be unnecessarily agressive with you.

You guys are truly missing out on an amazing experience/culture because of your insecurities and fears. I hope you all try to change the way you're looking at things.


Originally posted by manmeat

How many straight guys use the word "FIERCEST" anyways? :idea:

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