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10 Rules for being a Yankee fan.

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1. It's important to point out past post-season success as often as possible. However, if anyone points out anything in the past that doesn't reflect positively on the Yankees, then argue that it happened in the past and doesn't matter now. For example, it is okay to point out that the Yankees beat the Mariners in the 2000 ALCS. However, if anyone points out that the Mariners beat the Yankees in the 1995 ALDs, then argue that it happened in the past and doesn't matter.

2. Nothing in the regular season matters, unless it's favorable to the Yankees. For example, Roger Clemens is 16-1 this year, and has dominated. However, if anyone points out that the Mariners have beaten Clemens twice this year, respond by saying, "Regular Season doesn't mean crap". Regular Season wins and losses are especially irrelevant, unless you are the 1998 Yankees.

3. Statistics are for losers. Whenever someone posts a statistic that you find confusing, quickly point out that the Yankees have won 4 out of the last 5 World Series.

4. If anyone accuses the Yankees of "buying" their championships, argue that Jeter, B Williams, Pettitte, Soriano, Rivera, and Posada are all home-grown talent. Then, hope that nobody notices that this represents only 6 out of 25 players, and hope they don't bring up Clemens, Mussina, Hitchcock, Witasik, Wohlers, Stanton, Martinez, Sojo, Knoblauch, O'Neill, Brosius, Justice, Lilly and more. Also hope they don't mention the fact that Gerald Williams was recently acquired but never plays, much like Jose Canseco last year.

5. Whenever you argue with a Red Sox fan, always bring up 1918. This will infuriate them and while they type a response, you can point out that the Yankees have won 4 out of the last 5 championships. See Rule #1

6. Statistics and records are never as important as name recognition. Statistics should always be dismissed unless they are favorable to the Yankees. For example, Clemens is 16-1. That's a good statistic. Mussina is 12-10, but that doesn't matter because . Well-known names are always better than any statistic. If anyone argues with that, see Rule #2.

7. Defend Derek Jeter and Roger Clemens at all costs. Resort to name calling and threats of violence if necessary.

8. All other fans of all other teams are bandwagon fans. Nobody has a more loyal, more dedicated following than the Yankees. If a team is hot, or is playing well, call that team's fans bandwagoners. Then point out how many championships the Yankees have won. See Rule #1.

9. The Yankees are the Defending World Champions until baseball adopts a policy forbidding them to play in the post-season. Such a policy will never exist, because George Steinbrenner vehemently opposes anything that doesn't directly contribute to the success of the Yankees, so therefore, the Yankees will forever be the Defending World Champions. If another teams wins the championship, then it was because of . Refer to Rule #1.

10. The following traits should be avoided at all times: logic, humility, reason, and class. You are the World Champions. You should act like it and point it out at all times. See Rule #1.

I'm gonna get shit for this..but you know what, check the sig....don't sing it....JUST BRING IT!

Enjoy your night Yankee fans - this friggin fairytale will NOT have a happy ending!

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For the record, one can argue that Hitchcock and Gerald Williams are also homegrown talent as they are products of the Yankee Farm system along with Velarde. The Mariners may have had the best record in baseball this year but they still haven't proven a damn thing until they win the World Series. F-Seattle.

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Are you from Boston? Is that why you're such a little bitch?

I'm the one from Boston mutherfucker so if you wanna call me a bitch than bring it punk..........................well actually from Rhody but I still got a temper when it comes to the Sox............as I probably should by now with that team.

Oh yeah, I think I met you on Saturday.........maybe


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AHHHH gotta love this time of year every yankee hayta comes out of the wood work. Spragga u have such a hardon for the yanks who you like??. every homegrown player you just mentioned is a MAJOR key to 4out of 5 and all those others were by TRADES only Mussina is free agent. and btw 1918!

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Originally posted by bxbomb

AHHHH gotta love this time of year every yankee hayta comes out of the wood work. Spragga u have such a hardon for the yanks who you like??. every homegrown player you just mentioned is a MAJOR key to 4out of 5 and all those others were by TRADES only Mussina is free agent. and btw 1918!

All in good fun man......:)

Love this time of the year!

And it's 1986 - I'm a fan of THAT team!!

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Last time I checked there is supposed to be 9 players on the field.

Not 2. Pedro and Nomar don't make up the whole team.

Also, last time I checked Nomar was in a wheelchair ;)

2 of the best players in the game hurt, even after Pedro said he was hurting they still made him pitch. Brilliant move.

I'd rather have a field of 9 great players that can produce rather then a few individuals who can outshine the others.

Go Yankees!

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ted lilly came from the farm system too.....

and when a team trades for a player, that is not buying them....Look at the knoblauch trade (christian guzman and eric milton), it made minnesota a better team.... When the yankees traded for clemens, everyone was pissed that they traded wells....

the yankees who were free agents were....

Mussina, El duque, Stanton, todd greene

Everyone else was traded for or home grown...

Hey I wonder how the sox got pedro and manny.....hmmmmm

How did the mariners get ichiro and boone.....hmmmmm

Free agents are part of the game.....Payroll is over rated....Look at Oakland, who had a payroll of 32 million. Look at Baltimore who usually has a payroll of 90 million.....Its all about having a good GM who makes smart baseball decisions.

So to all the haters......Fuck you and get ready for another yankee parade down the canyon of heroes!!!!!!

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