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How to tan?


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Hey.... I was just wondering, I was kind of white (not _that_ white , lol), so I went to a tanning salon, lol. ($10) I was wondering how you girls got your great tans.... do you lay out in the sun, or do you go to a salon? Does it make a difference how it looks? Do you like guys who are tan? The benefit of the tanning salon is that you can go nude I guess, since I have no place to lay out, and tanning salon is much faster (only 18 minutes! lol). But I guess it kinda makes you more redder then tan like. At least it did my first time. I don't know, should I go back? Do you girls tan and like tan guys? I thought it was kind of cheesy but it might make me look better.

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Originally posted by cool2223423123

Hey.... I was just wondering, I was kind of white (not _that_ white , lol), so I went to a tanning salon, lol. ($10) I was wondering how you girls got your great tans.... do you lay out in the sun, or do you go to a salon? Does it make a difference how it looks? Do you like guys who are tan? The benefit of the tanning salon is that you can go nude I guess, since I have no place to lay out, and tanning salon is much faster (only 18 minutes! lol). But I guess it kinda makes you more redder then tan like. At least it did my first time. I don't know, should I go back? Do you girls tan and like tan guys? I thought it was kind of cheesy but it might make me look better.


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i used to go all the time.. but right now im not as liquid as id like to be... however if youre looking for a deep tan go into beds that are UV-B, theyre deeper and last longer, and use tanning lotions that have "tingle" this helps you tan better as well... and more importantly go into the beds that are a lil longer its worth it, theyre deeper and darker and you wont have that rosey effect on your skin... btw you know to go in there naked right??? nothing less attractive then tan lines...

anyway good luck there my bronze buddy...

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I don't know, I don't trust those tanning beds. I look at them as cancer in a box. I've dealt with being pretty light skinned my entire life, but it really doesn't bother me. There were times when I tried getting a nice tan by sitting in the sun all the time, but it never really worked. I never got as dark as I wanted to get, so I basically stopped trying. I'd much rather be white, than be white and increase my risk of dealing with a terminal illness. Anyway, if you really want a tan, try some tanning cream (Clarins is pretty good). It may not look as good, but it'll save you time, frustration, and quite possibly some chemotherapy.

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't know, I don't trust those tanning beds. I look at them as cancer in a box.

I.e Cigarettes, Weed, Etc... everything nowadays gives you cancer...

Disclaimer I dont use nor condone any of the behaviour expressed above just making a statement...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I.e Cigarettes, Weed, Etc... everything nowadays gives you cancer...

Disclaimer I dont use nor condone any of the behaviour expressed above just making a statement...

I hear ya. Why not just reduce your chances. Plus, the sun damages your skin, making you look a lot older than you are.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i used to go all the time.. but right now im not as liquid as id like to be... however if youre looking for a deep tan go into beds that are UV-B, theyre deeper and last longer, and use tanning lotions that have "tingle" this helps you tan better as well... and more importantly go into the beds that are a lil longer its worth it, theyre deeper and darker and you wont have that rosey effect on your skin... btw you know to go in there naked right??? nothing less attractive then tan lines...

anyway good luck there my bronze buddy...

Hmm... how often do I have to go? Like once or twice a week?The tanning salon I went to has 6 different bed intensities, you can go for up to 30 minutes. So, is it better to go for 30 minutes on a lower intensity bed then say 20 min. on a high bed? Also, what tanning lotions are best? I didn't use one the first time. They will sell you tanning lotions for $39 or something, but can I get something just as good at the supermarket? What is "tingle?" Thanks

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now we're talkin!!! i know it is bad blah blah...but i LOVE tanning! i think i have tan anorexia!! i always think i look pale and my friends think i am crazy! LOL...but like dg said....use lotions with tingle factor and or bronzers...and a lot depends on your skin type...can u get that deep dark tan? or are u a very fair skinned freckle boy?! the people at the salon should be able to help u with lotion selection and times. o,and btw...I LOVE GUYS WITH TANS!!!!!!!!! LOL

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i used to go all the time.. but right now im not as liquid as id like to be... however if youre looking for a deep tan go into beds that are UV-B, theyre deeper and last longer, and use tanning lotions that have "tingle" this helps you tan better as well... and more importantly go into the beds that are a lil longer its worth it, theyre deeper and darker and you wont have that rosey effect on your skin... btw you know to go in there naked right??? nothing less attractive then tan lines...

anyway good luck there my bronze buddy...

Hmm... how often do I have to go? Like once or twice a week?The tanning salon I went to has 6 different bed intensities, you can go for up to 30 minutes. So, is it better to go for 30 minutes on a lower intensity bed then say 20 min. on a high bed? Also, what tanning lotions are best? I didn't use one the first time. They will sell you tanning lotions for $39 or something, but can I get something just as good at the supermarket for $10? What is "tingle?" Thanks

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Originally posted by cool2223423123

Hmm... how often do I have to go? Like once or twice a week?The tanning salon I went to has 6 different bed intensities, you can go for up to 30 minutes. So, is it better to go for 30 minutes on a lower intensity bed then say 20 min. on a high bed? Also, what tanning lotions are best? I didn't use one the first time. They will sell you tanning lotions for $39 or something, but can I get something just as good at the supermarket for $10? What is "tingle?" Thanks

hmm...i dunno about this salon? is it a big chain?? where i go the max on the beds is 15 min...and i get amazing color everytime!! plus they sell u 'shots' of lotion.....instead of buying a huge bottle...u can buy shots at around 3-5 each...this way u can sample all different lotions and work your way up!((the darker u get the more intense of a lotion)) i can get usually 2 sessions out of 1 shot. in the beginning i would go AT LEAST twice a week..if you are seriously trying to get dark. after u get your color u can then go less and less or just when u feel u need it!!

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In the beginning go 2X per week for 4-6 weeks until you are as dark as you want to be. (Be cautious of the "Tanners anorexia" condition that was previously mentioned and is sure to set in.) Then go 1X per week to maintain your colour. Do not use a cheap lotion or a lotion used for outdoor use they are totally diffrent things. Good nice tan = expensive tan. Don't be cheap with the lotion and NEVER go without lotion. Especially your first time silly! Anyways thats all I can think of for now. Oh, except it has been my experience to use the 15 minute high intense beds for a darker tan and the longer low intensity for a lighter tan or a maitenence tan.


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Originally posted by cool2223423123

Does a tan from a tanning salon look any different then a tan from the sun? Which looks better?

not really...i have heard people in the past say..it looks orange or other comments...but i have never had a problem! depends on the quality of beds and lotions....but come one~>do u really think anyone will believe your tan in december is natural!? lol

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Originally posted by bluebetty

it has been my experience to use the 15 minute high intense beds for a darker tan and the longer low intensity for a lighter tan or a maitenence tan.


What about when you start out? Like should I go lower intensity for longer at the beginning, or should I just always go high intensity for a short period? thanks, lol

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if your pale as a ghost, go for 15-20 min in a regular bed, regular lotion

id use tingle lotion after like 3 or 4 sessions....this lotion will make you REALLY red for like 20 minutes after you get out, but brings out the most color

i find it hard to believe you know NOTHING about tanning, cool234823234523423423 :confused:

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I hear ya. Why not just reduce your chances. Plus, the sun damages your skin, making you look a lot older than you are.

youre absolutley right... Im not sitting here trying to debate the pros and cons of tanning. I was just making a pointless statement thats all...

btw we all know that the sun give us vitamin D.. yeah!

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Originally posted by cool2223423123

Hmm... how often do I have to go? Like once or twice a week?The tanning salon I went to has 6 different bed intensities, you can go for up to 30 minutes. So, is it better to go for 30 minutes on a lower intensity bed then say 20 min. on a high bed? Also, what tanning lotions are best? I didn't use one the first time. They will sell you tanning lotions for $39 or something, but can I get something just as good at the supermarket? What is "tingle?" Thanks

I couldnt tell you that. the people in the salon should be able to help you out with that...

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Originally posted by cool2223423123

What about when you start out? Like should I go lower intensity for longer at the beginning, or should I just always go high intensity for a short period? thanks, lol

Start with a low bed for your first or second time to avoid a burn. I have had a nasty burn once from a tanning bed. Then when you get a base tan you can hit the high beds. Good luck! :cool:


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