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Ladies Room


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OK LADIES....here's your chance to post anything and everything that's on your mind. Don't worry about corniness...chances are we've all been there, and have a few funny stories to tell about it.

Guys please...we've tolerated your threads for soooo long....now it's our turn.


Here's my issue......

I'm really over this premenstrual thing. I'm not going to go all out and speak about feminist rights or anything...but seriously...I feel like I'm mentally retarded for about 2 weeks. Constant headaches...and forget it....I am totally anti-social. Everyone bothers me and I have like a zero tolerance for stupidity. I am just out of control.....

And as soon as it's all over, I have a week of normallcy (spelled wrong?) and the cycle just starts all over....


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Originally posted by marcid21

OK LADIES....here's your chance to post anything and everything that's on your mind. Don't worry about corniness...chances are we've all been there, and have a few funny stories to tell about it.

Guys please...we've tolerated your threads for soooo long....now it's our turn.


Here's my issue......

I'm really over this premenstrual thing. I'm not going to go all out and speak about feminist rights or anything...but seriously...I feel like I'm mentally retarded for about 2 weeks. Constant headaches...and forget it....I am totally anti-social. Everyone bothers me and I have like a zero tolerance for stupidity. I am just out of control.....

And as soon as it's all over, I have a week of normallcy (spelled wrong?) and the cycle just starts all over....


LOL i know what you mean...

my coworker is being such a bitch, shes giving me the cold shoulder because she didnt get her way ONE time. now her and this other guy are ganging up and being bitchy to make me feel uncomfortable. i just think its petty, they need to get over it. :rolleyes:

why do mondays always suck?

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Cutie...I know what you mean.

I hate to say it, because I'm part of the breed...but Women are animals. I work in the fashion district...so it's primarily all women, or gay men. Can't really say which is worse. Here in our showroom we call each other "Lunachicks". Seems to work.

Just shrug off that bitch, and try and show that those 2 aren't bugging you. If worse comes to worse, confront her if you can....that usually simmers all the smoke. Show them you have balls, and don't need to go around snickering to other co-workers.

PS...Monday - Thursdays usually suck!

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ladies...i know what you mean....

i dont care what ANYONE says, PMS is a good excuse for being bitchy. just before, i went out to get something to eat for lunch, and some car almost hit me so i yelled "watch out" loud as hell out the window cuz his window was also open...then i was so impatient cuz this guys couldnt parallel park his bigass truck and he blocked the whole damn street for like 10 minutes...so of course i have to hold my horn down...

any other time of the month, i dont do that type of stuff...its weird :confused:

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It's not even like I'm using PMS for an excuse....It's just the plain old truth....Everything just gets on our nerves a lot easier. I would do anything to make it all go away, but it's here to stay.

PS...as if a roaring bitch isn't enough....here we have one with road rage...LOL....look out mid east terrorists!


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Originally posted by marcid21

Ladies, speak your mind. This isn't just the ladies room....it's the battle of the sexes now!

WowWowwow... take it easy there Hitler... whos battling??? whats going on now??? cant we all just get along?

We're all just expressing our feelings, nothing is specifically directed at one another...

Chill Pickle... Relax, drink some vitamin water...

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Originally posted by marcid21

You can try the "cock pit" DG, but I can guarantee that UpJump is not hosting it very well! The only respose he's gotten is mine.

Ladies, speak your mind. This isn't just the ladies room....it's the battle of the sexes now!

I went to lunch, right after I posted it, so I haven't read one post/thread until now.

You want war!!! You got it!!

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Originally posted by marcid21

It's not even like I'm using PMS for an excuse....It's just the plain old truth....Everything just gets on our nerves a lot easier. I would do anything to make it all go away, but it's here to stay.

PS...as if a roaring bitch isn't enough....here we have one with road rage...LOL....look out mid east terrorists!


OMG, everything and everyone gets on my nerves about week before I get my period!! Watch out!!! It's weird though because when I get it, I am usually in a good mood! It's always that week before that kills me! And guys, yes, we can use PMS as an excuse! If you went through half the shit we did, you would use it as an excuse too but dont just ever tell a girl she is a bitch because she has PMS. Then she'll really jump down your throat!!! Watch out- GRRRRR!!!

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ok ladies...PMS isn't an excuse...IT'S THE REASON. Let's just make that clear right now.

UPJUMP - sweetie, you do realize your post is contributing to my victory right? Oh, ok...Good!

Ladies, would you like to know something else that bothers me? Shopping! Why is it that I just spent god knows how many hundreds of dollars shopping, and still have nothing to wear. Or better yet...need a 20th pair of shoes to go with a pair of jeans that are like 50 years old???? I seriously think I have a problem.

I'd hate to see my credit report, considering my 2 cards are maxed out, my car payment was late...and...the topper...even my overdraft line of credit is almost all gone.

sheeesssh!!!! What the hell did I buy? I can't even remember!

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I love shopping... I can totally relate. its like you just see the gear and youre gotta have it. no ifs ands or buts, and if you donthave the money its like lie cheat or steal to get it...

Im like a fashionable crack head, in a drugstore... anything to get my fix...

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ok so i just got back from lunch... so i came in and asked her a question (my boss), she was totally bitchy. she was liek I DONT KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU. so then i went in the back to do something and this guy (wont say his name), her buddy, who basically just gets mad when she tells him to, he was being all bitter so i was like "whats up with everyone being so cold?" and he ignored me, so i said "i dont care, i just think its petty" then he got all irrational and loud and was liek GO CRY you little bitch.

i wasnt even upset... so i said "does it look like im crying?" then he was like OH YOURE SCARED TO CONFRONT ME... so i just walked away. i dont know what to do now. i know its pointless to have another confrontation with him, all he says is YOURE WRONG, FUCK YOU. fuck all these people, i need a new job.

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I waited to respond to this thread because I thought my afternoon would be much better. It hasn't. I'm PMSing full speed.

For starters I was 2 hrs late for work because of FREAKING sick passangers on the trains. I was so close of going back home, I should of had.

Second, I missed a meeting at work because of my tardiness and my BOSS (bitch!) had the nerve to say at the meeting, "I was on the A train and I didnt' have any problems." My friend told me this.

Third, I had nothing to wear this morning. I have clothes spilling out of my closet and drawers and I still don't have anything to wear. I also have clothes that I have yet to wear, they still have the price tag on them.

Last but not least, I'm craving CHOCOLATE and the vending machine is gone!!! It's not in the kitchen anymore, uuughhhhhh!

Oh yea I almost forgot, I have no voice! I sound like the crackhead version of Kathleen Turner.

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Sweetie...I think you just went about it the wrong way....

I would looked him straight in the eye and asked if there was anything he wanted to talk to me about. (at this point i'm dismissing your boss cause she's just seems like an evil stank ass woman who needs to get laid). With a confrontation like that, and a determined look in your eye...he's bound to back down...at least when your confronting him. What's he gonna say????......

There's no doubt he'll act as if there's nothing wrong...and when he does i'd just say "oh...ok...It's just starting to get a little thick in here". (or something to that effect)That'll show him you have the balls that he dosen't. I might even give it a shot on that boss of yours, but don't expect too much.

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Originally posted by marcid21

Sweetie...I think you just went about it the wrong way....

I would looked him straight in the eye and asked if there was anything he wanted to talk to me about. (at this point i'm dismissing your boss cause she's just seems like an evil stank ass woman who needs to get laid). With a confrontation like that, and a determined look in your eye...he's bound to back down...at least when your confronting him. What's he gonna say????......

There's no doubt he'll act as if there's nothing wrong...and when he does i'd just say "oh...ok...It's just starting to get a little thick in here". (or something to that effect)That'll show him you have the balls that he dosen't. I might even give it a shot on that boss of yours, but don't expect too much.

blah, im over it. they are 40 and act like they are 12. im just gonna ignore them like they ignore me

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