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The ridiculousness of virginity


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Okay, I was just thinking about these sex dolls (See the "Tools used during masturbation" post), and I wondered..... if you had sex (especially a girl) with one of those dolls..... would you still be a virgin?

Then I started thinking....

With the net and stuff, people look at porn, see pictures of people fucking, have cyber sex over chat while they jack off, etc. So like, I was wondering, does virginity really mean anything?

Personally I first had sex at age 20 totally drunk. It was okay. I banged her like 3 times cause I purposefully wanted to get my money's worth hahaha...... yeah, freeko chick that lived in my building.

Anyway, I was just thinking like shitt...... Sex really isn't a big deal....... like it isn't anything you know.

What was everyone thinking?

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i agree to an extent. "Sex" or "Fucking" is just a primitive instinct we have as humans, similar to Breathing or Blinking... and is totally overrated...

However Making love to someone, is a whole other level of intimacy and bonds the relationship with something unexplainable... its the end all be all of relationships the maker the breaker, its the catalyst of the relationship for the relationship its self.

Did that make sense?

I dont know its late.

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I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it seems retarded that everyone makes a big deal about sex, when it's really not anything at all!!

Like...... being naked, BIG DEAL. Then you stick your dick in her pussy and fuck..... yaaaaa

okay, like it's all kewl right. And sex is great and hot. But I don't see why there is such a bruhahah about it.


....... there is something much more important, when and if you can find it!

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i agree to an extent. "Sex" or "Fucking" is just a primitive instinct we have as humans, similar to Breathing or Blinking... and is totally overrated...

However Making love to someone, is a whole other level of intimacy and bonds the relationship with something unexplainable... its the end all be all of relationships the maker the breaker, its the catalyst of the relationship for the relationship its self.

Did that make sense?

I dont know its late.

Hmm... actually, I think I really separate love and sex.

Sex has nothing to do with love, and love has nothing to do with sex, but each CAN have something to do with the other.

To tell the truth though, I haven't ever really had sex with a girl I was really in love with so....... Maybe you know something that I don't.

I just think that love can trancend bodies I guess, but maybe I'm kinda too out there with that one.

I guess I just don't see how a physical union can bring you closer together

AHHHHHHH the truth is I don't know anything. Hmm :mad:

I guess the body can be used to communicate love. It is not the only method of communication though.....

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its kind of like a form of ESP or a Lie Detector...

When Ever your relationship has probs or whatever even if nothing is said or you cant tell body actions or facial expressions you can always tell in bed...

I knew my last relationship was coming to end 2 days before it happend, from the last time we made love, it was on a sat night , not going to go into details whatever, and i knew some shit was up, things were diff. cant explain but just knew, and i was like this is it, what we had was gone...then tues night came & we broke up.

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ok ok... i think this thread calls for the voice of linabina, the almighty virgin on this board..... ;)

first of all, what u believe sex to be, i think, is based on wut u were raised to believe it is...referring to the importance of it and all.... my parents have tried to raise me to believe that i should wait until i get married to have sex, like my mom did. i can honestly say that thats not gonna happen because i dont plan on gettin married for yearssss..... and i cant wait that long lol.... but anyway, my family has strong values and morals.... i know people r gonna argue here and say "well im not a virgin but that doesnt mean my parents taught me to go out and fuck" or "that doesnt mean my parents didnt teach me morals and values.." ... but whatever!!! every family is different and wut they teach me and talk to me about means something to me. i learned a lot from having 2 older brothers and have them talk to me respectfully and openly about sex.

my brother told me once that he had a friend who had this bf for 2 years and they broke up, but met up one night and ended up sleeping together... she got pregnant and decided to keep the baby. thinkin that she meant something to her exbf b/c they shared so much, she told him he was gonna be a father and he told her tofuck off pretty much. so she moved down to s. carolina to live with her family and left her life in nj to raise a child without a father.

thats a big scare that i have. not that my bf wouldnt be there for me, but im 19 years old. the last thing i need right now is for something to go wrong and i get pregnant. this goes back to the whole family thing... because of how i was raised and stuff, i dont think i could EVER have an abortion. and if i were to get pregnant now, i guess id have to be a 19 yr old mother. i have always been pro-choice, but for myself, i could never kill my baby, u know? and i know thats why they have protection and shit but still... nothing is 100% as effective as abstinence. so im not gonna risk anything until i feel COMPLETELY ready to deal with the risk of getting pregnant. even if i decide tomorrow, ill still be 19 but at least i know ill be ready to deal with it if something goes wrong.

i also wanna make sure i share it with someone who really deserves it. being a virgin means a lot to me, and i value it like u wouldnt believe. so when i decide to give that up, i wanna make sure whoever i give it to really respects that and values wut i am giving him as much as i do. cuz when i do give it up, its gonna be a big deal to me. thats why i hope i am ready with my bf now. hes wonderful. and hes been patient for a year. i would love to share it with him because i know he will truly valkue sharing it with me as much as i would with him.

SO THERE!!!!!! SEX IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by linabina

ok ok... i think this thread calls for the voice of linabina, the almighty virgin on this board..... ;)

first of all, what u believe sex to be, i think, is based on wut u were raised to believe it is...referring to the importance of it and all.... my parents have tried to raise me to believe that i should wait until i get married to have sex, like my mom did. i can honestly say that thats not gonna happen because i dont plan on gettin married for yearssss..... and i cant wait that long lol.... but anyway, my family has strong values and morals.... i know people r gonna argue here and say "well im not a virgin but that doesnt mean my parents taught me to go out and fuck" or "that doesnt mean my parents didnt teach me morals and values.." ... but whatever!!! every family is different and wut they teach me and talk to me about means something to me. i learned a lot from having 2 older brothers and have them talk to me respectfully and openly about sex.

my brother told me once that he had a friend who had this bf for 2 years and they broke up, but met up one night and ended up sleeping together... she got pregnant and decided to keep the baby. thinkin that she meant something to her exbf b/c they shared so much, she told him he was gonna be a father and he told her tofuck off pretty much. so she moved down to s. carolina to live with her family and left her life in nj to raise a child without a father.

thats a big scare that i have. not that my bf wouldnt be there for me, but im 19 years old. the last thing i need right now is for something to go wrong and i get pregnant. this goes back to the whole family thing... because of how i was raised and stuff, i dont think i could EVER have an abortion. and if i were to get pregnant now, i guess id have to be a 19 yr old mother. i have always been pro-choice, but for myself, i could never kill my baby, u know? and i know thats why they have protection and shit but still... nothing is 100% as effective as abstinence. so im not gonna risk anything until i feel COMPLETELY ready to deal with the risk of getting pregnant. even if i decide tomorrow, ill still be 19 but at least i know ill be ready to deal with it if something goes wrong.

i also wanna make sure i share it with someone who really deserves it. being a virgin means a lot to me, and i value it like u wouldnt believe. so when i decide to give that up, i wanna make sure whoever i give it to really respects that and values wut i am giving him as much as i do. cuz when i do give it up, its gonna be a big deal to me. thats why i hope i am ready with my bf now. hes wonderful. and hes been patient for a year. i would love to share it with him because i know he will truly valkue sharing it with me as much as i would with him.

SO THERE!!!!!! SEX IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!! :D

I couldn't have said my views any better! I"m a virgin and my virginity is important. Yes my parents raised me to have respect in myself, but it has also been my choice not to. Morally sex is not a casual thing as well. It all depends on your beliefs, values, and morals. I'm not exactly going to wait until I am married because I don't plan on it for almost another 10 years, but I know it will be with someone completely worth it.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

I couldn't have said my views any better! I"m a virgin and my virginity is important. Yes my parents raised me to have respect in myself, but it has also been my choice not to. Morally sex is not a casual thing as well. It all depends on your beliefs, values, and morals. I'm not exactly going to wait until I am married because I don't plan on it for almost another 10 years, but I know it will be with someone completely worth it.

at least we have eachother lol.....
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Originally posted by cool2223423123

I guess I just don't see how a physical union can bring you closer together

AHHHHHHH the truth is I don't know anything. Hmm :mad:

I guess the body can be used to communicate love. It is not the only method of communication though.....

fall in love sweetie.....then you'll see ;)

trust me....the body is a HUGE method of communication, in a relationship at least. when i started hating my ex-bf the last months of our relationship, i couldnt stand hangin' out with him, didnt want to be naked with him..... i think those actions spoke louder than any possible words.

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Originally posted by sum12nv

fall in love sweetie.....then you'll see ;)

trust me....the body is a HUGE method of communication, in a relationship at least. when i started hating my ex-bf the last months of our relationship, i couldnt stand hangin' out with him, didnt want to be naked with him..... i think those actions spoke louder than any possible words.

Mmmm Hmmm.

Okay, I'm gonna throw this into the mix-

For a long time I didn't think sex was such a big deal, that it should be possible to completely divorce it from emotions... but then I actually made love for the first time and it totally opened my eyes-

Sex is a big deal!

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Originally posted by tastyt

Mmmm Hmmm.

Okay, I'm gonna throw this into the mix-

For a long time I didn't think sex was such a big deal, that it should be possible to completely divorce it from emotions... but then I actually made love for the first time and it totally opened my eyes-

Sex is a big deal!

see? thats the thing.. some people dont have to have sex and make love to tell the difference... i just know that when i do it, im gonna make love, not just have sex with someone... its gonna be really special... *hehe* :D
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Originally posted by linabina

see? thats the thing.. some people dont have to have sex and make love to tell the difference... i just know that when i do it, im gonna make love, not just have sex with someone... its gonna be really special... *hehe* :D

thats really great..........i wish i waited, but i couldnt take it anymore :laugh:

but you sound like you have a solid, healthy relationship with a great guy and if/when you guys do make love....it'll be something you'll NEVER forget or regret waiting 19 yrs for.... :D

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Originally posted by sum12nv

thats really great..........i wish i waited, but i couldnt take it anymore :laugh:

but you sound like you have a solid, healthy relationship with a great guy and if/when you guys do make love....it'll be something you'll NEVER forget or regret waiting 19 yrs for.... :D

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Originally posted by linabina

i also wanna make sure i share it with someone who really deserves it. being a virgin means a lot to me, and i value it like u wouldnt believe. so when i decide to give that up, i wanna make sure whoever i give it to really respects that and values wut i am giving him as much as i do. cuz when i do give it up, its gonna be a big deal to me. thats why i hope i am ready with my bf now. hes wonderful. and hes been patient for a year. i would love to share it with him because i know he will truly valkue sharing it with me as much as i would with him.

SO THERE!!!!!! SEX IS A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!! :D

Wow, why couldnt i of had those feeling when i was 19 and decided to lose my virginity to someone that meant absolutely nothing to me.

Wow, linabina, i really admire what u wrote and what u had to say, i wish u all the best for u and ur boyfrined.

the two of u have somehting that is very special dont forget that



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