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Hillary and Gere booed at concerts

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Did anyone see that happen over the weekend at the fundraising concerts, either live or on TV?

I can understand that Gere said something that people didn't really want to hear, what was the deal with Hillary? Did it have something to do with her limo running over a security guy (at an airport, I believe) ? Or something else?

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Originally posted by loch

what'd gere say?

something along the lines of...we shouldn't retaliate,thats not always the answer..and about turning all this anger into positive accpetance and love...yadda yadda...

then they booed! and he was like..Obviously this idea is not too accepted here tonight...and proceeded to praise firefighters,police,emergency workers and everyone else.....

i thought susan surandon was really great that night!! just thought i'd add that!!!

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Senator Hillary Clinton's inner circle is furious at MIRAMAX king Harvey Weinstein after the former first lady suffered through a public relations nightmare during Saturday's AMERICA: A TRIBUTE TO HEROES concert in New York City.

Hillary Clinton was jeered and booed by thousands gathered at Madison Square Garden as she took to the stage -- unannounced -- to introduce a movie clip.

VH1 cameras captured firemen and police heroes wildly booing Clinton, who attempted to raise her voice above the shouting crowd.

"Get off the stage! We don't want you here!" yelled one New York City police officer just feet from the senator.

Anti-Clinton slurs spread and intensified throughout the Garden, with many standing near the stage lobbing profanities.

Event-planner and close Clinton friend Harvey Weinstein was visibly shaken as he heard the crowd erupt with boos and jeers, according to an eyewitness.

The junior senator from New York ending up giving the shortest presentation of the evening, clocking in at under 20 seconds.

"How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?!" shouted one confidante. "These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake!"

Other New York politicians received warmer welcomes during the 5-hour concert which featured Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Elton John and others.

Former President Bill Clinton, who took the stage minutes after his wife, worked over scattered boos with talk of the rescuers' heroism.

Following the Clintons, James Taylor soothed the heroes with an acoustic FIRE AND RAIN.

The concert raised millions of dollars for September 11 relief efforts.


Filed By Matt Drudge

Reports are moved when circumstances warrant

http://www.drudgereport.com for updates


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