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Re: don't know shit about music......

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Don't know shit about music is a title to get your guys attention to find out about the party.

For those who took it personal, than you must be very sensitive about the music, and that is a good sign.

If you are chicken shit about what happen to New York on Sep. 11 and you want to stay home, than make sure you stay home and don't party because this party is not for you.

for the record:

Morocco is the number one open minded country in the history of the islamic world, a non fudamentalist country, Americans freindly, one of the USA Alliances against Terrorists and it is the first country that beleived in the American Independency from UK in the world history.

Don't know shit is only a title, so don't pick on the title, the next time, you should do more research before you jump bridges.

People are coming from all over the world to this party, and it is an opportunity for us to be part of it, unless you want to be in pain the rest of your life because of Sep. 11.......



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I'm just saying that telling people 'they don't know shit about music' is not the best way to get people interested in a party. And then telling them that they're 'chicken shit' if they don't attend and telling them to 'stay home and don't party'? What is that? And then to assume that if they don't join up with everyone else from around the world that is attending this party is because 'they want to live in pain for the rest of their life'? Maybe people don't have the money or would rather just stay in NY and party somewhere local.

The only reason I checked out your site was to see who these 'world class DJs' were. I can't say I recognized any of the DJs listed, and you might want to fix the timeline page on your site because it doesn't have a bar for people to scroll further down the page. Other than that, good luck with your party. Although I will not be in attendance, I wouldn't want you to "jump bridges" that it's because I don't know shit about music or because I am chicken shit or because I want to live in pain for the rest of my life. I'm not going because it's cheaper to head over to the west coast and hang out with my friends.

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fatimana maybe you should chill out. PM'ing people is really a weak way to get biz, and on top of that, calling people chickenshit for what happened on Sept.11th is only going to get you a lot of resentment.

Like from me. I'm a new yorker and i had family killed in that attack. If you want to call me chickenshit, do it to my face.

I'll send you to morocco in a fucking soup can.

and if that offends you (which, like you said "it wasn't intended to"), then "good" because perhaps you'll alter your promotional strategy and try to understand that parties are meant as a positive experience.

Nobody should feel obliged to go to one, or scorned if they choose not to. Telling people that if they want to feel accepted they should go, is NOT the way to get people to your party.

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Originally posted by fatimana


Why don't you chill and stop criticizing others. I don't think that girls like that.

This is your tip for the day!



Thanks for the tip! I offered my suggestions to you such as fixing the scolling bar on your website and approaching people in a better way when promoting your party, so it's only fair that you get to offer me a tip in return.

Although, I'm not sure where your little 'girls' comment fits in with this whole thread. What I am sure of, though, is that I've been with the same girl for the past six years, and if you called her chicken shit for staying here on New Years she would:

a) laugh in your face

B) beat some sensibility into your bitch ass

And yes, please don't PM me again about your party. Besides not being able to afford going to Morocco, all of my friends are here in the States, and you've really killed any remote interest I might have had about your party. Thanks. :)

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I just want to let everyone to know that we need a fuckin rest. No one can comunicate with you guys. you like to use ALL KIND OF A FUCKIN........ words you like and no one would judge you because you are expressing yourself, and when I tried to give you guys a tip about the party that I'm going to, most of you fukin.... attaking me.

I wish it was my party, I'm only trying to see a lot of people from New York chilling and joining me to my adventure, but it seems that you people need to get more education, you don't even deserve to be part of the party.

That is my feeling and I have the right to say what I want , because I'm a NEWYORKER.


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Good for you. I too have the right to say "fuck you and your fucking party" because I too am a New Yorker.

You come on here saying you're only here to educate us about the party, and in the SAME paragraph you ALWAYS manage to insert a few barbed comments...

Like: "I'm only trying to see a lot of people from New York chilling and joining me to my adventure,...."

---Fine. I would gladly accept that and listen to what you have to say... If you want to educate people about a party, then you have to realize that only POSITIVE terminology is going to work. Feel free to express yourself, as we do, but also realize that parties are about POSITIVE VIBES, not negative guilt trips or cliquish insults about whether or not we are worthy to party with you.

After all you said yourself it is YOUR adventure. If we don't want to join you, it still doesn't make it any less your adventure.

" but it seems that you people need to get more education, you don't even deserve to be part of the party. "

---Here you step over the line. So we don't deserve to be a part of the party? YOUR party? Fine. Have it your way.

I won't be there. And i'm sure a lot of others won't as well.

Good way to ask for forgiveness, then kick someone in the shins.

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need to get a life, because you have noting to say to the bord but fuckin.... and bitchin.....

All I can tell you is that I'm sorry that some of your family and the rest of New York got heart at the WTC ( MY SISTER AND A FRIEND AS WELL)


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Originally posted by fatimana

Morocco is the number one open minded country in the history of the islamic world, a non fudamentalist country, Americans freindly, one of the USA Alliances against Terrorists and it is the first country that beleived in the American Independency from UK in the world history.

and some HOT fucking girls to boot!

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Originally posted by fatimana

need to get a life, because you have noting to say to the bord but fuckin.... and bitchin.....

All I can tell you is that I'm sorry that some of your family and the rest of New York got heart at the WTC ( MY SISTER AND A FRIEND AS WELL)


hey man - since you obviously looked in my profile when you pm'd me, you'd have realized that i like to travel for parties.

in fact i was so intrigued that i even e-mailed a friend that morocco might be a cool place to go over winter break.

but god dammit please don't go about insulting everyone and then saying that all we're doing is talking trash.

i'm sure that every single one of us would be interested in going to a wicked party in a foreign location. i'm actively looking for one right now. but for me to choose your party over someone else's, the price has to be right, the attraction has to be there and above all we have to TRUST YOU that when we hand over our hard-earned money we're not going to get left out in the middle of the desert. by contradicting yourself, alienating your potential customers and insulting those who offer advice you do exactly the opposite.

morocco sounds like a great stamp to have on my passport but damn please spread some positivity. good luck with the party.


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What realy made me mad is some people thought that it was my party and starting SHITING ME LEFT & RIGHT.

If you want to go to Morocco on spring break, you need to check on Fevah.com ( promoters from UK, i NOW SOME GUY WORKS FOR THEM.... TOLD ME THAT THEY WILL BE PLANING FOR SPRING BREAK IN MOROCCO)


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Originally posted by fatimana

need to get a life, because you have noting to say to the bord but fuckin.... and bitchin.....

All I can tell you is that I'm sorry that some of your family and the rest of New York got heart at the WTC ( MY SISTER AND A FRIEND AS WELL)


I see. Whenever you're finished with your childish rant, go ahead and email me privately, if you'd like to continue this argument.

Otherwise, cut the crap and the negativity and be a real promoter.

I'm not about to further the drama just so you can show more people your wonderful sense of tolerance.

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