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how jealous are you people?


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Originally posted by daemoncel

thanks man.. i appreciate that.. interesting enough.. they're dating and i'm actually cool with it. i mean i really... really am.

i needed to get it off of my chest cause all my friends are cool about it.. but i never actually told anyone about that particular story..

i'm good.. i'm ... good

really good


yeah man I think thats the worst way cause it aint even cut and dry it sounds like that dude just put a rift between you two like whoa and you just drifted apart.. your a better man than I stronger as well cause I would have torn her apart for letting that happen cause thats how I see it..

glad to know there are still good people out there

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yah many of us have been there. Here is my long ass story and why i dont trust women: Met this girl at a new years party\rave out here and we were talkin on the net since that Oct. Hooked up and started dating officially the week before Valentines day. Her mom and dad kick her to the curb cuz she doesnt conform to their shit and is not in tune with their religious views. She had some cash saved so she bought a car and got an appt. I see her for about 1 1/2 years in Denver and drive 60 miles one way a few times a week to see her...all is well and groovy. I help her with her car and getting her a decent job. Not to mention all the mental help with her rents dumpin on her and her fam basically disowning her. She ends up movin down to where i live and we move in together..her and her friend (friend is hot as fuck) and all is well. We live together for almost 3 years and I get her a phat job where I work and she is makin more $$ then she would have if i hadnt got her this job. She wrecks her car and i help with $$ to get a new one. Then one day this guy starts workin here...nothin big im secure with my relationship. Nothin is out of the obvious until one day i catch them flirting..ok...problem. I watch for a few more days and it wasnt a 1 time thing. I question her about it and get the "dont you love me \ trust me speach" ok..sure i do..im in love with her (the sucker i am) so i goto FL for a 10 day business trip (which i could have taken her for free but she refused to go) and while im down there she starts fuckin around with this guy in our house..and around my friends. well i come back and we were lookin at buying houses and moving on with life before then...we still do this (this was July) and as soon as we find a house and start the paperwork we move from this phat rented house to this shithole appt until the house is build (about 6 or 7 months) well the day after we move out and into the shithole she gives me the "i want to live on my own" speach and the "i want to be free for a while" so she tells me she wants to live on her own for the 6 or 7 months to do her own gig and then we can move into the house together...not kosher with me. I do some snopping around work ( i am the network admin afterall) and find some interesting emails flying back and forth. They basically started fuckin around in about May or June and I didnt find out until October. Well needless to say i want to kill the fucker..so i hunt his ass down and (i dont know why i didnt) never kicked in his door and beat his skull in with a bat. To not keep this to much longer basically she is now almost $9k in dept with jack shit to show..a car thats about to blow up...she cant handle living on her own..she already cheated on this guy twice (with his best friend)...out of spite i bought the house myself and stand to make over $40k on it in the next 2 - 3 years, got a $10k bonus that year (she got $900), met a wondefull woman and have moved on. Doesnt mean im still not going to curb that fucker tho as soon as i get the chance.

if you read this far i thank you..i had to vent

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jealiousy is a bitch i tell you...

im jealious of everyone who is better then me, have better things. etc....

but the most is when i see a loser, all grimmy with a mad hot girl... and i bust my ass trying to get everything i want... dont even get the love of my life... the girl that made me feel the way i never felt before.. she turned out to have a man.. what a lucky guy... im jealious of him.. but you know what... shes with him, so she will never know how a wonderful guy i am... no one will know unless they have been with me...

life sucks... everything is a race... and i never come up on top or first place~!

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