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Great photos from Pod


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Yo...stop trying to use big words like PROFESSION that are beyond the limits of your VOCABULARY and keep your badgering elsewhere.

Pod, there's no denying those are some top notch pics.

This one is really quite impressive:


Keep up the good work!



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Thanks for the support guys :).

This guy is studying photography? Jesus my lil sister takes better pictures with her barbie camera.

First of all, you didn't know what I did after all this time? Geez, you are ignorant.

Secondly. I completed my education in photography, motion picture production, and computer engineering. I'm not 'studying' as you think it. Though education is lifelong and I will continue to improve my technique.

Now, do you have any real criticism? "It sucks" or "I don't like it" does not count.

GPIB, I recommend you really do get a life. I know who you are and I know that your meaningless existance is troubling to you, so just do us all a favor and go make out with a truck exhaust for 10 minutes. I hear it gets you real fucked up.

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POD....great pics! i think the tribute that GPIB makes to you by showing his jealousy is amazing.... if he wasnt jealous of the work you do and the support you recieve from the Boards then he wouldn't be here trying to piss you off!! you have handled the whole situation well and i applaud you!! I had the pleasure of meeting POD throught the Crobar website and actually got to meet him on my last visit to SoBe...... I saw a guy with a camera and took the chance that it might be him.....even though he was working he ttok the time to say hi and even tracked us down later and hung out with the group of us that were there....next time i am in town i hope to see him again and maybe he will be able to hang out with us a little longer..... he didnt have to take the time to talk to people he didnt know, but hes a nice guy and a GREAT photographer....keep up the good work and the great pics!!!! I am still waiting for my pics of Bunny fromthe Mekka TOUR!!!!!!!!!! good luck on your venture with cooljunkie.com.....if you ever want to travel to St. Louis or Chicago and take pics let me know and I will be happy to help out anyway I can!!!!! Chad

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