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Post New Brunswick meetup review...

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Well... let me start off my saying that all Clubplanet people definetely know how to party... even the newbies. Most people got here earlier and came up to my apartment where they found vast quantities of liquid refreshment. Thanks for my friend Chris(the one who dances in malls) a bar tender was not required as his services provided to be more than useful. So we all got pretty toasted and then headed over to Stuff Yer Face to find the entire upstairs room empty since it was all ours. After hours of drinks(ahhh Fishbowls!!!!), good food and numerous pictures(which will be posted soon) we ventured back to my apartment to post game. Those who were of age headed out to a local bar to end the evening.

What an awesome evening! We're definetely going to do this again sometime very soon. Thursdays are a good night for it down here at Rutgers. Thanks to everyone for coming and it was great meeting some new faces. Thanks for JennEfer and XtotaleclipseX for helping me get organized and putting things together.... as well as giving everyone some motivation to get their asses out. Quoth... well lets just say i'm glad you came along and had a great time. Spygirl you are definetely a sweetie and lemme know as soon as you get those pictures developed. The list goes on and on.. thanks for everyone for coming out last night as it turned out to be a very successful evening. And to those you didn't make it... you all suck, u better be here next time. Peace !!

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Originally posted by teklord310

Well... let me start off my saying that all Clubplanet people know how to party....

What an awesome evening! We're definetely going to do this again sometime very soon

Quoth... well lets just say i'm glad you came along and had a great time.

Spygirl you are definetely a sweetie and lemme know as soon as you get those pictures developed.

And to those you didn't make it... you all suck, u better be here next time. Peace !!

Hmmmm.......What an interesting night:tongue:

Are you with the Exit meet up:laugh: :laugh::laugh:

Fishbowl.....We didn't drink any fishbowls!!!!!!! Yeah right:D

Quoth....you are just cut off:eek:

All I gotta say is......rrrrrr...Here kitty Kitty!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Hmmmm.......What an interesting night:tongue:

Are you with the Exit meet up:laugh: :laugh::laugh:

Fishbowl.....We didn't drink any fishbowls!!!!!!! Yeah right:D

Quoth....you are just cut off:eek:

All I gotta say is......rrrrrr...Here kitty Kitty!!!!!!!!

haha what u mean cut off?? i hardly drank :laugh: u know u love me though? FUCKIN MEOWWWWWWWWWWW

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Okay, okay, here is my reply... It was so nice meeting new faces. I had alot of fun with you guys and hope that we can do this agian sometime. It's good to know that there are other heads on rutgers that actually know how to party... and to all who were sitting at the other end of the table.... next time i will be able to be more social!!! Thanks to tecklord and xtotaleclipsex for getting this together!!!

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Very cool meeting you all and hanging out.

A quick exerpt from the conversation with the DJ at the Knight Club.......

Hey Mr "DJ" guy, do you have any tracks from this year?


Ok......um how about anything from the last 5 years?

Nope sorry.

What do you have?

Well i have Neil Diamond singing Sweet Caroline......

Jeez thanks New Brunswick..........:cool:

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I had a great time last night and met lots of great people, everyone's just so nice :) I got really tired though and ended up coming back pretty early and passing out but it was still all good. I agree that we definately have to do this again some time soon....and I'm goin to Vinyl next time u guys go!

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Just wanted to say thanks to Tek for hosting this first wonderous event in CP/RU history. Good meeting all of you new faces (Dave, Ralph,Kyle, Chris-Dances in malls), and always great to see old friends(Yurin, Mike, Luongo). Sorry jennEfer and I had to leave early, but between work and school, makes Thursday nights kinda rough. Thanks for the drinks, the food, the pictures and the names...cause as everyone in the clubbing scene understands...Its not who you know...its who knows you. Have a good day kats, see you all soon.

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Originally posted by teklord310

Yeah I totally forgot about that... Apprantly there was an EXIT meetup at the same place that was also moved from 8 to 9pm. so there were a few of those from the Exit message boards as well. No idea where that came from...

Spygirl - wanna touch my monkey??


Can I please???????? I think he likes me better anyways:tongue:

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Originally posted by arcticshdw

Just wanted to say thanks to Tek for hosting this first wonderous event in CP/RU history. Good meeting all of you new faces (Dave, Ralph,Kyle, Chris-Dances in malls), and always great to see old friends(Yurin, Mike, Luongo). Sorry jennEfer and I had to leave early, but between work and school, makes Thursday nights kinda rough. Thanks for the drinks, the food, the pictures and the names...cause as everyone in the clubbing scene understands...Its not who you know...its who knows you. Have a good day kats, see you all soon.

Hey Pete. Glad that you could make it down here and partake in the festivities. Yo thought you might be interested.. for the first time this week I just happened to get a little tail happy coming out of a corner in the 944, its damn fun! Good luck with your upcoming project. see ya --Yarin(no u, just a... hehe)

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Well you all did it. I got dragged to the meet up at yarin's and then stuff yer face and got to hang out with all you nerds who post up here...... however you seemed to have made enough of an impression on this 'raver kid' so i signed up and here i am. feel free to drop me a line on aim at 'chrisxliu'.... hope to talk to you all soon, and it was nice meeting you. See you around.

"Get up and dance you F_ck!"


Yes, yes, i dance in malls.... its a long story, feel free to ask.

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The monkey, that little monkey..........

Hey, sorry my friend was such an antisocial bitch.........he was just looking for some fun lovin and couldn't find none. But anyway, it was cool chillin with you guys and I will probably see you around soon.

SpyGirl......try to enjoy that CD I gave you even though I think it totally blows.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

The monkey, that little monkey..........

SpyGirl......try to enjoy that CD I gave you even though I think it totally blows.

It is soooooo bad......I might have to use it as a coaster!!!!!!!!

What is up with that mess???????

You know you like my monkey:laugh: :laugh:

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