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$56.50 Thanksgiving S&JD??!?!?!

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What the hell happened to $35 at Twilo(and I thought that was a little steep)?!?! What's going on here, do they think we are loaded with cash? I really want to go but don't think I can afford it. This is nuts. Anyone else think so?

Made. Events invites you to join us for an extraordinary evening tobenefit the WTC Fund with Sasha + John Digweed with Jimmy Van M @ the spectacular Cipriani 42nd Street, NYC

Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday November 21st, 10pm - 6am

Limited Capacity. 21 and over

Tickets sold online @ www.ticketweb.com 24 hours a day

and toll free @ 1-866-468-7619

1st 1000 tickets on sale @ $56.50 (starting @ 8pm EST, Friday Oct 26,2001)

For further info, please contact 212-414-5276 or events@maderecords.com


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yo u know what i fuckin cant stand??? All these cocksuckers trying to promote a party with using words like..."to benefit the WTC relief or WTC victims WTC this WTC that" its fuckin BULLSHITT AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT NOT A PENNY OF THAT MONEY WILL BE GIVIN TO THE RELIEF EFFORT. It kinda reminds me of this time when this kid i knew whose friend had a band and shit...well they threw a lil bullshit concert one night saying that it was to benefit cancer research or some shit and u know where all the money from the paying people went??? TO THE KID WITH THE BANDS GIRLFRIEND FOR HER ABORTION!!!!! FUCKED UP HUH?? :rolleyes: So before anyone see's the names Sasha and DICKHEAD and WTC RELIEF...plz think to yerselves "IS THIS REALLY MONEY GOING TO HELP THOSE FAMILES OF THIS TRAGEDY" the answer........

FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its all a ploy to get people there and promoters will say any fuckin thing to get people to there event. Thats why in the promoting business yer either a cocksucker or yer out.

thats just my opinon.

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Well Quoth you do have a point, but your opinion is rather strong. I know there is a possibility that the relief funds goes elsewhere, but that is a small change. I believe it is legit, but I do question how much money goes to the relief fund. I'm hoping at least $15-20 a person get taken out, but I have a feeling it is just a few bucks if that. I donno.... America can't be that corrupt at a time like this.

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i'm coming home to ny for thanksgiving, and that's helped solve my "where do i go for my short time in ny?" question. i can't afford my plane ticket all else that goes along with staying in ny and that admission price. don't forget all of the rest of the money that we spend on nights when we go out (drinks, etc.). $56.50 is ridiculous and i would like to say that i'm not going solely on principle - not that it's actually that and that i'm broke.

well, danny cancelled his west coast tour (he was supposed to be in l.a. on halloween), so i was thinking of seeing him anyway. anybody know how much his gig'll be?

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