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U think Pakistan is trustworthy?

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US sucess in afghanistan depends primarily on just how much pakistan will help them. every day it seems the riots in pakistan are getting bigger and bigger, and the president even had to fire one of his generals because he was goin to make a move against him. Just how long do u think pakistan will hold up against this growing anti-american sentiment??

Just today the news said bin laden 'unsucessfully' tried to buy uranium from pakistan. If his contacts are that deep in pakistan to be able to almost reach the nuclear weapons, u gota wonder exactly how much pull he has there. Pakistani president musharaff states over and over that it is the minority of pakistani's that support the taliban. Even if that is true it does seem like the taliban supporters are a powerful group.

Pakistan itself is under a govt that came to power with a military coup, and it hasnt always had the best track record with honesty, especially towards the united states. About 7 or 8 years ago a group of mountain climbers were taken hostage in Kashmir by rebel forces supported by pakistan. These mountain climbers were americans and europeans, about 8 of them. They had nothing to do with the conflict between india and pakistan in kashmir but were held hostage for 3 years.

Their families made national broadcasts pleading the rebels to let their family members go for a while, until one day the head of one of the americans was found. Shortly after the rebels confirmed that all the men were executed. It has recently come out that the rebel forces in kashmir are actually taliban soldiers who were working with pakistani military. Pakistan will deny it of course, but we must keep these things in mind when deal with Pakistan.

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I think no matter what we do, in regards to ANYTHING happening in the middle east, we're always walking a tightrope.

Pakistan agrees to help us, but they also have to try and keep their own people from rebelling. fine line they walk. Very much like Saudi Arabia. They too can't agree with our actions "TOO" much...

whatever. you know how it goes.

"....ya gotta break a few eggs...."

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hehe, interesting question, sad answer. nope. pakistan will not be able to sustain itself from collapse. in fact, im amazed that musharaf has not been assassinated yet. pakistan has a very small middle class as opposed to a majority of lower class peasants and workers. taliban influence is especially heavy in rural areas, but their networks run into islamabad, karachi and queta. i have to applaud musharaf for his actions, but his country is not behind him, on the contrary, he is facing an impossible obsitcle. why did he do it? because a week after he agreed to cooperate, moodys upgraded pakistani investment ratings, hoping to stabilize the rupee and pump much needed capital into pakistani reserves. musharaf wants to modernize and westernize his country, much like king abdulah of jordan, and that is a very commendable action. i fear however that it may be too late to cool the fires of islamists in pakistan. we have allowed bin laden and co. to establish powerful networks throughout the entire arab world. ironically, one of the US-backed afghan ministers that talked about a post-taliban government, called bin laden a jihad hero. these are the people that we are supporting by the way. some other hypocrasies currently in progress: we are reaching out to Syria to join our "coalition", a nation that is infamous for breeding and funding terror groups. We are condeming Israel for using special force raids to combat palestinian terrorists who killed a member of their government. We are talking about a post-Taliban government, when the taliban isnt even close to collapsing. remeber, these people were never conquered, and remeber that daring commando raid last week? turns out few soldiers were killed, and a PaveLow commando helicopter got its landing gear shot out by the taliban (debka.com). hush hush cnn will never tell you these things. in the end though, we must move on and beat these fuckers, or our kids will live in a dark, unsheltered world.

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Perfecto25.....I pretty much agree with everthing you said, the exception being the commando raid. Granted the details are sketchy as to what went down that night but debka.com is hardly the site I would get my facts from. They have proven in the past that they exxagerate and mislead people when it comes to missions conducted by the US Army, in particular those of the Special Op's. If soldiers were killed, then why hasnt anybody been told about this? If the government wasnt going to tell us, then the family's of those men killed most likely would.

Here's a link to a messageboard where alot of former US Army Rangers post. If there's any questions about US Special Op's that are going on right now, this would be the place to get some answers..


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i think perfecto meant few taliban soldiers were killed, but anyway i agree musharaff is very close to assasination, i think pakistan is only helping the us now because it wants political favors from the us when it comes to the whole situation in kashmir, they are also further complicating things by not supporting a nothern alliance raid of kabul. Why dont they support the nothern alliance?? In short simply because India has been supporting them for years, yes the northern alliance is a minority compared to the pashtuns, but thats not pakistans main concern. The taliban are a pakistani creation, they are pakistanis, the US might have supplied the ammunition but Pakistan is where the taliban breeds new recruits. The US can destroy all the terrorist camps in afghanistan, it wont matter because there are still hundreds of them in pakistan. America will not be safe until pakistan is also dealt with.

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