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** Mythos ** complacent, blackkat in dumbo bklyn - OFFICIAL REVIEW

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wow, uh, ok.....

It's about 6:30 and I've just woke up from my lovely recovery session from DUMBO...

So...to make the description short....

Cool folks


rollin' Drum n Bass


funked up muddy dark tech house


Banging funky electro breaks


random cute girls


Bungee dancers


jury-rigged flame throwers


circles of fire


really good time...

Hacker, Tilly, Mugz, Loch, Saigray, Jammy, Albyback...

hugs and kisses and all that good stuff... Hope y'all had as much fun as I did...I heard Mugz had more fun in particular...:tongue:

Almost everyone disappeared by around 4 though :laugh:

And for the rest of y'alls.....GET YOUR ASSES DOWN DUMBO!!!!!!!!

(Mugz...post the pics!)

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All I can say is that if I don't go to another Halloween party I don't care!

Hazy memory of:

~Dance safe guys checking pills in the corner..

~Bungy cord freaks swingin through the crowds..

~A volcano?


**Fire eaters..**


~Absynth...(The wormwood made me trip)

~POUNDING techno and drum and bass..

~Looots of beautiful people

~Lock making out with a pumkin and later ELMO..

~The hacker carving a pumpkin..

~Break dancers (old man breakdancing in a huuge circle)





(pics to follow)

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Guest tilly

Absolutely AMAZING again! I thought that last week at DUMBO could not possibly be beat...

cool, chill people who were there to dance, great vibe, incredible visual shows (female fire twirlers, psychedelic projections, crazy porn)....

I was actually thinking, should I mess with perfection? When I arrived to the party at DUMBO last night I felt like I was in a 3 ring circus of fire, costumes, and a bangin' breakdance circle. The vibe was one that I haven't felt in years...and did not think still existed. It was pure and true!!!!!!!! Every emotion in my body was being tested...chills ran down my spine as I watched this girl and guy in the breakdancing circle feeding off of one another as if they had rehearsed their moves.

The music transformed across various styles to give everyone a taste...kinda like a buffet or 7 course meal.

Good to see all of you again last night..you know who you are.

We have to do it again - I am COMPLETELY ADDICTED!!!!!

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~Absynth...(The wormwood made me trip)

~POUNDING techno and drum and bass..

~Looots of beautiful people

~Lock making out with a pumkin and later ELMO..

~The hacker carving a pumpkin..

~Break dancers (old man breakdancing in a huuge circle)





damn, I sure did miss out!

So glad to hear you had fun.

Firegirl told me it was fun but it was winding down by the time she got there, 3ish?

Talk to you later.

Mugz, I'll post the info for next sat night. see ya!

-pepper k

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Only a party this good could leave so many of the regularly articulate, descriptive posters have been completely unable to capture the overwhelming mind-fuck that this party was...while lists of the bizarre happenings and hat-tips to vibes, and music genres can give a vague idea of what Mythos was filled with, none of this can give a fair explination of the experience of wandering in the fantastical world that was created on the 9th floor of a warehouse in DUMBO last night.

When the frieght elevator full of bizarre charaters of all ages and shapes opens to reveal the cavernous spaceof the loft, it is like walking into a Fellini dream sequence full of whirling faces, spinning lights and undefined metaphoric symbols....but once the primitive tribal drumming took over, and waves of fire spread over the floor while women in nightmarish masks swirled through the air, I could think of nothing so much as Mad Max at Thunderdome. What a journey into the wildside of the NY scene- from the breakdancers, to the live d&b MC, to the cheery voice of the Dancesafe kid piping "it's good...wait can we say, "its good?..sorry, it's 'safe' (wink)", to sipping absinthe and thinking of Rimbaud, Verlaine and the left bank poets, and knowing that they would heartily approve of the surrounding debauchery!

Well, i could go on and still not do justice to this event, and as my eyes are dropping into sleep position as I type, i will leave it to u to come check this out for yourself- that's the only way u'll understand anyway. See ya there next time!

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mmm, flashbacks.

i was going to wake up today and describe the incredible time i had but you all did such a great job expressing all of our mutual inability to express it :half:

all i'd add is that the sunrise xpander and i took in while perched half way across manhattan bridge at 6 in the morning was, quite simply, achingly beautiful. so was heading over to french roast on 9th st and 6th ave in the village for morning coffee (his iced -- no hot sauce this time! :tongue: -- and mine a steaming bowl of cafe au lait) and omelette breakfast. we pretty much agreed as we sat there half asleep watching the hustle and bustle of nyc starting up on sixth ave that we could just die right then and there and it would be OK. we were that content with the whole experience of last night and this morning.

well, time to make preparations for work tomorrow.

meerrrrrrrrr.... work... can't... think... of... it... now...

good... i've surpressed those thoughts by remembering yesterday.

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the best way to describe the place & event...a cumulative gathering of ALL of the Cirque du Soleil productions, performers, theatrics, acrobats, fire-throwers, installations, etc. except with audience participation and everybody had front row seats (we were in the thick of things as they happen).

there was a plethora of cool visuals (light projector show and lighted art works--a volacano, even!), fire throwers/eaters/twirlers, actual kerosene lit fires crawling, hovering, & slithering across the floor and underneath the morosely masked bungee dancers, as they morbidly yet passionately danced and reached out for each other in desperation, as if banned by Hades, god of the underworld from joining hands, until they ultimately grasp onto each other to the cathartic cheer of the audience...

...people-as-themselves dancing (kandy raver chics even---yum), and frollicking to techno beats (housey even at one point), d'n'b, and with electro-gothic-funk-metal-string-grinding-sounds the fire shamen were doing, all on a high-celing loft overlooking the east river and the manhattan skyline. what's NOT to like?

it was definitely a show of freaks & geeks, angelic and goth, of s & m, b & d, master & servant, as if tour-guided by Dante himself through his Inferno, of organic beings (the "tree" guy!), of sesame street ("i got a picture w/ elmo!"), and us hanging out underneath the center of that tripodded art installation ("where'd you get that blanket!"), of yummy kandyraver chics (did i already mention that?), of unisex bathrooms, and all with peeps you love being around with. (love you guys)

i think there was a lot more going on, but in a peculiar manner, we have each managed to capture of part of the experience that in sum, painted a pretty good picture of the event and what went on. last but not least, kandyraver chics...yum!

tilly: crazy porn? where the HELL was I?!?!

mugz: quit whoring people with that damn absynth (come to think of it, why didn't *I* get some?!)

saigray: i can't keep up w/ you girl! ("i need to sit down and catch my breath!")

xp: take a xenedrine next time so you don't klunk out!

hacker, alby, jammy: where the hell did you guys disappear to?

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quit posting your shite, the whole lot of yas. pathethic outcasts lying on the fringe of humankind at best, trying to draw attention to yourselves. and posting all this drivel and nonsense as if someone's going to read it. and feeding off of each other in an ingratiating manner, one after another in repetitive posts. :puke:

yeah, you're freaks alright.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by rustednutts

quit posting your shite, the whole lot of yas. pathethic outcasts lying on the fringe of humankind at best, trying to draw attention to yourselves. and posting all this drivel and nonsense as if someone's going to read it. and feeding off of each other in an ingratiating manner, one after another in repetitive posts. :puke:

yeah, you're freaks alright.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


i read it , too bad i wasn't there.

whats the crowd like? is this a weekly party?

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Originally posted by loch

tilly: crazy porn? where the HELL was I?!?!

seriously. whaaaat? :confused:

hacker, alby, jammy: where the hell did you guys disappear to?

funny, me and xpander were wandering around wondering where everyone Else went after like 4am. hehe.

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Originally posted by rustednutts

quit posting your shite, the whole lot of yas. pathethic outcasts lying on the fringe of humankind at best, trying to draw attention to yourselves. and posting all this drivel and nonsense as if someone's going to read it. and feeding off of each other in an ingratiating manner, one after another in repetitive posts. :puke:

yeah, you're freaks alright.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

da fuck?

check your personal baggage at the door, please.


oh and i suppose you're normal!

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Originally posted by mugwump

I myself wound up leaving with some crazy hippie chick...

she-who-shall-remain-nameless: see what i missed out on for walking your ass home?! :mad::flame:

realz: it's not a weekly party (i may be wrong) but they have events at this venue every so often

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by loch

she-who-shall-remain-nameless: see what i missed out on for walking your ass home?! :mad::flame:


Grandma had to go home!

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