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Amsterdam ??


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Anyone with the lowdown on the best &/ worst clubs in Amsterdam???

I'm there for the ADE in Mid Nov. (15-17).

Anything at all would help...

I'm down for anything but Country & Hard Trance.


>>>>>B~ :cool:

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Kremlin is supposed to be out of hand. Mind bending visuals, more so than any club stateside, including motorized sculptures on the walls, etc..

Tall Paul's been there, Lucien Foort, PvD, RITM, and a lot of others...I wanna go :)

Dress code is unusual in the fact that you have to wear red, white, or silver. They don't differentiate whether it's a silver dress shirt or a silver t-shirt :)

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Kremlin, iT, Escape are the three must hits.

This time of year is pretty shitty weather. That means less tourists and that means the clubs will only be going off on the weekends. Youll have to ask around to see what is going on during the week.

The clubs all just have a line to get in, no door policy. There can be some pretty serious lines, get there before midnight!

I would try to stay near the central station area. Then you can walk to the red light district and many of the cool places. You must see the red light district! its surreal, with sex and tourists everywhere. Very strange, but a must see.

The Van Gogh museum is pretty cool. I hear the Heiniken brewery is cool to visit, but the last tour is at 3PM and we could never get up on time :)

btw if you are looking for party supplies besides the legal ganja or mushrooms, you are better off asking the guys who sell the ganja at the coffe shops to hook you up than dealing with all the street pharmacists that will proposition you around the red light district.

besides mushrooms, the smart shops also sell E testing kits for a couple of guilders. Worth the $$

a pill should be about $7 tops.

if I were single, and Ibiza wouldn't take me, I would move to Amsterdam. If you like tall thin blonds, this is the place for you.

make sure you buy some prerolled joints at the coffe shops to carry around, they come in a nice little pack like cigs, and each spliff is in its own little crush proof tube. Perfect for the clubs where everyone will be lighting up. and be sure to try the hash!!

thats all I can think of off the top of myu head.

I would say have fun, but there is no way you can't

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I have been going every year for the past 4 years. Although it is a bit business oriented and a little smaller than most of the other conferences, it is still a lot of fun. This year is going to be even bigger than the last. However, I think the foundation is more house, since the europeans are more turning to house because trance is kind of dead over there.

The best club to go to is chemistry at escape on saturday night., but melkweg is also fun.

Amsterdam is such a chill city, there is no way you wont have a good time...

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Say hello to my home town if you are over there . The best club to check out is definetely " The Supper Club " right in the inner city of Adam . The crowd is just fabulous ( well, what can you expect it's Amsterdam ) , the music absolutely ass - kicking and the staff the nicest I've ever seen .

The concept of this club was "stolen" by Club Bed on South Beach .

The only difference is that the crowd is not as chic as @ Bed !

To get hooked up in the most beautiful city in the whole wide world ,contact Clublove Amsterdam @ clublove.org .

The person you want to get is Afke !

The best Coffee Shop to hang out ( most interesting interior design , best cappucino, best Hash Brownies ) is called Baba.

Ask for Sam at the counter , he will explain everything that you can smoke .

Say hello to him from Suzanne !

And - have fun , you will not want to leave ...;) ;) ;)

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Originally posted by b-side

Damn S-man ! sound like you've made the trip before...

Thanks for your help JFTR (Fust For The Record) I'm only into the natural stuff :smoke: Herb & Shrooms should be more than enough. :tongue:

Yeah B, I have had to good luck to travel around quite a bit for my job and when I was in the Marines.

A'dam was definitely one of the highlights.

As a city, it is my favorite in the world.

BTW be careful of that natural stuff. Hemlock, Wood Alcohol, Opium etc... all natural. :)

Damn... this thread makes me soooooo jealous

and when are you going to come back out with the crew??

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>>> Please stop by and say Waaassssuupppp !?!?!?!?!?!?

Especially Lola (and her HOT ASS) ;)


Maybe we can finally talk business

( I'm the same guy that used to contact you from Marsmusic.com)

I am at the main hotel under B-SIDE. Come chill, eat and drink with us in our Hospitality Suite located at the top floor of the Felix Meritis Center. I will be spinning on the new Final Scratch system along with John Acquaviva.

Definately looking forward to A'Dam :cool:FinalScratch @ ADE

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  • 2 years later...
:D :D hey theres my favorite girlie!!! LOLAHOTASS ..... a few more days women!!!!!!!!!!! miss ya!! C

WOW, I'm at 10,000 posts!!!

I thought I'd bump up MY VERY FIRST POST on CLUBPLANET and pay honor to my best buddie CHAD for showing me CP!! Thanks Chad, for showing me this site - as you know I've made many friends from Miami and all over the country.. you're the best and I can't wait to see you in St.Louis sometime soon... LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH ;)

And a HUGE THANKS to all the COOL-ASS PEOPLE I've met and partied with over the years... you all know who you are!!!!!

I *heart* DaVe for making CP - see you in September sweetie!!!!

Okay party down people :pint:

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There is a new club opening up called Panama. Markus Schulz is doing a monthly residency there. The other weeks they are booking people like Sander K, Dave Seaman, etc.....(the more prog guys). The club is supposed to be more upscale, like some of the places we are used to here in Miami. Definetly worth checking out. I think it opens next month.

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i went to Amsterdam last year.. definately best club i went to was escape..met the finest polish girl there.. you also have to check out the Heineken factory and make sure you go when theyre closing they'll give you more free beer,(tour will give u 3), the vangogh museum and the ann hart museum.... if youre staying in a hostel stay at the flyngpig hostel...awesome time there..red light district is not as bad as they make it seem.. just put all those prostitutes u see walking around south beach in one place and make it legal. hmm besides that watch out for the bike riders...they got 10000's and we were not used to be looking out for cars instead of cars...on and another funny thing were the mercedes s600 taxis ... overall loved holland very nice people.

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