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Fuck Off Sexybabyd-->hahaha

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Figure it out already the only people that like you on here are people that you were already friends with outside the board, that you brought here!!!HAHAHA

Even some of the people that tried to defend you don't give a shit anymore, the more you post on here the more you are going to get bashed until your immature little ego can't take the fact that she was unaccepted by virtual people, HAHAHA, that's the funniest thing I have ever heard,

YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE YOU HAVE NEVER MET!!!!!! HAHA ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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:( I don't think ive ever been this hurt in my life by someone who I told so much about my life about and trusted. We do find who our true friends really are and I know who mine are on this board right now. But I don't think ive ever been so hurt from what everyone on this board has said or thinks about me, I really can't believe it. I don't know what else to say but goodbye:(
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this is some stupid shit., i never met daniela or any of you. i prefer to just club with the friends i alreaady have. i do read the board on the daily basis, and i can't imagine why would her posts bother anyone. i really hate to see this hatred going towards someone who simply younger , and wants attention. shes a girl after all. what girl doesn't want affection. whatever. i'm not taking sides in this argument, i guess it benefits the Drama board...:(

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Originally posted by ultracrzy

this is some stupid shit., i never met daniela or any of you. i prefer to just club with the friends i alreaady have. i do read the board on the daily basis, and i can't imagine why would her posts bother anyone. i really hate to see this hatred going towards someone who simply younger , and wants attention. shes a girl after all. what girl doesn't want affection. whatever. i'm not taking sides in this argument, i guess it benefits the Drama board...:(

No, don't worry...I'm totally with you here. I stated my opinion about the mentality of all those people on the last thread "The Offical SEXXYBABYD Is A Underage BITCH Thread"...since then, that one has died and people simply openend up new ones...it's too stupid and even though this might be the drama board and people are here for the fun of fighting...I honestly can't understand how all those "mature people" (at leasts that's what they claim they are) can be so inconsiderate.....I mean, this girl is a human being with feelings and somehow I think that people here are too simple in their minds to realize the consequences some of their so overly "funny" comments may have.

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Originally posted by highmay

good bye moron...

What kind of heartless child are you to say something like that to a person. This is where it all goes back to what our mother taught us as children

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"


"Do on to others as you would have do on to you"

So when we were all children we followed these rules and now that most of us are adults we lowered ourselves back to the child we were before our parents taught us these rules. Thats quite disturbing.

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Originally posted by medows20

What kind of heartless child are you to say something like that to a person. This is where it all goes back to what our mother taught us as children

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"


"Do on to others as you would have do on to you"

So when we were all children we followed these rules and now that most of us are adults we lowered ourselves back to the child we were before our parents taught us these rules. Thats quite disturbing.

no offense but you haven't posted on ths board for too long Medow.. This girl asked for any negative comment that she received and thats it.. Let me just say that all these posts never would have been on the boards to begin with if she didn't post her negative threads looking for this.. she started it and now shes getting people responses and crying about them ... this is why shes is a complete idiot.. Now I hope she just scrams because this is all so dam ridiculous.. you got your attention now go away..Thats what you wanted all this attention.. Sorry its not positive anymore.. Everyone had already told you how hot you are and so on.. Many times and you just conitinue...To anyone that thinks everyone is ganging up on her wrong.. She has posted on here for a while and has gotten many compliments and good things said to her... From everyone..

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Tell me one post that this girl posted that was completely "negative" as you say. If she's posting those threads I read about anyone seeing her in exit that’s not negative that’s just her asking a question and you look at it as "looking for attention" I checked out her web page and she’s a very pretty girl and seems like she knows what she is doing. Honestly I think its the females on this board with their ego's being smashed because she was getting complimented on how she was cute and all. And this is the exact reason I do not associate with girls because each one wants to be better than the other in some sort of way.

I do think its wrong that everyone ganged up on her like that because she was alone in her fight and it looks like she stayed a long time and put up a pretty good fight, but anyone can get fed up and hurt from things what people say.

I ask each and every one of you to put yourself in her place for just a moment. Think how it would make you feel to get everything thrown back at you, to feel like you are so alone, to feel so small that you don't even exist in the world. Hurts don't it? I guarantee this is what she is feeling and if you can sit here and say you like that feeling you have got problems because no one likes it when someone or a group of people is picking on them.

You should all feel ashamed of yourselves, your all supposed to be "mature adults" hahaha your just little children hiding behind a computer screen trying to look cool. C’mon now

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Originally posted by medows20

Tell me one post that this girl posted that was completely "negative" as you say. If she's posting those threads I read about anyone seeing her in exit that’s not negative that’s just her asking a question and you look at it as "looking for attention" I checked out her web page and she’s a very pretty girl and seems like she knows what she is doing. Honestly I think its the females on this board with their ego's being smashed because she was getting complimented on how she was cute and all. And this is the exact reason I do not associate with girls because each one wants to be better than the other in some sort of way.

I do think its wrong that everyone ganged up on her like that because she was alone in her fight and it looks like she stayed a long time and put up a pretty good fight, but anyone can get fed up and hurt from things what people say.

I ask each and every one of you to put yourself in her place for just a moment. Think how it would make you feel to get everything thrown back at you, to feel like you are so alone, to feel so small that you don't even exist in the world. Hurts don't it? I guarantee this is what she is feeling and if you can sit here and say you like that feeling you have got problems because no one likes it when someone or a group of people is picking on them.

You should all feel ashamed of yourselves, your all supposed to be "mature adults" hahaha your just little children hiding behind a computer screen trying to look cool. C’mon now

LOL**Let me tell you something. I happen to be a person that has said she was cute.. No ones ego is being smashed.. I know alot of people on this board and alot of people know me ... I along w/ alot of other girls on this board happen to be very cute and classy and intelligent.. You just came on to this board and although i will respect your opinion you have no clue what you are talking about.. And i'm not going to type the whole situation and type and book because i'm done w/ this.. This girl has gotten enough of my time onthis board already ... and me and everyone else who posts don't come on here to read all this bull crap... And honestly again I will say You have no clue about this situation on this board so save your long typed responses...You haven't posted long obviously... Alot of us have met eachother and enjoy the club scene and eachothers company.. Thats what this board is about.. And every girl I've meet on here is absolutley gorgeous so ypur response about egos and whatver is bull shit.. I think D is cute, I could care less but I can say she is cute.. Shes not bangin and regardless there are alot of better looking females on this board if u really bring it down to looks. You should along w/ the rest of us,end these threads and come meet us all in the club and enjoy it like we all do ... Thats what this board is about....OK i'm done w/ this topic... THE END

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I do enjoy clubs and going out

but I don't enjoy going out with people who bash others.

And if you don't want to read any of these posts then how come there are about 3 posts on her and many pages of responses. You need to open your eyes hun.....SHE IS A PERSON!! reguardless is she is annoying or what not no one deserves to be treated like she was.

Have you ever tried talking to her? I have been talking to her for the past 15 minutes in IMs and right now she seems so be the coolest girl. You need to think before u speak sometimes...all of u

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Seriously, if I was this sexxybabyd girl I would have stopped posting anything remotely controversial or dramatic a LONG time ago. I know it's pretty retarded, but tons of people hating you online can hurt as much as them hating you off cyberspace (opinion).

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Originally posted by medows20

Have you ever tried talking to her? I have been talking to her for the past 15 minutes in IMs and right now she seems so be the coolest girl. You need to think before u speak sometimes...all of u

yea and 40 year old men post as teenage girls/boys in chat rooms...what's your point???

i really couldn't care less about this situation....but this girl has had some pretty obnoxious posts! point being.....it's pretty easy to convince someone you are 'whatever u want' through instant messages!!!

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